Import contact facebbok gmail jobs


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    2,000 import contact facebbok gmail jobs found, pricing in USD

    I'm in need of an app developer who can create a straightforward, yet efficient application for both iOS and Android. Key Features: - User Portal: This will be the main entry point for users. It should be user-friendly and intuitive. - Document Import: Users should be able to import documents into the application. - Document Merging: The app should have the capability to merge documents. - Text Processing: The application should be able to process text. File Formats: - The app should support the following file formats for document import: PDF, Word (docx), and text files. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Proficient in both iOS and Android app development. - Experience with document processing and merging. - Knowledge of file format compatibility...

    $249 (Avg Bid)
    $249 Avg Bid
    42 bids
    Import from China 6 days left

    I want to design a car wash, and I want to import the goods from China, but I do not know what is the method, the best quality, and the method of communication. I want boxes for electric tanks that are made of carbon fiber, I want washing materials, I want water pumps, vacuum cleaners, all cleaning tools, and some other things. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Chinese - Experience with online dispute resolution - Strong communication skills - Understanding of international commerce and refund procedures

    $153 (Avg Bid)
    $153 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    I need assistance creating a specialized HTML email template that is compatible with Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail. We are transferring our daily e-newsletter mailouts from MailChimp to Simply Stakeholders, which is powered by the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. We have existing designs that we need converted into html coded templates that will be functional and editable on the front end, including being able to swap out images. The templates need to be responsive on mobile and desktop devices. The main purpose of the email will be sharing news of the day/week to our client base. We have an in-house designer who can serve as project liaison. Deadline to have the new templates operational is May 29. Access to the back-end of Simply Stakeholders can be provided for testing. Designed template...

    $298 (Avg Bid)
    $298 Avg Bid
    56 bids

    ... Additionally, please confirm that you are comfortable with the hourly rate and the requirement to provide screenshots of your work sessions for transparency. Using AI tools to assist in your work is encouraged to improve efficiency and accuracy. Additional Requirements: Please set up a Trello account for task management and a Google Drive account for sharing and organizing files. Share your Gmail address for the assignment of courses and videos. Freelancer app Screenshots of your work sessions are necessary to verify that the work is being done reasonably and efficiently. I look forward to receiving your proposals and working with a professional who can help streamline our procedures effectively....

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr Avg Bid
    21 bids

    ...taking existing Local government procedures and converting them into SQL based processes. An example of which would be creating a import procedure for traffic count data that is presented in a text format (example attached) Ideal Skills: - Experienced with MySQL Database Design - Well-versed in SQL coding - Ability to simplify complex instructions - PowerShell for anything not possible in SQL This project will demand creativity and intelligence to design procedures that simplify data entry processes. Please only bid if you can offer solutions according to the basic complexity level specified. This initial project will just be designing a procedure to easily import traffic count text files into SMSS via stored procedures, a PowerShell script or any process compatib...

    $23 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $23 / hr Avg Bid
    90 bids

    ...has 15 columns. The column names are, in order: Shipment, Rush order, Mode of delivery, Drop sequence, PP number, Delivery date, Weight, Volume, Addressee, Name of addressee, Deliver address addressee, ZIP/postal Code, Delivery info, Number of cartons/units, Total ADR. The data is sorted using the “Mode of delivery” information, which allows deliveries to be grouped by truck. During the day's import, only lines with “Mode of delivery” information beginning with the letter Q should be imported. A SQL table will be created in the database. Each day, with each file sent, data will be added to the table. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a geocoding application in Node.js - Connect to a MySQL database to fetch addresses - Implement street-level accurac...

    $569 (Avg Bid)
    $569 Avg Bid
    140 bids

    I'm in need of a customizable point-of-sale software tailored for my retail store. The software should offer various features including: - Import/export functionality: The software should support the import and export of products and customer data to enhance efficiency. - Scanning and printing receipts: I need the software to allow for scanning products and printing receipts with thermal printers. - User login for separate staff: It should also have a feature to allow separate logins for different users or staff members. - Inventory management: The software should include inventory management features for tracking stock levels and products. - Customer management: I need a system that can handle customer data and history, to help with marketing and future sales. - Tax ca...

    $437 (Avg Bid)
    $437 Avg Bid
    87 bids

    I am looking for a skilled Wordpress developer to assist me with my website. The project involves some custom work, particularly in the area of order tracking and user account functionality. Key Requirements: - User Registration and Login: Users should be able to sign up and log in using their Gmail or email id in addition to setting up a password. - Order Tracking: I need a custom dashboard that allows users to track the status of their orders. This feature should also enable manual entry of order updates by admin. - Downloadable Reports: Once a project is completed, users should be able to download a report related to the service they ordered. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in Wordpress development - Experience with custom dashboard creation - ...

