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    2,000 coursework jobs found, pricing in USD

    ...Choose one from the following list of organisations for your assignment: A. Ikea B. Monzo C. Worn Again D. Dyson E. Airbnb Formative work in weekly seminars will guide you through the analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task. What is an Innovation Theory For the purposes of this report, you can consider an innovation theory to be any theory, or framework, covered in the coursework. As such, you could use Blue Ocean Strategy, Disruptive Innovation Theory, Business Process Reengineering, Business Model Canvas, knowledge conversion (SECI), knowledge creation, any of the 55 business models. Do not use the strategy tools covered in week 2 as these were for revision. How will your work be assessed? The indicative marking scheme for your report is as follo...

    $145 (Avg Bid)
    $145 Avg Bid
    68 bids

    ...activities campaigns and results. Qualifications: This part-time position is flexible hours and the potential for growth within the company. If you are a driven and creative marketer with a passion for growth and a desire to learn, we encourage you to apply. Bachelor’s degree in marketing or a related field (or in progress) 1+ years of experience in marketing or related field (or relevant coursework) Excellent written and verbal communication skills Fun addition to our small (but growing) team Demonstrated ability to think creatively and strategically High attention to detail and strong analytical skills Experience with digital marketing, social media and email marketing Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Google Suite Ability to work independently and in a team environ...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Avg Bid
    71 bids

    I need to write a 3000 word coursework that focuses on the current threats to financial instability and the risks posed by the recent increase in long term interest rates from quantitative tightening. The paper should have a specific focus on particular regions or countries and should be at a basic level of detail. My goal is to provide an analysis that is concise, factual, and easy to understand. I aim to provide readers with a better understanding of the situation and its potential implications for the world financial markets.

    $116 (Avg Bid)
    $116 Avg Bid
    83 bids

    I need someone experienced in Framer who can finish a project started by somebody else. It is a personal website for my tennis coaching business. There are a few things that I need implemented in the site, along with a responsive menu and a clean interface. . 1. calendar booking for zoom calls 2. filesharing service for clien...finish a project started by somebody else. It is a personal website for my tennis coaching business. There are a few things that I need implemented in the site, along with a responsive menu and a clean interface. . 1. calendar booking for zoom calls 2. filesharing service for clients to give me large video files 3. affiliate marketing page where I can refer clients to products and services 4. coursework tab for educational videos (free videos but links to pai...

    $461 (Avg Bid)
    $461 Avg Bid
    89 bids

    ...filters are very important for narrowing down what you are looking for and hiding things that you have already understood. • To fully understand what is happening you will need information from several protocol layers. As the course is covering these in order, not all of the relevant information has been taught before the coursework is set. If things don’t immediately make sense, don’t panic and pay attention to future lectures and reading. • One approach to the coursework is to divide the captured traffic into a series of time-slices based on the type of traffic. Then work out what happens in each time slice. • Another approach is to work by protocol layers. For each layer what protocols are used, what addresses are used, what kind of services a...

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    Hello, Nice to meet you, Please find the project below: Subject: Biology Deadline: March 19th Country of study: United Kingdom Word count / pages: 1000 words Style: Harvard NO AI tools Plagiarism and Grammarly reports Description: Coursework based tasks set on the files attached. Complete work on Microsoft Word.

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Hello, Nice to meet you, Please find the project below: Subject: Biology Deadline: March 19th Country of study: United Kingdom Word count / pages: 1000 words Style: Harvard NO AI tools Plagiarism and Grammarly reports Description: Coursework based tasks set on the files attached. Complete work on Microsoft Word.

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    RESUME WORDED UNIVERSITY Boston, MA Bachelor of Engineering Expected May 2022 Major in Computer Science; Minors in Mathematics and Psychology Cumulative GPA: 3.93/4.0; Dean’s List 2015-2016 Relevant Coursework: Data Analysis, Software Engineering; Operating Systems; Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE New York, NY Study Abroad Program in International Business and Globalization Jul 2018 - Jul 2019 WORK EXPERIENCE RESUME WORDED & CO. (8 employee venture-backed recruitment startup) New York, NY Project Management Intern Jun 2021 – Sep 2021 ● Developed an Excel macro and standardized reporting templates, resulting in efficient data collection and a 35% reduction in turnaround time ● Created knowledge base of 8...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Avg Bid
    9 bids

    I have received a large set of data taken received from tags from marine species. The data I have to analyse is GPS location data as well as diving depth, received using GPS biotags. Data has been taken every 5 seconds, therefore the data range is very large. I am having to analyse it to draw conclusions using R. I need to create graphics to present the data. However, I am very new to R and I am struggling to digest the data.

