Freelance fa artist jobs


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    2,000 freelance fa artist jobs found, pricing in USD

    I'm looking for highly skilled freelance photographers with experience in product photography, specifically for e-commerce purposes. Key Requirements: - The primary use of the photos will be for e-commerce, hence I need someone with a good understanding of e-commerce photography standards. - The photographer must be able to provide relevant props for the product shoots. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in product photography, particularly for e-commerce. - Ability to provide or source props to enhance the effectiveness of the product photos. - Strong communication skills and a good understanding of my specific needs for the project.

    $343 (Avg Bid)
    $343 Avg Bid
    3 bids

    Hi! See the drawing below for ELAWN MOOSK! This is a funny drawing, of the famous billionaire Elon Musk. For this contest, you should take this ELAWN MOOSK drawing of ELON MUSK as inspiration, and create a drawing in your own style, a similar style like this, that is funny of the celebrity MARK ZUCKERBERG, and the name for this drawing will be MOORK ZUCKABORG use anything that comes to imagination to make fun of him and make a funny drawing. We really like the drawing of Elawn Moosk, but try a few different options. The winner will probably enter more than one drawing. The winner will not only win $250, but they will win the chance to work with our team full time. We hope to see some awesome hilarious entries for this contest and hope to work with a lot of you soon as we may crown more...

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    Featured Guaranteed
    21 entries

    ...we are looking to hire some freelancers because we are at full capacity and do not have sufficient resources to handle some of our work. We are seeking a long-term partnership and are willing to provide 20-30 hours of work per week. We welcome both experienced freelancers and those new to this platform who have significant prior experience, such as working in a company before starting their freelance career. This job post is open to all qualified candidates. Now, let's discuss the job requirements, which are urgently needed: We require an expert Laravel Developer who is well-versed in third-party APIs. The candidate must have experience working on incomplete projects and be able to easily adapt to other developers' code. We will provide you with project details, and ...

    $5 - $8 / hr
    $5 - $8 / hr
    42 bids

    (Business Development Executive) (with good track record) + Must have strong Sales Managerial Experience in any B2B SaaS company OR been as a Sales Partner. + Experience in dealing with B2B + USA / EU Markets + Must be interested in taking on new challenges. + Should have hands-on experience. + Only Freelancers are Allowed (No Agencies or No Companies)

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    I'm in need of a talented 3D artist to take my clothing designs and bring them to life as realistic 3D models. These renderings will be used for my e-commerce website as product images. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Experience in 3D modeling, specifically with clothing items - Ability to create realistic, high-quality renderings - Understanding of e-commerce product image requirements - Strong attention to detail and ability to work efficiently I look forward to seeing your portfolio and discussing further details.

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    8 bids

    I'm looking for a gifted artist to create realistic watercolor portraits from a given photo(s) on a regular basis. I've provided links below to examples of such works. Key aspects of the project: - The typical turnaround time for such orders is 1-2 days. - You are required to produce artwork with the same quality and similar style (see provided examples). - Our processing time is limited, so timely communication and completion of tasks are crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in realistic digital art - Excellent attention to the detail - Ability to combine different photos to create the portrait Experience in creating similar works and portfolio showcasing such portraits will be required. Links: Artwork Examples:

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Avg Bid
    18 bids
    3D Modeling Project 6 days left

    I'm currently seeking a skilled 3D artist to assist with a 3D modeling project. I have a model of a baseball hat that currently lacks a sandwich trim on the front of the visor. I need someone to modify the existing model to include the sandwich trim, matching the design of the real hat. The final model should be ready for rendering using Corona. Please check the attached images for references.

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    ...focus and detail - ensure video colours are true to life • for the day - give the artist sufficient advice on future filming (tools and their use) Assume a day’s filming in home environment. All copyright transferred to the artist. The final product should be able to effectively showcase the course by highlighting the simplicity and the transformation one can experience while learning from a zero level as well as a set of lessons to follow. Ideal candidates for this project would have: * Proficiency in video creation and editing * An understanding of art and conveying it through lessons * Experience crafting effective marketing reels for a similar audience * Ability to communicate well and teach the artist basics of recording and editing own videos ...