    $3 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $3 / hr Avg Bid
    32 bids

    Villa Silvana Building IFC Model with BlenderBIm Export Ifc and FBX. Ifc File import in UNREAL Engine and setup location map with Cesium plagin.

    $358 (Avg Bid)
    $358 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Riabilia Building IFC Model with BlenderBIm Export Ifc and FBX. Ifc File import in UNREAL Engine and setup location map with Cesium plagin.

    $358 (Avg Bid)
    $358 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for a Google Sheets expert to help me automate a process involving day by day data input process I'm seeking a freelancer who can streamline and automate the repetitive task of data import and export in Google Sheets. The ideal candidate should possess the following skills and experience: - Proficient in Google Sheets: You should have in-depth knowledge of Google Sheets and be able to manipulate data effectively. - Automation Skills: Experience in automating processes in Google Sheets is essential. Feel free to ask any questions, and please provide relevant examples of your past work. Thank you.

    $3 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $3 / hr Avg Bid
    6 bids

    Initial discussion about troubleshooting issue

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm in need of an expert in Twilio to create a custom contact center solution for my business. Key Requirements: -Automate whats app and other social media msg response -intergrate with CRM solution -other automation The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with Twilio development, specifically in the context of contact center solutions. - Strong communication skills and a willingness to understand my unique business requirements. - The ability to work on a flexible timeline and provide ongoing support and maintenance as needed. If you feel you can take on this challenging task and deliver a solution that perfectly aligns with my business requirements, please get in touch.

    $251 (Avg Bid)
    $251 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I have a JPEG image where I'm not smiling and not looking directly at the camera. I'd like an experienced image editor to make it seem like I am. Requirements: - Edit my image to make me look like I am smiling and directly looking at the camera. - You do not need to change the background as I want to keep it as it is. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with facial retouching - Attention to detail and ability to create realistic edits

    $17 (Avg Bid)
    $17 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I am looking for an expert in web scraping who can efficiently extract business leads. While the primary purpose of the project was not specified, it is undeniable that these leads will play a pivotal role in marketing efforts, like sales lead generation, market research, and contact information collection. Although I did not mention a specific source site, note that the target is business owners, and their revenue and contact information. Therefore, having experience in scraping from professional networking and business directory websites such as LinkedIn or Yellow Pages would be welcomed. Lastly, the exact number of leads that I need hasn't been defined, so I am open to both small and large-scale operations. Ultimately, their quality is of more importance than mere ...

    $35 (Avg Bid)
    $35 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    ...tracking software, with specific attention to: - Inventory management: Ensuring that the software effectively tracks the inventory of returned products - Reporting & Analytics: Enhancing the software's capability to generate insightful reports about warranty returns. - User access control: Improving the control measures for different user permissions within the software. - Ticket creation, Data Import and Export: Aptitude in handling these features are considered a plus. The overriding purpose of this software is to track and manage warranty returns effectively. Ideally, you should have previous experience in software creation and maintenance for tracking and managing products. The purpose of this project would be Bug fixing and improvement of the software tool alrea...

    $8426 (Avg Bid)
    $8426 Avg Bid
    64 bids

    ...experience: - Strong web research skills - Excellent attention to detail - Proficiency in using search engines and online databases - Ability to work efficiently and meet strict deadlines - Experience in data entry and data management - Knowledge of email verification and validation techniques Project Scope: - The contact details should be accurate and up-to-date. - The project needs to be completed within the timeline. Deliverables: - A well-organized spreadsheet containing the contact details. Note: Only freelancers with proven experience in web research and data entry should apply. Accuracy and efficiency are crucial for this project. We will randomly check a few records for accuracy before releasing the final milestone, so please work carefully and try to finish as...