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    19 bids

    Assessment Brief The Coursework Assessment - Assessment Brief (Draft) In this coursework, you are required to design, implement, test and demonstrate an e-commerce website with at least five pages for a business which intends to promote and sell products or services. The website should be produced using ASP.NET Core in C#, and other associated technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). At a minimum, your website must include the following: 1. Home () consisting of section/article elements describing some applications or benefit of the product to your audience. These should contain one or more images each. The home page should contain a slideshow showcasing key products or deals. 2. Product pages generally promoting each product. Product pages should have a relevant video. (Note ...

    $164 (Avg Bid)
    $164 Avg Bid
    9 bids the main focus of the job but it will also include assisting with related systems such as the website, office systems and even the accounting systems. Managing Moodle LMS The Moodle LMS serves both students, exam takers and members. It runs alongside membership, student and a Sage Evolution accounting system with some integration. • Manage Moodle system with 5000 users. • Load courses and coursework • Manage online proctoring • Check moderation • Import and export student records • Answer queries related to Moodle, • Manage online purchases for webinars • Upload assignments and course material into topics in each course • Upload exam papers • During exam week must be fully available to open and close exams, last minute enrol...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Avg Bid
    9 bids

    Hello, I need the following completed by Thursday morning: If you can upload the .ipynb file, complete it, then send it back that would be great! Please let me know any questions.

    $40 (Avg Bid)
    $40 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    ...things you should consider. First, you'll want to choose a reputable online training program that is recognized in your industry. Look for programs that offer certification or accreditation, as this will help to validate your education and make it more valuable to potential employers. Once you've chosen a program, you'll need to create a schedule and routine that allows you to complete your coursework on time. This may require you to set aside dedicated study time each day or week, and to create a comfortable and distraction-free workspace where you can focus on your studies. One of the benefits of online education is that it allows you to connect with other students and instructors from around the world. Take advantage of online forums, discussion boards, and so...

    $3 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $3 / hr Avg Bid
    36 bids

    A short film made for a submission for a personal but coursework related project. You will get a credit if you wish, film will not be made public. Development means we haven't the capacity to refine a rough edit needed urgently. There is an MP4 file of the rough edit completed. All the files are mostly sequenced on a project timeline in premiere pro. I can drop off a harddrive with all the files. Bristol based. The task is to tidy this up and fix really obvious errors. Just for example: there are problems with sound in one scene. There is inconsistency, lighting could be changed, 'tennis ball during dialogue', the jump cuts of the lamp are too frequent and superfluous. However, any help would be great. Generally, speaking, anything that can be done by Weds would...

    $30 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $30 / hr Avg Bid
    31 bids

    I wrote a letter to international office requesting for a full time CPT. But, they asked me how that CPT will be helpful for the coursework I do. They asked to write a strong argument about how CPT is integral part of the Course work. The Following attached Document is the letter I Wrote. The Job roles I mentioned in the attached document are the roles that I will be doing in my Project. The Courses I had done in my masters are mentioned in the letter and those are helpful in the Job I'm going to do.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    1 bids

    HI Deloris, I currently work as a Healthcare IT consultant. My role consists of assisting end users to perform clinical workflows using Electronic Medical software. My goal is to transition into cloud computing, specifically cloud eng...into a role. I need someone who can help me put together a cohesive plan of action. Based on the conversation, it's important to have Linux, AWS, terraform, and python. I also will need assistance building out a 3 tier app on Git Hub as a proof of concept. I've been using my courses, but I'm looking at switching to a cloud guru. My goal is to be interview ready by May 15. I plan on learning coursework,doing the labs, and building a project on Git. I can use your practical training twice a week. Please let me know if this is somethin...

    $41 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $41 / hr Avg Bid
    24 bids

    Post high school coursework/training in fish management, fisheries or biology or four years of experience in fish culture work or fisheries management. PREFERRED: A Bachelor of Science degree in fisheries or related field plus two years' experience in fish culture work or fisheries management. Valid driver’s license required.

