Law firm privacy policy template jobs


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    2,000 law firm privacy policy template jobs found, pricing in USD

    I'm in need of a skilled UI/UX designer to create a Hi-fidelity wireframe for my upcoming movie critics w...general users to browse through critics and select their favorites. 4. **Critic Pages:** - Develop individual pages for each critic, showcasing their movie recommendations. - Implement sorting and filtering options for movies based on year, genre, and other criteria. **Challenges:** - Ensuring a seamless user experience for both critics and general users. - Maintaining the security and privacy of user data. - Handling and displaying large volumes of movie metadata efficiently. **Expected Outcome:** A functional and user-friendly website that empowers movie critics to share their insights and enables general users to discover and follow their favorite critics&rsqu...

    $188 (Avg Bid)
    $188 Avg Bid
    18 bids

    ...on a collaboration platform that will serve as a hub for individuals and small businesses. I need a skilled professional who can bring this vision to life through both design and development. Key Features: - Essential collaboration features such as file sharing, task management, and group chat are needed. - Extensive focus on user security: Incorporating End-to-End Encryption to ensure data privacy. - User Profiles: Users should be able to create and customize basic profiles, post updates, tag others, and use hashtags. - Proposal System: Implement a system for users to like/rate proposals, comment on them, and upload supporting documents/images. - Detailed Proposal Submission: A structured form for users to submit their proposals. - Blockchain Wallet Integration: Securely conne...

    $540 (Avg Bid)
    $540 Avg Bid
    89 bids complete client projects. Please add the word AMZ Lezzat at the beginning of your cover letter so we know you have read this. Core responsibilities • Uploading listings to Clients Amazon Seller or Vendor Central accounts • Uploading new content the team provides on to seller central or vendor central of the client account • Doing regular checks on our Amazon Seller Central accounts for any policy violations or account health warnings • Doing regular audits to our product listings to ensure proper operations • Inventory Forecast and Review Management • Communicate with clients (e.g. questions about shipping, content revisions, etc.) • Staying informed with Amazon’s best practices, new trends and technologies, and platform updates •...

    $909 (Avg Bid)
    $909 Avg Bid
    19 bids
    Modern Mortgage Flyer Design 6 days left
    VERIFIED offered by our mortgage brokerage firm. - It should prominently display our contact information, making it easy for potential clients to reach out. - We also want to include any special promotions or deals we're currently offering. Target Audience: - Homebuyers: The design should appeal to individuals who are in the market for a new home. - Existing Customers: The flyer should also serve to nurture existing relationships, encouraging repeat business. - People with a Home Loan: Our flyer should attract homeowners looking to refinance or access additional services. Design Preferences: - The overall design of the flyer should be modern and sleek. - It should have a clean and professional look to reflect the credibility of our brokerage firm. Ideal skills and ...

    $49 (Avg Bid)
    $49 Avg Bid
    148 bids

    ...importance of a well-designed website and the value it brings to a business. • Tech Savvy: Familiarity with basic website design concepts and digital marketing trends is a plus. Technical Requirement: • Fast Internet • American English Accent • Quality Microphone Ready to take your sales career to the next level? We are! How to Apply? (Do the Following to be considered, copy and paste the template below and use as your cover letter) 1. Record Your Voice: Read the following sales script with your voice: 2. Speed Test Goto: Change server to any Los Angeles, CA Server. Screenshot or link me to your test result. 3

    $5000 (Avg Bid)
    $5000 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...Word expert to design a comprehensive report template that contains all the requisite sections for a detailed report. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A solid understanding of Microsoft Word. - Previous experience in creating professional templates or reports. The key sections that the report template should include are: - Title page - Table of contents - Introduction - Body - Conclusion - References Each section should be clearly defined and easy to navigate. For the title page, it should encompass the following elements: - Project title - Client's name - Date - Project logo - Project description - Title block I require standard formatting and styling for the title page and the entire document. It's crucial that the template look...