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 Avg Bid
    13 bids
    Quickbooks setup 9 days left

    Setting up the quick book, import sales data, invoices and cleaning up to have ready to use

    $80 (Avg Bid)
    $80 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I have an Oracle database configured with WE8ISO8859P1 character set (call it DB1). The database needs to be updated to character set WE8MSWIN1252. I need to preserve the DB1 database, so I've created a new database with WE8MSWIN1252 (call it DB2). I would like someone to do this for me: 1. Export entire DB1 including data 2. Import the DB1 export into DB2 Communication and control will be done with Zoom

    $530 (Avg Bid)
    $530 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I have a PDF that is meant for email but I'm looking to convert it into HTML so that I can import it into MailChimp. The original PDF has a mixed layout with text and images. I need the resulting HTML to be mobile-friendly, professional-looking, and containing clickable links. Key requirements: - Convert PDF to HTML: The PDF contains a mix of text and images. I need this content to be faithfully translated into HTML. - MailChimp Compatibility: The HTML should be structured in a way that it can be easily imported into MailChimp. - Mobile-friendly: The HTML should be responsive and mobile-friendly to ensure a consistent experience across devices. - Professional Design: The resulting HTML should look professional and sleek, keeping in line with email marketing best practices. - C...

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Avg Bid
    69 bids

    Setup of accounting software, import and clear data to have it ready to work.

    $125 (Avg Bid)
    $125 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for a logistics sales executive who specializes in air and sea freight in the Chennai region. Main Tasks: - Develop and manage relationships in the manufacturing, export, and import sectors. - Target businesses who could utilize our freight services for their operational needs. - Increase brand visibility and leverage existing networks to generate sales. Key Skills and Experience: - Proven sales experience specifically in air and sea freight logistics. - Strong network within manufacturing, export, and import sectors in the Chennai region. - Excellent interpersonal, negotiation and networking skills. - Proactive with solid business acumen to identify new opportunities. The right candidate will have a sound knowledge of the logistics industry and be able ...

    $299 (Avg Bid)
    $299 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    ...AI-driven funding opportunity matching, interactive user profiling through an intelligent quiz, and efficient application assistance. Scope of Work: The project encompasses the following key tasks: Template Customization: Adapting the AI SaaS Dashboard template to fit the unique branding and functional requirements. Database Integration: Configuring and linking an external Airtable database to import and regularly update a directory of funding opportunities. User Authentication and Profile Setup: Developing secure login/logout capabilities and user profile management. AI Chatbot Development: Integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to create an interactive chatbot that conducts a business background quiz and uses responses to tailor funding recommendations. Opportunity Matchi...

    $7 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    33 bids

    I'm looking for an expert to engineer an Asana project with a focus on workflow automation. The project should have robust features such as: - Task management: I need a proper setup to facilitate the creation, allocation, and tracking of tasks. - Collaboration tools: The Asana project should enable seam...especially in the field of workflow automation, will be preferred. Your experience in creating an intuitive, professional, and sleek UI will come handy. A solid understanding of efficient task management, collaboration, and tracking tools is also essential. Finally, your ability to understand and translate requirements into action will set you apart. I have attached the CSV file i'm hoping to import and would like suggestions on including templates to use across multipl...

    $114 (Avg Bid)
    $114 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I am looking for a skilled Wordpress developer to assist me with my website. The project involves some custom work, particularly in the area of order tracking and user account functionality. Key Requirements: - User Registration and Login: Users should be able to sign up and log in using their Gmail or email id in addition to setting up a password. - Order Tracking: I need a custom dashboard that allows users to track the status of their orders. This feature should also enable manual entry of order updates by admin. - Downloadable Reports: Once a project is completed, users should be able to download a report related to the service they ordered. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in Wordpress development - Experience with custom dashboard creation - ...

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    40 bids
    Directory Listing Website 5 days left

    ... - Responsiveness: The design must be fully responsive and work flawlessly on all devices (desktop, tablet, smartphone). - SEO: It must be possible to optimize each individual listing for SEO, as well as the overall website. - Security: Implementation of security measures to protect user data. - Performance: The website must load quickly and be highly performant. - Import Functionality: Ability to import an Excel file so that entries are automatically created in the backend. 2. Design and User Interface: - Pixel-Perfect: The highest priority is given to a pixel-perfect implementation of the provided design. - Favorite Lists: Users should be able to create and rename multiple favorite lists. 3. Project Management: - Timeline: Please provide an estimat...

    $2442 (Avg Bid)
    $2442 Avg Bid
    218 bids

    Gmail ActionMailer has stopped working and I'm encountering an authentication error. After I changed my email password, and now I'm unable to send emails from my application.