    $25 - $317
    $25 - $317
    0 bids

    I'm looking for a talented Freelance Logo Designer to help me create a memorable logo for my upcoming cafe. The ideal candidate for this project should be able to bring a fresh and modern perspective to the design process. Key Requirements: - The logo should embody a modern aesthetic, fitting for a new cafe located near the city. - Incorporation of pastel colors is desired. - The design should be inspired by cafe-related elements or symbols. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, with a portfolio that showcases your capability with modern styles. - Strong understanding of color theory and the ability to work with pastel color schemes. - Creativity and the ability to come up with fresh and unique concepts that align with the cafe's vision. - Experie...

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Avg Bid
    103 bids

    I'm looking for a freelance web designer/developer to create a visually appealing landing page for my project. The landing page should be minimalistic, with a single large image as the focal point. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web design and development with a keen eye for aesthetics. - Experience in creating landing pages that convert.

    $265 (Avg Bid)
    $265 Avg Bid
    58 bids

    I need between 1-2 freelance interviewers to: - Conduct market research interviews in key areas around Vietnam including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. (Phone/online interview available as well) The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in market research interviews, with excellent command of Vietnamese and English languages. - Strong skills in communication, recording, and documentation of research data. Please apply if you fulfill these criteria. I look forward to your bids.

    $709 (Avg Bid)
    $709 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I have a 15-minute script in progress and I'm seeking a professional Turkish male voice-over artist to bring it to life. The project involves recording the script in a professional tone. Key requirements: - Male Turkish voice-over artist - Previous experience in long-form voice-over - Ability to deliver a professional tone - Strong communication skills I'd appreciate someone who can collaborate with me on this project, offering input on pacing and intonation where necessary. I'm looking for a voice that is clear, engaging, and professional. Please provide samples of previous work in your bid.

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I need a talented artist to create multiple political cartoons for a book I'm compiling. Your work must revolve around: - Political figures - Social issues - Satire These cartoons need to be impactful and carry a strong message related to the above themes. It's essential that you have a good understanding of how to use humor and satire to convey political and social commentary. Cartoons will be reproduced as: - Digital images - Printed illustrations I'm looking for a variety of styles – some cartoons should be in color, others in black and white. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating political cartoons - Comfortable with satire and humor as mediums to depict social commentary - Able to deliver in both digital and printed formats - Experienced in b...

    $842 (Avg Bid)
    $842 Avg Bid
    65 bids

    I'm in need of a professional voice over artist for an advertising project. - Purpose: The main aim is to create a captivating advertisement for adults to be aired on the radio. - Tone: I'm looking for an upbeat and energetic tone that will help drive interest in the product. - Target Audience: The primary target is adults. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in creating engaging advertising voice overs. - Excellent control over tone and pace to convey the desired energy. - Understanding of the audience and ability to adapt the voice over to suit them.

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 bids

    I'm seeking a male voiceover artist to record a friendly and welcoming voicemail message in English for my business. The ideal candidate will have a warm, inviting, and professional tone. Key Requirements: - Male voice: It's important that the voiceover is delivered by a male artist. - Language: The voicemail should be in English. - Style: I'm looking for a voiceover that is friendly and welcoming. Ideal Skills: - Experience in voicemail voiceovers, or similar work. - Ability to deliver a warm, inviting and professional tone. - A high-quality microphone and recording setup. Text: Thank you for contacting Kinder Builders DIY Kits! For assistance, please text this number or leave a voicemail. You can also send an email to Schools a...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    9 entries

    I have a website template that needs customization in terms of layout. The main purpose of the site is to showcase my portfolio, the template is ready it needs the to be filled with the correct data. Key Tasks: - filled with the correct data. Key Tasks: - Customize layout: I need a professional to make the necessary changes to the layout of my website template, ensuring that it is visually appealing and functional. - Ensure responsiveness: The website should be mobile-responsive, so the freelancer should ensure that the layout changes are consistent across all devices. This project is ideal for a freelance web designer/developer who has a good eye for design and is committed to delivering high-quality work. A portfolio demonstrating similar projects would be highly ap...

