Freelancer: vinita1804
Report Entry

The Journey Home

On a grey T-shirt. Btw - my interest in this project arises from the fact that I am an Ashtanga Yogi myself - thanks...

Contest Entry #29 for                                                 Design a T-Shirt for a Yoga/Ashtanga inspired clothing company

Public Clarification Board

  • vinita1804
    • 9 years ago

    Hi - thanks for replying. Okay - so let me approach it from a different angle and submit something by today evening my time. But you have more or less finalized the design, haven't you? Thanks...

    • 9 years ago
  • aaitsjohnny
    Contest Holder
    • 9 years ago

    A fellow ashtangi awesome! Thanks so much for your time and creativity. To give constructive criticism I was looking for something a little more simpler the symbol is a little to busy for me. I hope to see more from you and thank you!

    • 9 years ago