Freelancers for hire in Solomon Islands

  • Installation
  • CSS
  • User Interface / IA
  • JavaScript
  • Android
  • HTML
  • Solomon Islands


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Showing 1 results
  • Hire     Taro2611
Hire     Taro2611

    Taro2611 Taro2611

    Solomon Islands $5 USD / hour
    Web developer, Sales, App dev
    Solomon Islands
    0 reviews 0 reviews $5 USD per hour
    I started out as a web developer especially with e-commerce sites and then later on start doing online marketing. I am also an app developer familiar with more than 5 programming languages. However I'm still a student but have done some major projects with experience partners already.
    I started out as a web developer especially with e-commerce sites and then later on start doing online marketing. I am also an app developer familiar with more than 5 programming languages. However I'm still a student but have done some major projects with experience partners already. less
  • Hire Taro2611

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