    $60 (Avg Bid)
    $60 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    I'm seeking a skilled freelance copywriter to help with an exciting project. Your primary task will be to create compelling copy that drives engagement, boosts SEO, and ultimately leads to increased revenue. Your role will be crucial in helping me achieve my financial goals. Key Responsibilities: - Develop persuasive, SEO-optimized copy - Understand target audiences and create tailored content - Collaborate on content strategies - Monitor and optimize content for performance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in copywriting - Strong understanding of SEO - Ability to write engaging, persuasive content - Excellent communication and collaboration skills If you have a passion for writing and a keen interest in boosting online revenue, I'd love to hear from you. Please be ...

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    61 bids

    I'm seeking a female voice artist to provide Tamil voiceover services for an audiobook catered to adults. Requirements: - Have a native, or near-native, Tamil accent. - Have experience in voice acting, preferably with audiobooks. - Be familiar with the proper intonation, tempo, and tones for an adult audience. This project requires a versatile voiceover artist who is able to evoke the various moods present in the text, creating an immersive auditory experience for the listener. Currently, I have a one-hour story which needs to be made into an audiobook. If it works, I have many other books to be made into audiobook. You need to work from your own place and so it is important that you have your mic and other setup to deliver me a quality audio output. I have attach...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Avg Bid
    4 bids
    Trophy icon Cartoonish 3D Image for Branding 6 days left

    I'm looking for a creative artist who can transform my photo into a bright and vibrant 3D image with a cartoonish style for branding purposes. The image will match the style I provide and needs to look just like me. You can get a better look at the images I am looking for at Key Requirements: - Create a 3D image based on a photo of me (FULL BODY) - Ensure the image has a cartoonish style - Use bright and vibrant colors in the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering - Experience in creating cartoonish style imagery - Strong understanding of color theory, particularly in creating bright and vibrant color palettes - Prior experience in branding or character design would be a plus

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    10 entries

    I'm in need of a skilled artist who can create a variety of digital illustrations in a realistic style, with a focus on fantasy themes. These will primarily be used for characters and novel covers. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating digital illustrations in a realistic style - A strong portfolio demonstrating your ability to create fantasy-themed illustrations - Ability to create unique and engaging characters - Experience in designing novel covers is a plus The ideal freelancer for this project will have a good balance between cost-effectiveness and quality. Please keep in mind that I may need these illustrations in bulk, so a reasonable pricing structure is important. Looking forward to seeing your portfolio and discussing further details.

    $88 (Avg Bid)
    $88 Avg Bid
    69 bids

    I'm searching for a skilled video editor with a knack for animated storytelling to bring my social media content to life. - Type of Videos: This project is centered primarily around creating engaging and captivating animated videos for social media platforms. - Preferred Style: The selected freelance will stay purely in the animation lane. I'm looking for content that captures viewers' attention and communicates my message effectively in a visually outstanding format. - Theme: I want my videos to tell a compelling story. The ability to weave a narrative through animated graphics and effects is crucial. The essence of my brand's message should shine through, and the viewer should be left with a clear understanding of the story being narrated. Skills and Exper...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I am seeking a talented artist to construct a detailed and engaging storyboard in a cartoon-like style for visualizing a story. The project entails: - Designing a storyboard of 180 panels. The storyboard should be visually rich and help bring the story to life. - Utilizing a cartoon/disssney-like art style. The artist needs to be adept with creating cartoon-style visuals, bringing an element of whimsy, charm, and vibrant colour to the storyboard. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating cartoon-like art - Ability to execute the project in a timely manner Candidates that can demonstrate these skills with previous work samples or a portfolio will be highly considered. I look forward to hearing from you!

