Hire an Online Architect to Design Your Concepts

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Gone are the days when you could only work with your local architects. In those days, if you did not like the work of such architects, you were essentially stuck. The age of the internet however, has changed all that. You can now hire architects and even work with them online without ever meeting, and still end up turning your concept into a reality.

The kind of architect you select, will determine how well your concepts are turned into reality. Endeavor therefore to find the best architect for the job at hand, even if you have to take your time doing it.

Image credit: BrooklynJohn via Pixabay

So, how should you go about working with an online architect?

Select Reputable Platforms

Here is the thing: in order for your dream home to become a reality, you need a qualified architect to help you out. The best way to find such a professional is by looking in all the right places.

You could use sites that list architecture professionals from your country or around the world.  You can also consider using sites like Freelancer.com, which is the world’s largest freelancing platform. The key is to stick with the reputable sites.

Specify Your Requirements

You do not have to possess an architectural degree in order to know what you want. A good architecture professional should be able to convert your concept into something tangible that you can use to build your home.

You just have to do your part in order to help your online architect come up with a realistic version of your concept. Details are important. Let the professionals that you intend to hire know the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, floors, and even doors that you want. State the theme and overall look that you are going for.

If you want more than two parking spots, high ceilings, or enhanced water storage, be clear on that. If you want an eco-friendly home, state that too. If you have any idea of the soil quality, in the area in which you intend to build, give the relevant details. Alternatively, mention the location and weather patterns in the area for clarity. It is important that you remove the guesswork out of the equation.

Invite Bids

Inviting bids is a great way to get the best value for your money. Feel free to state a range and let people make their own quotes within that range.

You should also consider using platforms that enable you to see what you will be getting for the money you intend to pay. Ask for 3-D renderings and 2-D drafts of your concept and choose the one that you like best.

If you intend to use Freelancer.com to find an architect or suitable design online, consider creating a contest and guaranteeing it for the best offers. Alternatively, ask each professional on your shortlist to provide a link to a personal portfolio.

Do Your Own Background Checks

In addition to looking through personal portfolios of the architects on your shortlist, take time to read reviews and testimonials left by previous clients. Check out the references too where possible. You want to be sure that you are working with someone professional. That said you should not disregard newer architects because they may have something better to offer.

Select Your Preferred Design

Once you determine the right design, make your selection, and pay for it. Alternatively, once you identify your preferred architect, hire that professional, and work with him to the end, then pay fully.


Always take time to give a review of the services that you have received even if the person will not be able to leave a feedback. It would be a great way to enhance the standing of your chosen architect and help him get more jobs easily, especially if you love your plans.

Posted 22 June, 2015


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