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Avg Bid
    2 bids

    Marketing Research Paper. Datasets are given and you must have an access to and experience with SPSS software to write this paper.

    $92 (Avg Bid)
    $92 Avg Bid
    85 bids

    Below is the specification given by the coursework: Export your objects from your modelling package (.blend) into the template graphics API code, and create an interactive animation to show an 'alive' scene. You will need to add an exploration camera (moves with keys or has a defined path – not static), simple materials, lights and keystroke interactions to make your scene alive (e.g. changes in lights, wind, etc.). **An exploration camera and lighting would be sufficient, don't add moving objects to the scene.** *Any legacy code (immediate mode or OpenGL GL_ARB_compatibility extension) and external code or libraries will receive no credit towards your overall mark.* -If possible please provide stages of the files before completion as i have to push to github...

    $339 (Avg Bid)
    $339 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    Below is the specification given by the coursework: Export your objects from your modelling package (.blend) into the template graphics API code, and create an interactive animation to show an 'alive' scene. You will need to add an exploration camera (moves with keys or has a defined path – not static), simple materials, lights and keystroke interactions to make your scene alive (e.g. changes in lights, wind, etc.). **An exploration camera and lighting would be sufficient, don't add moving objects to the scene.** *Any legacy code (immediate mode or OpenGL GL_ARB_compatibility extension) and external code or libraries will receive no credit towards your overall mark.* -If possible please provide stages of the files before completion as i have to push to github...

    $383 (Avg Bid)
    $383 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    ...Evidence/Artifacts – Identify three specific projects or assignments that you were involved with in your internship this trimester. In each case, explain how the project or assignment is characteristic of the business practices in the internship sector, and how it challenged you to use ideas and concepts that you learned in your field of study. When presenting ideas and concepts, give specific examples from coursework that you have completed in your Business Analysis course. This report should serve as a representation of work evidence that you include in your portfolio of experiences for future job interviews. Important – Before submitting this assignment, present a copy to the supervisor at your internship site to confirm that your references to specific projects re...

    $70 (Avg Bid)
    $70 Avg Bid
    65 bids

    “Risk analysis will be crucial in the post-Covid world. ” Critically discuss this statement using relevant theories, empirical evidence, and real-life case studies. A maximum word count (2,500 words)… 10% tolerance The overall word count includes: ➢citations and quotations ➢headings and subheadings • The overall word count excludes: ❖the references or bibliography at the end of the coursework ❖figures and tables (only if they contain numbers or stats) ❖appendices (do not use them unless necessary; they are not marked!) – Font: Verdana 11 point – Spacing: 1.5 spaced – Margins: Normal (2.5 cm) – Referencing: Harvard citation style Try to find up-to-date articles • Read minimum reading + reading list • Read around about the c...

    $62 (Avg Bid)
    $62 Avg Bid
    100 bids

    2000 words coursework about any specific computing related problem and solution

    $22 (Avg Bid)
    $22 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I’m trying to get this job and I need a quiz done with some coursework.

    $124 (Avg Bid)
    $124 Avg Bid
    49 bids

    Hi All solutions, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Hi All solutions, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Produce a conceptual data model & a logical data model following given specs. Write SQL statements to complete specific tasks. Produce a supporting report.

    $172 (Avg Bid)
    $172 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I need to have voice over on the video representing our college features, coursework and benefits of getting education from the college. I want someone with good experience and can create contents to talk about on the created video of 1:30mins Please be reasonable with the price as we have dozens of these projects available to handover to someone. Happy Bidding

    $94 (Avg Bid)
    $94 Avg Bid
    23 bids

    ...will be implemented in upcoming research by The Framingham Heart Study Brain Aging Program, Boston University, and the Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative. We will be accepting rolling submissions. Qualified applicants will be contacted if they have been selected to move forward in our process. This temporary position is geared toward current art school students or recent graduates with significant coursework in figurative and still-life illustration. Little to no professional experience required. Project Description and Requirements: We are looking for an individual who is willing to work with the team to create new drawings/ illustrations. The team will communicate the desired scenes for each illustration and the artist will provide their artistic interpretation. The drawing...