    $908 (Avg Bid)
    $908 Avg Bid
    88 bids

    I am seeking a freelancer adept in realism for a food art project. I need a life-size clay rendering of a new pizza product we've created. Requirements: - Experienced in clay sculpture - Skills in realistic food rendering, specifically with pizza - Attention to detail to capture specific elements such as pizza toppings and the melting effect of the cheese - Ability to produce life-size sculptures - Strong sense of creativity and innovation Your role would be to bring our new product to life for an in-store display. If you possess these qualifications, I look forward to seeing your portfolio and discussing the details further.

    $347 (Avg Bid)
    $347 Avg Bid
    58 bids

    I am seeking a talented artist who has expertise in creating realistic watercolour artworks. This task requires developing a peace-evoking, calm landscape scene. Key Requirements: • Strong experience and understanding of realistic watercolour painting • Proven track record in landscape focused artwork I’m keen to see previous work before selecting the freelancer to ensure your style aligns with my vision. Express your realistic interpretation through calming tones and serene imagery. Your expertise in colour blending, brush practicality and detail orientation are central. Propose how you'd convey tranquillity through a landscape scene. I am looking forward to seeing your unique and auspicious proposals. I’m keen to fill the space below (see picture at...

    $444 (Avg Bid)
    $444 Avg Bid
    82 bids

    ...regular video calls to discuss project progress. This is a long-term project for a passionate developer who thrives on pushing boundaries. Are you ready to take Shopify to the next level? Apply now! Bonus Points: Experience with Shopify API development. Familiarity with front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js). A portfolio showcasing innovative Shopify projects. Please note: Only experienced freelance Shopify developers with a strong grasp of technical concepts and excellent communication skills should apply. If you would like to know an example of what we look for in a developer. look at the link below. I would like to create this custom order status page: We look forward to hearing from

    $20 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $20 / hr Avg Bid
    146 bids

    I'm seeking a talented Telugu voice-over artist for my YouTube entertainment content videos. This is a 10-15 minutes audio project. Requirements: - Your voice-over must convey a vibrant, energetic tone to keep the audience engaged. - You should have prior experience in voice-over work for video content, particularly YouTube. - Fluency in Telugu is a must, as well as a good understanding of the nuances of the language. - Ideally, you are capable of delivering a dynamic, lively performance. - It's important that you're comfortable working with entertainment content that is designed for all audiences. Looking forward to receiving your proposals. Please include a link to your voice-over portfolio if available. Thank you.

    $71 (Avg Bid)
    $71 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    We are seeking a talented freelance graphic designer with a flair for creating vibrant and engaging cartoony images. The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio showcasing their expertise in cartoon-style illustrations. This is a remote freelance position with flexible hours, perfect for creative individuals who thrive on bringing characters and scenes to life in a fun, colorful way.

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Avg Bid
    67 bids

    I'm in search of a skilled graphic artist who can help me develop a collection of political graphics for a campaign. Timelines are quick and swift. A pdf has been developed of needed graphics, in the order they are needed within 48 hours. Source files should be included with each graphic. Once the base graphic is done, all other graphics will be similar. If timelines are missed, the project will be cancelled. Meetings are during United States business hours, in the morning -- Central Standard Time zone. Please be inspired by --- these graphics should simple, per this website. Fonts are very important. I have concepts to share. PREPARING - Will have a meeting to share the details of this project BEFORE any work begins. PROJECT - $50 - $75 We will not respond to offers

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 Avg Bid
    72 bids

    I'm currently seeking a talented Dutch voiceover artist for a series of radio narratives. Here's what I'm looking for: - Both male and female voices: The voiceover should be able to switch between both seamlessly. Both should have a natural, neutral Dutch accent, with clear enunciation and good pacing. - Narrative purpose: The voiceover will be engaging in a storytelling style, so it is crucial that the artist is able to convey emotions and maintain listener interest. - Middle-aged representation: The voice should sound like it belongs to an individual between 26 and 59 years of age. It should resonate with this demographic, being both relatable and authoritative. Ideal candidates for this project should have a background in radio voiceover, particularly in...