    $36 (Avg Bid)
    $36 Avg Bid
    9 bids

    ...developer to build a sleek and professional 1-5 page informational website. Key Project Requirements: - The website should be informational-based, with engaging content to provide visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the services and solutions offered. - A contact form should be integrated, allowing users to easily get in touch with me. Key Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in web design and development, with a strong portfolio of successful informational websites. - Experience in creating user-friendly contact forms, ensuring seamless communication with potential clients. - Strong understanding of contemporary design principles and trends. Please provide examples of previous projects similar to this and outline your approach to this task. I'm...

    $165 (Avg Bid)
    $165 Avg Bid
    100 bids

    Our existing CGI...encountering issues when importing the exam's section breakdown from a .dat file. Due to this, we are unable to import the breakdown of results per section of the exam into the SQL database. We are seeking a proficient developer who can: - Analyze our existing CGI script and identify the cause of the breakdown import issue. - Provide actionable advice and steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. - Ensure the script effectively imports the section breakdown from the .dat file as intended. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in CGI scripting and SQL database management. - Proficiency in handling and troubleshooting data import/export issues. - Ability to work quickly and efficiently, as we n...

    $26 / hr (Avg Bid)
    Urgent NDA
    $26 / hr Avg Bid
    6 bids

    ...been added to an import file. - Improving the style sheet so as to automatically map the new fields from the import file. The ideal candidate for this job should have experience with layout adjustments in XSL style sheets, automatic mapping of new fields and VB coding. Your skills and experience in rearranging content layout, updating fonts & colors, and altering data display formats will be highly appreciated. Don't hesitate to place your bid if you can deliver this effectively and efficiently. This is fairly simple task each year but neither of us have time to do this today and we are in a time crunch. Are you or someone at BDO available to modify this asap. Right now, a couple of us are working until the middle of the night for the past 2-3 weeks. Th...

    $140 (Avg Bid)
    $140 Avg Bid
    26 bids

    Looking for a skilled developer to build a comprehensive contact management app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app should embody a minimalist and clean design, making it user-friendly and appealing to the eye. Key features that must be included are: - The ability to upload, categorize, and share there important contacts easily; users should not have to struggle to extend their connections. - Contact grouping feature; to keep things tidy and accessible, we require the functionality of grouping contacts Based on categories we choose. - The users should be able to access their family network contacts for categorize life events for ease of use. Ideal applicants will have experience in app development for both platforms and an eye for clean, minimalistic design. Showc...

    $2517 (Avg Bid)
    $2517 Avg Bid
    165 bids
    Assistant: Contact List 5 days left

    Seeking assistant for contact research, Data entry for contact phone & emails. Job Duties: Gather Contact Info Email & Phone Number for the following U.S States: 1. Utah ( Primary Home State) 2. Nevada 3. Idaho 4. Wyoming 5. Arizona 6. New Mexico 7. Colorado -Locate all Roofing companies by state and compile a list for me to email & offer property claim insurance services. - Locate all Restoration & Mitigation Companies by state to offer insurance property claim services. Contact Emails for HR preferred/ management. Email & Phone compiled into a spreadsheet or what you see best fit for a email list to send out. I am based in Utah so starting homebase and spreading out to surrounding states after. would like to hav...

    $916 (Avg Bid)
    $916 Avg Bid
    48 bids

    I am in need of a skilled freelancer who can help me extract all products from an online shop and import them into my Shopify store. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting all products from an existing online shop - Importing/copying these products into my Shopify store I expect the freelancer to: - Ensure all product information is correctly ported over like variants, prices, ean/gtin, description, collections,... - Maintain the quality of product listings - Ensure the product images are not lost during the import I'm looking to work with someone who has: - Experience with product extraction and import - Proficiency in Shopify - Attention to detail Please provide a timeline for completion when bidding. Please check the size of the shop and the number of products...

    $129 (Avg Bid)
    $129 Avg Bid
    135 bids

    ...CRM: - Create a custom module named "Partners" for financial advisors. - Add financial advisors to the Partners module once they respond to the drip campaign. - Referred leads entered into the Leads module need attributed to the corresponding financial advisor in the Partners module. - Provide a link in the Partners module to a report listing all referrals made by each advisor. Zoho Campaigns: - Import the list of 10,000 financial advisors into Zoho Campaigns. - Ensure campaign emails come from my emails address and not a generic / bulk address. - Basic set up of two email drip campaigns: - A 6-week weekly drip campaign. - A 24-month monthly drip campaign. - Ensure only a select number of advisors are added to the 6-week campaign daily. - Transfer advisors from the 6-w...