    $27 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $27 / hr Avg Bid
    36 bids

    ...first time, we need them to go through a compulsory orientation module, a. Which is a guided interface of pop-up blocks appearing at certain touchpoints (interface tour) on the screen with user instructions. I am sure you ate familiar with this, please ask if you don’t understand the requirement. 9. After this, it will then move to orientation modules in order. They cannot gain access to their coursework until they have completed all the orientation modules. We want the orientation to result in a quiz (we will build the quiz). 10. We want to enhance task submission section (we have this already) but we want to make it fancier. a. Student downloads task. b. Student uploads task. 11. Pagination on the existing site is not working correctly. 12. Progress reporting at task leve...

    $1118 (Avg Bid)
    $1118 Avg Bid
    131 bids
    Trophy icon Luna Tutoring Center logo Ended

    GENERAL SERVICES: Homework Help Small group enrichment classes. College coursework support. Handwriting and typing. Study skills / test-taking skills. Literacy for all ages, including adults. Diagnostic evaluations. School readiness. In-home computer training. Reading Readiness. Basic Math (algebra, geometry, etc.) Homework support. Advanced Math & Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Trig., Calculus, etc.) Written language. Spelling and grammar. Reading comprehension. Supplemental education. REMEDIATION & ENRICHMENT: Reading Readiness. Basic Math (algebra, geometry, etc.) Homework support. Advanced Math & Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Trig., Calculus, etc.) SPECIALITY SERVICES: Language Learning (ESL). Homeschool support. Creative Writing/Poetry. College te...

    $13 (Avg Bid)
    Featured Guaranteed
    42 entries

    Make publications and scientific papers to accompany the thesis. Help with architectural design report thesis work Paraphrasing Make paper assignments, lecture assignments for class presentations.

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 Avg Bid
    24 bids

    The focus of this coursework is the development of a software based Brake System Control Unit (BSCU) that manages the overall braking capability of a car

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 Avg Bid
    1 bids
    $66 Avg Bid
    69 bids

    ...and comfort with the English language. 2. The ability to answer questions of students. 3. Good command over both written and verbal communication. 4. Understand and Resolve Issues 5. Manage Work Effectively and demonstrate Credibility 6. Use of phone, PC, pen tablet and keyboard for data input. QUALIFICATIONS : Bachelor’s degree required Experience as content or test developer, related coursework, or direct applicable experience Quality Standards: 1. Originality in preparing the solutions on a real time basis. (Copying and compiling study material from any other source will not be entertained). Plagiarism in any form is strictly not allowed. 2. Factual and logical correctness of the live solutions. 3. Language of the answers should be accurate, brief and easy to c...

    $10 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $10 / hr Avg Bid
    8 bids

    the world-Klass Academy is a company that provides educational and academic training at both junior and postgraduate levels. While assisting MBA students, undergraduates, and high school learners with their coursework. We draw in a collection of skilled individuals to assist in providing training to those who need them across the world. The lectures we offer include academic; business and research, and vocational; musical instruments, cooking, and so on

    $365 (Avg Bid)
    $365 Avg Bid
    26 bids

    Hello Whoever wants to learn Hindi, I have the best offer for all of you, I will give you complete Hindi coursework for only 700$ as well as three classes in a week. This is the best opportunity for you to improve your Hindi. If you want to come to India, then you need to know Hindi. So what's the delay, join us now.

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I need an Outsystems expert with thoughtful, fluent English communication skills to live-coach me through building a tool in Outsystems Service Studio. I'm having a hard time finding good resources to provide me with the skills to build independently. About me: I am a Systems Admin, Systems Analyst & PM not a Developer, though I've completed coursework in C & Python & SQL. I've completed most of the Reactive Web Development Course available on the Outsystems site. I've already started building my application and still get lost on navigation and where to set all the properties. I've been in the software development industry for 20+ years, lead teams and trainings, and learn well if ideas are presented in an organized way (such that simple concepts...

    $24 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $24 / hr Avg Bid
    22 bids

    Hi Jayasooriya Kankanamge L., I need help with engineering mathematics coursework. It is a 24-hour assignment and will be released on 15 august 2022 at 9 am UK time and will be due on 16 august 2022 at 9 am.

