Truck Rear Window

  • Status: Closed
  • Prize: $25
  • Entries Received: 3
  • Winner: algertstone

Contest Brief

I have a 2018 Chevy Silverado and I need to have a file made for a sign company to print my business information on window perforationn material. I would like to use the file 24"X16" Directional Sign Example as a guide as to what I need. In reference to the example I would like to remove the arrow and change the color of the phone number to the red of the logos. I would like to have the information spaced out across the rear window of my truck. I have attached a picture of the back window to show the size and shape of the window that the information must fit within. Please use the the rear window area to relocate the information. Please note all information must fit within the area of the window. I started business in 2004 so I would like to include (est. 2004) somehow in the design.

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Employer Feedback

“I have been so blessed working with Albert G. He was able to capture my thoughts and put it all together. Then he went above and beyond when he was able to re-create something my dad had drawn. Now I will be able to have it be a part of my business. Thank you Algert G. and I look forward to the next project.”

Profile image BobRoskowske, United States.

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