    $557 (Avg Bid)
    $557 Avg Bid
    43 bids

    I am looking for a proficient C# developer who can build a .Net 8 Console application with in-depth CSV handling capabilities. You will need to be able to: - Import CSV files; - Validate CSV data, specifically focusing on data format and range checks; - Convert validated CSV data to a c# DTO format; - Post the converted data to an API. Responding to errors is a significant part of the project. The application should be able to handle any issues encountered during the import, validation, or conversion processes seamlessly. Proficiency in C# is a core necessity, with previous experience in CSV handling and data validation highly desired.

    $153 (Avg Bid)
    $153 Avg Bid
    36 bids

    When designing a logo for the MANZU Company, it's important to capture the essence of the business and its values. Here are some inspiration and ideas for their logo design: 1. Symbolism: Consider incorporating symbols that represent the company's diverse offerings, such as a Chinese symbol or icon for the restaurant aspect, a shipping container or globe for the import trading business, and construction-related symbols for the contracting services. 2. Colors: Utilize colors that evoke a sense of quality, reliability, and professionalism, such as deep reds, golds, or blues. These colors could also represent the company's Chinese roots and the construction industry. 3. Typography: Choose a bold, modern, and easy-to-read typeface that conveys strength and reliability....

    $15 (Avg Bid)
    $15 Avg Bid
    40 bids

    I faced some issues related to send email on gmail smtp. please check attached file. please ping me who has rich experience in sending email on fastapi using gmail smtp.

    $10 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $10 / hr Avg Bid
    31 bids

    Small changes in WordPress website Fix footer of my website. Required contact details and menu pages links in footer

    $17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $17 / hr Avg Bid
    196 bids

    I am looking for an experienced course creator to develop a comprehensive video tutorial focused on Microsoft Power Query. Key Features: - User-friendly interface - Capabilities to import data from various sources - Customizable course structure The ideal candidate should have the ability to break down complex concepts and make them easily understandable. The course content should cater to beginners and intermediate level learners. Course Duration: Each video course module should be crafted with the target of a total duration amounting to 3-4 hours. This could be composed of several shorter lessons or modules, for easy consumption and better learning experience. Required Skills: - Strong knowledge of Microsoft Power Query - Proven experience in creating video courses - Excelle...

    $44 (Avg Bid)
    $44 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    ...functionalities include: - Form submission - to post HTML data to the database. - Data visualization - to display posted data on the webpage. Ideally, the freelancer should have: - Proficiency in WordPress plugin development, - Expertise in HTML, and - Familiarity with handling data through form submission and visualization techniques. The data integration will not involve manual input, spreadsheet import, or API connection as the data is already displayed on the page. We just need it saved. This is to complete a mostly complete wordpress plugin which already captures the user ID, Data source ID and captures the html data which needs to be stored. We have a problem getting the plugin to trigger an Ajax response which we need help debugging. Please submit your bid if your ...

    $587 (Avg Bid)
    $587 Avg Bid
    115 bids

    I'm seeking a developer who can create a script or plugin that pulls content from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a daily basis and automatically imports them into my WordPress site as separate posts. Key Requirements: - Scheduled Import: The content should be imported into WordPress daily as individual posts. - Post Categorization: Each imported post should be assigned a category based on its source (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). - Immediate Publishing: The imported posts should be published immediately upon import. - Instructions on how to setup App/ID/secret for each social channel Ideal Skills: - Strong knowledge of WordPress and its internal mechanisms. - Proficiency in working with the APIs of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. - Experience in developin...

    $204 (Avg Bid)
    $204 Avg Bid
    85 bids

    ...what data is available. Key requirements: - Developing an API Salesboard tool with a user-friendly interface and robust functionalities. - Ensuring real-time updates on sales data during business hours in 20 minute intervals - Implementing a feature that allows for customizable reports. - Required integration with our CRM system. - Ability to manually enter some non-sales data or if possible, import from PowerBI for automation - Ability to have the product to be rolled out to other businesses using the same platform if required (not required right away) The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in developing API-based tools, specifically for sales and CRM purposes. - Proficiency in real-time data handling and processing. - Strong UI/UX design skills to ensure ease o...

    $1008 (Avg Bid)
    $1008 Avg Bid
    25 bids

    I have a real estate development company, and I'm looking for a dedicated Excel expert to help me streamline my expense tracking process. Key Requirements: - I already have a template set up and in one of the tabs I have a CSV statement import. Your primary task will be to create a formula that can automatically pull data from a statement import into the relevant property tab. - The data should be ordered by date to ensure clarity and easy reference. - I have created a macro to change the debit figures to negative amounts in the spreadsheet. - I am open to changes/ideas on if it requires a different setup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Advanced Excel skills are a must. You need to be comfortable working with complex formulas to manipulate data. - Experience with r...