    $14 (Avg Bid)
    $14 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm seeking a talented Marwari voiceover artist to provide a friendly and engaging voice for an e-learning module aimed at adults. Key Requirements: - Marwari Speaking: Fluency in Marwari is essential to convey the content effectively. - E-learning Experience: Experience with e-learning voiceovers or similar content would be beneficial. - Engaging Tone: The content is designed for adult learners, so the voiceover should be friendly and engaging, but also professional. The successful applicant will need to record the voiceover remotely. Please include a sample of your previous work in your proposal, especially if you have experience with e-learning or similar voiceover projects.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bids
    Hungarian Voiceover artist 5 days left

    I'm seeking a skilled voiceover artist to provide a casual, engaging narration for my radio project. Key Requirements: - I need the tone to be relaxed and conversational, to resonate well with an adult audience. - The voiceover should be in Hungarian, with a clear and professional enunciation. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in voiceover work, particularly in narration. - Proficiency in Hungarian language. - Ability to deliver the narration in a casual, yet engaging style to keep the listeners attentive.

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 Avg Bid
    3 bids

    I'm in the search of a talented voiceover artist who can deliver an upbeat and energetic performance in Nepali. The voiceover will be used for a commercial advertisement on the radio. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Nepali language - Experience in voiceover for commercial advertisement - Ability to deliver an upbeat and energetic tone Ideal Skills: - Professional experience in voice acting - Previous work in commercial advertisement - Strong vocal range and emotive capacity to convey energy Please include samples of your previous work in your bid. Looking forward to hearing your proposals.

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I need a professional 3D artist with Redshift texturing expertise to bring my product renderings to life. The task specifically involves: - Applying textures from image files and procedural textures to Redshift materials - Ensuring a realistic outcome for the resultant renderings For this role, hands-on experience with Redshift, proficiency in realistic rendering, and a deep understanding of texturing using image files and procedural techniques are crucial. A portfolio of previous similar projects illustrating your texturing skills and realistic rendering outcomes of products will be a major edge.

    $362 (Avg Bid)
    $362 Avg Bid
    48 bids

    I am seeking an experienced SketchUp artist to create 3D renderings of corporate office spaces. This project is for the purpose of concept visualization, with a moderate level of detail required - room structures, finishes and essential office equipment should be included. Key Responsibilities: - Create accurate, aesthetically pleasing 3D models of corporate offices - Incorporate essential office equipment and finishes into the designs - Ensure models assist in clearly visualizing the intended concept Ideal Experience & Skills: - Proficiency in SketchUp software - Experience with rendering office spaces - Attention to detail - Strong understanding of corporate aesthetics and function - Ability to prioritize elements for moderate detail rendering This project could lead to mo...

    $289 (Avg Bid)
    $289 Avg Bid
    76 bids

    I am on the lookout for a professional chalk artist capable of creating a realistic chalk art piece purely for decorative purposes. The artwork needs to be displayed in an indoor environment. A professional who has experience in realistic art style is preferable. Ideal skills: * Strong chalk artistry skills * Familiarity with creating realistic art pieces * Experience in making indoor decorative art pieces * Creativity and excellent listening skills.

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Avg Bid
    35 bids

    ### Job Description: I am seeking an experienced and talented UI Frontend Designer/Developer for a one-time project to design and develop a user-friendly and visually appealing TV Remote app for both iOS and Android platforms. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in Swift UI for...communication skills. ### Preferred Skills: - Experience with cross-platform mobile development. - Knowledge of backend development and integration. ### To Apply: Please provide your portfolio showcasing your previous work in mobile app design and development, along with your resume. Additionally, include a brief description of your approach to UI design and development. This is a one-time freelance project. I look forward to working with a talented professional who can bring my app visio...

    $508 (Avg Bid)
    $508 Avg Bid
    103 bids

    I'm seeking an experienced tattoo artist who can bring to life a realistic design of an open book with a rose laid on top. The tattoo will be placed on my arm, so it should be appropriately sized and detailed for this placement. Key Requirements: - Design Style: Realistic - Placement: Arm - Color Preference: Both (considering a color and black and white version) Please only apply if you have prior experience in creating realistic tattoos and are comfortable working with both color and black and white designs. Quality and attention to detail are paramount for this project.