    $178 (Avg Bid)
    $178 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...are there to help you think through the complexities of the question and to add depth to your key terms. You will need to cite these articles in a bibliography at the end of the paper. Conclude with a description of what you know remains unresolved for you in your thinking. What has yet to be realized? How might you extend, direct, or apply what you have learned (e.g. through further research, coursework, a pilot capstone project or other study.) Note to help writing: My own work project experience is with the NYU Abu Dhabi Teaching Learning and Development Lab. You can formulate questions related to child socio-emotional development in psychology in different cultures. I am studying children and mothers with Arab backgrounds so the approach may need to be different . ...

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 Avg Bid
    43 bids

    Need help with coursework - 10 questions which I have already mainly completed but need someone to finalise it all.

    $162 (Avg Bid)
    $162 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I am looking to start an online course I want to do it but struggle for motivation and concentrating when not in a classroom setting I am looking for assistance to help me plan and set up a study schedule and understanding what to write and help me with essay layouts etc. Any advice would be great. I'm looking to do this in person only. Im based in Ibiza thank you

    $13 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $13 / hr Avg Bid
    45 bids

    Coursework contains working with data (and a bit with simple database) on Java language. Would be great not just to make the program but to help me understand it. Also would be great if u are able to make 4 versions of it regarding to deadlines

    $128 (Avg Bid)
    $128 Avg Bid
    47 bids

    ...recommended IS in society with emphasis on ethics, privacy and security. You should conclude with a proposed CSR strategy and also specific guidelines on gaining competitive advantage through the use of Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Environments (IE). Scenario: Each student will have to investigate possible SME companies that would be suitable for this coursework and should provide a brief description of the company, including key facts and description of key functions. This description should not exceed a single A4 page and should be included at the beginning of the individual report. Assessment components: • Strategic Management Principles • Information Systems Types • Managing IT Projects • Systems Development Mo...

    $155 (Avg Bid)
    $155 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    Technical Recruiter Responsibilities: · You will be responsible in developing recruiting strategies that meets staffi...card reconciliation and stakeholders reports, HR contract fulfillment, meeting minutes, etc. Job Skills & Qualifications Required: · Negotiation skills · Excellent interpersonal communication skills · Strong social aptitude and ability to build relationships · Technical knowledge to be able to talk to job prospects and understand qualifications Preferred: · Coursework in business, human resources, psychology, information technology or a technical field · Previous work experience in HR, Talent Acquisition, sales, research, operations, customer service, informati...

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I. Introduction This coursework requires you to develop a text classifier and apply it to a specific problem or challenge, e.g. fake news detection, sentiment analysis, spam detection, document tagging, etc. You will need to identify a suitable problem area with an associated data set. 1. Domain-specific area The first step of the coursework is to identify and describe the problem or challenge. This is an area of industry or science where text classification methods can contribute. 2. Objectives State and justify the objectives of the project. Discuss its impact and contribution to the problem area. State any contribution which the results may make to the challenge addressed. 3. Dataset The next step is to identify a suitable dataset which is representative of the challenge a...

    $192 (Avg Bid)
    $192 Avg Bid
    18 bids The system could save these emails as draft emails which would allow the user to tweak them in their normal email client before sending them. A tricky aspect of this project would be that the templates would need to have a form of loop construct. Going back to the extenuating circumstance example, the email body is normally a series of bullet points. There is one bullet point for each coursework (or another component) that the student is asking for an extension (or alteration) for. So the template would need to allow the user to specify that there is a loop and the body of the loop should be duplicated in the produced emails. When the user produces an email from the template the system would need to execute the loop and repeat the questions to fill in the holes within the ...

    $1357 (Avg Bid)
    $1357 Avg Bid
    50 bids The system could save these emails as draft emails which would allow the user to tweak them in their normal email client before sending them. A tricky aspect of this project would be that the templates would need to have a form of loop construct. Going back to the extenuating circumstance example, the email body is normally a series of bullet points. There is one bullet point for each coursework (or another component) that the student is asking for an extension (or alteration) for. So the template would need to allow the user to specify that there is a loop and the body of the loop should be duplicated in the produced emails. When the user produces an email from the template the system would need to execute the loop and repeat the questions to fill in the holes within the ...

    $130 (Avg Bid)
    $130 Avg Bid
    31 bids

    Hi, can you do a assignment of bigdata.

    $89 (Avg Bid)
    $89 Avg Bid
    1 bids

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