    $14 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $14 / hr Avg Bid
    40 bids

    ...details in a specified format. Key Responsibilities: - Reviewing provided websites to identify up to 5 potential contacts. - Prioritizing these contacts based on their job titles and how likely they are to influence website changes. - Ensuring each contact has an associated email, first name, and job title. - Organizing the contacts in order of importance. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data entry and web research. - Strong analytical skills to identify key decision-makers. - Keen attention to detail to accurately record contact information. - Understanding of website development and design is a plus but not mandatory. - Previous experience in similar tasks is highly valued. The project has a deadline of one month, so I'm looking for someone who can co...

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 Avg Bid
    126 bids

    I'm seeking a reliable freelancer to import vendor pricing data into Sage. The data is currently stored in a CSV formatted Excel spreadsheet, with data cleaning required prior to import. The project will entail: - Cleaning the vendor pricing data as required - Successfully importing clean data into Sage Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel and its functionalities, especially CSV format - Experience in data cleaning - Demonstrated proficiency in Sage, particularly in data import functions - Attention to detail is crucial for this task This task requires a freelancer with the right blend of skills in Microsoft Excel and Sage software to ensure smooth, error-free integration of vendor pricing data.

    $411 (Avg Bid)
    $411 Avg Bid
    54 bids

    ...need of a traditional style logo design for my import/export company. The design should predominantly feature red and black as the primary colors. I'm hoping the design can incorporate elements of a globe, a ship, and an arrow. Company name: Sibaf Pty Ltd (Usually just referred to as Sibaf) Key requirements: - Vintage style - Red and black color scheme Possible Suggestions: - Coat of Arms style - Inclusion of a icons of transport like ships, globe, aeroplanes, mail etc. - Maybe include a Christian element as the directors are Christians Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with a strong portfolio of logo design - Proficiency in vintage design aesthetics - Creativity in incorporating multiple elements into a cohesive design Experience with import/export companies is ...

    $7 (Avg Bid)
    45 entries

    I've got a small Python to be translated into C# for better integration with the rest of my software. I need a skilled programmer with experience in both Python and C#. Unfortunately, I have not been able to make the script run successfully on Windows, but it works on Linux (WSL). For: Python script (I will provide full script): import grpc from chirpstack_api import api server = "" api_token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ......................87k2i66CulW7Y" channel = grpc.insecure_channel(server) client = (channel) auth_token = [("authorization", "Bearer %s" % api_token)] req = (dev_eui="00000000aabbccdd") resp = (req, metadata=auth_token) print(resp)

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    I need an innovative, creative and colorful design for my contact card, which includes my name, job title, contact information, and company logo. I don't have a specific color scheme in mind, but I'm looking for the best colors that can make the design stand out. The design should also reflect my brand identity, which is all about embracing creativity and uniqueness. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Color Theory - Creative Design Previous experience with designing contact cards or other branding materials is a plus. If you've worked with a variety of color schemes and enjoy pushing creative boundaries, you're the perfect fit for this project.

    $88 (Avg Bid)
    $88 Avg Bid
    40 bids

    I need a C# developer to create a desktop email marketing application. The application should integrate with Gmail, Outlook, Custom SMTP, Ses, and Email Verifier. Although I do not have a specific design or layout in mind, I would need assistance on this. Key requirements: - C# development skills - Experience with email marketing applications - Proficiency in integrating with Gmail, Outlook, Custom SMTP, Ses, and Email Verifier - Ability to design and layout the application Note: The partial application already developed , need to fix some bugs , need make Good UI software and Need to add additional features in next version. This project is not one time work, Need continuous work as a maintenance and new features addition work for version upgrades.

    $262 (Avg Bid)
    $262 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I'm seeking a freelancer to generate a comprehensive list of interior design companies in a particular city. Below are the specific requirements: - Contact Details: For each company, I require their phone number, email address, and website URL. It's crucial that these details are up-to-date and accurate. - Organization: The list should be arranged by the companies' years of experience. This is a primary factor for my research. - Photos & Videos: Should also collate few photos and videos of the projects/designs the company has completed - Verification: While I do need the list organized by experience, I do not require formal verification of the companies' years of experience. However, I need the freelancer to ensure that the companies are legitimate and their...

    $267 (Avg Bid)
    $267 Avg Bid
    31 bids