    $78 (Avg Bid)
    $78 Avg Bid
    91 bids

    **Freelance Opportunity: Cardboard Craft Project Designer** We are seeking a talented and creative freelance professional with a background in structural engineering, mechanical engineering, or arts & crafts to develop unique cardboard craft projects for children aged 5-10. The ideal candidate will have a passion for crafting, an innovative approach to design, and the technical skills to ensure projects are both engaging and structurally sound. Please see attached file to see what are the limitations. **Project Overview:** - **Craft Focus:** Create engaging and educational cardboard craft projects suitable for children aged 5-10. - **Design Constraints:** Crafts must be limited to using specific actions and techniques: cut, score, and punch. - **Scope:** Develop 50...

    $370 (Avg Bid)
    $370 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    In need of a cartoon-style artist adept in visual storytelling for the cover art of my song "Point Of View". The design must encompass: - Two faces, representing a young person and an older person, subtly imbued with a serious and thoughtful expression. - The main elements to include are a pencil and a set of eyes. - Implement a bright and colorful color scheme. Ideal candidates should exhibit proficiency in creating cartoons with depth, able to convey emotive facial expressions while ensuring the youthful vibrancy of the art isn't compromised. Previous experience in album or song cover art design will be highly regarded. one other thing the young kid should be looking down from Heaven(The sky)

    $77 (Avg Bid)
    $77 Avg Bid
    49 bids

    We are in need of an expert and versatile voice over artist who will present a cheerful and friendly vibe for our upcoming school announcement. The ideal freelancer for this project will: - Be fluent in English and Urdu. Bilingual candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. - Have an energetic and friendly tonality. - Be capable of producing a voice over with a duration of 1-3 minutes. "Indo embassy high school, near Masjid e Maaz, Millat Nagar, Noori Nagar, Hyderabad. India's 1st Online school with RFID automated Attendance system, Indo embassy high school, near Masjid e Maaz, Millat Nagar, Noori Nagar, Hyderabad, Well trained and dedicated Teaching Staff, Computer Lab Equipped with World Class Advance Technology, We provide well-equipped computer, physical, biological...

    $71 (Avg Bid)
    $71 Avg Bid
    6 bids

    INS Global Consulting is seeking a freelance penetration tester to support our ISO27001 certification project. The focus will be on assessing the security of our GlobalView application hosted on Azure and our WordPress website hosted on WP Engine. Objectives: Conduct a thorough security assessment of the GlobalView application and WordPress website. Identify security vulnerabilities and threats. Provide actionable recommendations for remediation to meet ISO27001 standards. Scope of Work: GlobalView Application: Hosted on Azure. Developed with PHP and JavaScript, code on GitHub. Emphasis on application, data, and cloud security. WordPress Website: Hosted on WP Engine. Focus on CMS security, plugin vulnerabilities, and web application security. Deliverables: Penetration Testing Re...

    $2152 (Avg Bid)
    $2152 Avg Bid
    71 bids
    Unity Terrain Artist needed 6 days left

    Want a quick help in the terrain creation inside Unity, Want someone who is a good environment Artist. Please also mention the tool you use for the terrain creation in Unity. ARE YOU AWARE OF MAPMAGIC?

    $21 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $21 / hr Avg Bid
    15 bids

    ? Calling All Creative Content Creators & Community Builders! ? Are you a social media enthusiast with a passion for crafting engaging content and building vibrant communities? ✨ Ready to showcase your skills and take your freelance career to the next level? Look no further! ✨ Part-Time Freelance Social Media Content Creator & Community Manager ✨ This is your opportunity to make a real impact with a dynamic startup: Unleash your creativity: Craft captivating social media content (video, graphics, stories) that sparks conversations and drives engagement (particular focus on TikToks, TikTok trends and video editing skills) Foster vibrant communities: Engage with followers, respond to comments, and build a loyal following. Become a design pro: Hone your skills with Canva...