    $62 (Avg Bid)
    $62 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    ...deactivated due to Product Authenticity Customer Complaints and Restricted product policy violations. I need an expert to help me write an excellent appeal that will get my account reinstated. You must have experience and provide proof that you are well versed in Amazon and have successfully helped other sellers get their accounts reactivated. You need to know the ins and outs of submitted successful appeal letters. You need to edit a few invoices for three products according to Amazon's instructions as I am unable to provide genuine invoices. The right candidate will have a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes Amazon violations, specifically Product Authenticity Customer Complaints and Restricted product policy violations. If you are confident you can ...

    $102 (Avg Bid)
    $102 Avg Bid
    15 bids
    Python Developer Needed 6 days left

    We are seeking a Flask (Python) developer to set up a dashboard for our project using the following template: Please provide a quote for this job and an estimated timeline for completion. Objectives: We need a small application to facilitate user onboarding for our messaging bot. The dashboard will manage new user onboarding and offer basic administrative features. Dashboard Pages: • /signup • /signin • /forgot-password • /reset-password o Authentication logic with two roles: user and admin o Forget / Reset password logic required • /home o Accessible to logged-in users only o Displays bot updates and useful links o Updates data retrieved from the database • /profile o Accessible to logged-in users only o Contains a user profile data form

    $144 (Avg Bid)
    $144 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I'm looking for someone to customize some BeTheme template pages for me. Specifically, I need pages that showcase my products using the BeTheme style as seen here: BeTheme Detailing. The template pages should include designs that effectively present images and text related to my products, adhering to the style shown in the provided link. Please send me some sample images or mockups related to this style to start the conversation directly. Any spam messages, greetings, links or unrelated content will be ignored.

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 Avg Bid
    71 bids

    I need assistance creating a specialized HTML email template that is compatible with Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail. We are transferring our daily e-newsletter mailouts from MailChimp to Simply Stakeholders, which is powered by the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. We have existing designs that we need converted into html coded templates that will be functional and editable on the front end, including being able to swap out images. The templates need to be responsive on mobile and desktop devices. The main purpose of the email will be sharing news of the day/week to our client base. We have an in-house designer who can serve as project liaison. Deadline to have the new templates operational is May 29. Access to the back-end of Simply Stakeholders can be provided for testing. Designed template...

    $298 (Avg Bid)
    $298 Avg Bid
    56 bids

    I have a website template that needs customization in terms of layout. The main purpose of the site is to showcase my portfolio, the template is ready it needs the to be filled with the correct data. Key Tasks: - Customize layout: I need a professional to make the necessary changes to the layout of my website template, ensuring that it is visually appealing and functional. - Ensure responsiveness: The website should be mobile-responsive, so the freelancer should ensure that the layout changes are consistent across all devices. This project is ideal for a freelance web designer/developer who has a good eye for design and is committed to delivering high-quality work. A portfolio demonstrating similar projects would be highly appreciated.

    $60 (Avg Bid)
    $60 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    I'm in need of a well-crafted email template for my Mailchimp account. The primary purpose of this template is to distribute a monthly newsletter to my subscribers. Key Requirements: - The template needs to look professional and engaging. - It should be compatible with Mailchimp's interface. - It must be optimized for readability on both desktop and mobile devices. - A strong understanding of user experience and design principles is essential. Your role will be to design and create a template that reflects the tone and content of the newsletter. Please include previous email template designs in your proposal.

    $7 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    9 bids

    I'm in the process of developing a website and considering the addition of advertisements. I'm open to the idea but haven't made a final decision yet. The policy for the site and the subscription model for advertisers are both areas that I would like further details on. - **Ad Placement & Frequency**: I'm considering incorporating advertisements but I haven't decided on the specifics yet. I would appreciate suggestions on where to place them and how frequently to show them. - **Subscription Model Design**: I'm leaning towards a subscription-based model for advertisers, however, I need assistance in designing this effectively. I'd like help in creating a pricing structure, subscription durations, and the benefits and features that would be i...