    $451 (Avg Bid)
    $451 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    ...public affairs, policy analysis, media relations, and crises communications. We also organise events on behalf of European trade bodies including an annual awards ceremony for a leading sports nutrient association which takes place in London. We are looking for an experienced Event Organiser to provide essential administrative and logistical support for the team in the UK and EU either on a freelance or fixed term contract to deliver an awards ceremony in London in December 2024. You will need a positive, can-do attitude, and be able to flex your approach and make decisions at speed when required. You will perform well under pressure and possess great attention to detail. This is a hybrid role with some scheduled time in the London office will be required along with a...

    $34598 (Avg Bid)
    $34598 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    I'm a looking for a freelance Flutter developer to assist with my mobile app project. The app is aimed at the general public and requires a few key features: - User Authentication: The app should have a secure user login/signup system. - Push Notifications: Implement a system to send push notifications to app users. - Integration with Databases: The app should be able to store and retrieve data from a database. The primary goal of this project is to create a fully functional mobile app. I'm looking for an experienced Flutter developer with expertise in these specific areas. The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of mobile app development, particularly with Flutter, and have experience with database integration and push notifications. A good eye for UI/UX d...

    $4 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $4 / hr Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm currently having an issue with a particular JavaScript function for an agency's portfolio website. The function is meant to update webpage elements each time the back button is clicked from the browser, but when the back button is clicked to return to the homepage, part of the function does not run, causing the animation to break and posts not to load. I'm in need of a freelance web developer with considerable JavaScript experience and in-depth knowledge. The key task will just be to improve this function so it runs each time the homepage is loaded or returned to. Key Requirements include: - Vast experience in JavaScript - Proficient in browser compatibility issues - Keen attention to functionality and performance detail Your role will be to diagnose the issu...

    $46 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $46 / hr Avg Bid
    66 bids

    Hi i'm sefco, for my first videogame i need 2D Pixelart sprites. i'm looking for an artist who can provide the following: i need pixel art sprites for various characters in the game. The sprites are required for 3 main categories: - Heroes - Villains - Neutral characters Each of the characters will need to have 4 - 8 frames of animation. This includes basic movements like walking, running, jumping, attacking, attacking with diefferent skills. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong skills in creating 2D pixel art - Experience in character design for games, - Experience in animation frame by frame - A portfolio demonstrating previous work in a similar style - Ability to create detailed and expressive sprites, despite the small size Please reach out if you're conf...

    $147 (Avg Bid)
    $147 Avg Bid
    40 bids

    Company Name: Beautyluxe About Us: Beautyluxe is an emerging luxury makeup artist brand dedicated to providing top-tier beauty services. Our mission is to enhance natural beauty through our exceptional artistry and personalised services. We are looking for a talented Brand Identity Designer to help establish and communicate our brand’s luxurious and authentic aesthetic across all platforms. Job Description: We are seeking a highly creative and experienced Brand Identity Designer to develop a cohesive and visually stunning brand identity for our startup. This role involves creating a unique and consistent brand image that aligns with our vision and appeals to our target audience. You will work closely with our team to design a logo, select brand colors, create a slogan, devel...

    $3850 (Avg Bid)
    $3850 Avg Bid
    61 bids

    I am looking for a versatile balloon artist capable of working with a variety of balloons, such as latex, foil, and modeling balloons. The artist will be required to create different themes and designs, which could range from animals to princesses or sports. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience as a balloon artist - Versatile and flexible with designs - Skilled with different types of balloons To apply, please provide: - Examples of past work - Detailed project proposals - Information about your experience as a balloon artist.

    $9 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $9 / hr Avg Bid
    5 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled photoshop artist who can help revamp my current logo and create additional ones. Here are the details: - Existing Logo: I have a logo I'd like to be redone. The color scheme I'd prefer is Black & Gold. - New Logos: I require 3 new logos that maintain the same structure as the initial one. They must embody different brand names and taglines. Tasks: 1. Adjust Existing Logo: Firstly, I need my existing logo (Company name: XYZ) colour scheme to be changed to Black & Gold. 2. Rebranding: Furthermore, I'd like to create 3 more variations of this with different brand names and taglines. The structure of the logo should remain the same. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Experience in business branding - Attention to...

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    51 bids