    $338 (Avg Bid)
    $338 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I'm the founder of City Cabs, a new taxi firm, and I'm seeking a talented designer to create a sleek and modern online presence for my company. The primary tasks include: - Designing a professional and appealing logo that embodies the essence of our company - Crafting a modern, minimalist website that is easy to navigate and visually pleasing Key requirements for the website: - An online booking system that allows customers to easily book their rides - Domain registration and setup of up to 10 professional email addresses I'm open to suggestions on how to manage the website's content post-launch, so feel free to recommend the best approach based on your experience. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Website Design - Logo Design - Use...

    $231 (Avg Bid)
    $231 Avg Bid
    132 bids

    I am in urgent need of a talented and experienced dispute resolution lawyer based in the UK. I am facing both commercial and property disputes that need to be settled amicably. Key Responsibilitie...Handling both commercial and property disputes in the UK - Leading the process of settling the disputes amicably - Offering legal advice and guidance to ensure the best possible outcomes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in handling commercial and property disputes in the UK - Expertise in negotiating and settling disputes amicably - Strong understanding of UK property and commercial law - Excellent communication skills, particularly via email Please bid on this project if you have the necessary skills and experience to successfully handle these disputes and settle them...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    7 bids

    ...represent me as I seek justice for multiple types of fraud that were committed against me in Pennsylvania. I currently possess considerable evidence and documentation supporting my claims. Core Legal Matters: - Deprivation of rights under color of law - Executor fraud - Conspiracy to commit estate fraud - Real estate fraud - Tax fraud - Mail and wire fraud This case will involve local court proceedings. Therefore, experience and capabilities in this environment are essential. Ideal Skills: - Expert knowledge of estate and real estate law - Previous experience with fraud cases - Proven track record of successful litigations - Ability to work in local court proceedings in Pennsylvania I'm highly motivated to engage the right legal counsel for this case and eager...

    $50 - $250 / hr
    $50 - $250 / hr
    3 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a custom API for Instagram. Key Requirements: - **Data Access**: I aim to gather all public data from Instagram users, including their feed, stories, highlights, and posts. - **Authentication**: I'd like to authenticate users using an API key for accessing their data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in API devel...Familiar with Instagram's API policies and practices. - Knowledge on how to work with user data, such as profiles, media content, stories, and highlights. - Prior experience in similar projects would be a great advantage. Will using on site like this The goal of this project is to access and organize Instagram data in a specific way, ensuring the highest standards of data privacy and securit...

    $471 (Avg Bid)
    $471 Avg Bid
    98 bids

    ...PowerPoint - The contents of the landing page needs to be as per the attached example (I will send through as PowerPoint and as poorly converted HTML with images) ... but we want a wordpress theme around it so it looks like a proper website and is responsive compared just loading a single image on a page. i.e. needs to have - Company Logo at the top - Colours/Styles blue as per the example template - Copyright bar at the bottom - head office contact info at the bottom - menu with two items at the top (home and contact form) - basic contact form with capatcha, and the company contact details as well - made using wordpress with NO paid third party plugins please, really aiming for native wordpress here as it's just two pages - needs to be responsive so the text moves so it ...

    $75 (Avg Bid)
    $75 Avg Bid
    110 bids

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    Urgent Sealed NDA

    ...Play account suspensions due to content policy violations. Key Project Details: - My account was suspended due to multiple violation of the content policy. - I have already reached out to Google for support. - I have received some documentation from Google regarding the violation and steps for reinstatement, but it's quite limited. Your Role: - Your primary role will be to guide me through the reinstatement process with Google, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken. - It's important that you have a clear understanding of the Google Play content policy and a track record of successfully reinstating suspended accounts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in handling Google Play account suspensions, specifically due to content polic...

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Avg Bid
    6 bids

    I need a legal expert to review specific documents relating to a property. This includes: - Title deeds: I need the ownership history and any recorded rights of way evaluated, to ensure there are no surprises down the line. - Planning permission documents: These need checking to ensure they're in order and up to date. Ideally, the freelancer shoul...permission documents: These need checking to ensure they're in order and up to date. Ideally, the freelancer should have background in auction property legal pack review. I'm particularly concerned about potential issues, specifically around outstanding loans linked to the property. Any insight on potential risks regarding outstanding loans would be greatly appreciated. Skills & Experience: - Property Law - Risk ...

    $201 (Avg Bid)
    $201 Avg Bid
    27 bids

    I am seeking a professional who can create a business continuity plan (BCP) and IT policy for a financial and asset management company based in ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market). Key Deliverables: - BCP: The plan should cover data protection, disaster recovery, and network security. It needs to be tailored to a small business with less than 50 employees. - IT Policy: I require a thorough IT policy that aligns with best practices and the specific needs of my firm. Key Considerations: - My firm currently has 7 employees using Microsoft 365. There are basic existing IT infrastructure or policies in place. Hence, the BCP and IT policy should be designed from scratch. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating BCPs and IT policies for financial companies. -...

    $199 (Avg Bid)
    $199 Avg Bid
    51 bids

    I need an expert to refine my e-commerce app's privacy policy. I've drafted it, but it needs to be tweaked to meet Google's standards and be accepted. Key Tasks: - Reviewing and refining my current privacy policy - Ensuring the policy is in compliance with Google's standards - Making sure the policy clearly addresses the data collection, storage, and sharing aspects of my app Ideal Skills: - Experience in drafting and refining privacy policies for e-commerce apps - Familiarity with Google's privacy policy requirements - Excellent attention to detail and ability to ensure the policy is clear and comprehensive The goal is to get my app's privacy policy accepted by Google as s...

    $184 (Avg Bid)
    $184 Avg Bid
    32 bids

    I'm in need of a WordPress developer who can adjust a template kit in Elementor Pro to create a business website. We'll need to change the colors and content around as per request of the client. There will be about 9 unique pages. Some templates will repeat to form around 15 total pages. Functionality is very basic. Only thing that needs to be added is a live chat plugin. I will share more specific details via chat.

    $150 (Avg Bid)
    $150 Avg Bid
    135 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced professional who can draft a comprehensive privacy policy for my job posting website. Ideally, the freelancer should have: - Proven experience in drafting privacy policies for websites, preferably in the job posting industry - Excellent understanding of legal requirements and regulations related to privacy policies - Ability to adapt the policy to the specific nature of my website The policy should cover all necessary areas, outline my company's commitment to data protection and privacy, and ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations. Kindly provide a brief proposal on how you intend to approach this task and a summary of your relevant experience.

    $370 (Avg Bid)
    $370 Avg Bid
    94 bids

    We are a market research survey firm and looking to conduct a study focusing on customer preferences and feedback for MoneyGram money service provider. Ideal Candidate: - Have you used or would you consider using a service to transfer money to another person. - Familiarity with the remittance service providers of MoneyGram, Wise, Revolt etc

    $29 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $29 / hr Avg Bid
    6 bids

    I'm urgently seeking an experienced freelancer to help me update my Joomla template and modules. Your responsibilities will include: 1. **Color Scheme Revamp:** The updated design should reflect the specific designs I've prepared. Expertise in creating an exact match is crucial. 2. **Adding New Functions:** Some new functions to improve my website's interactivity and user-experience need to be introduced. Having prior experience delivering such features will be advantageous. 3. **Styling Update:** I also require modifications and tweaks to the existing Joomla components and modules. Your skills should include Joomla templating and module modifications. The timely completion of this project is essential as I'm looking to implement these changes urgently. We h...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    59 bids

    I'm searching for an experienced Florida property and casualty insurance underwriter to assist me with a large portfolio of over 500 policies. Job Responsibilities: - Conducting comprehensive risk assessments - Conducting in-depth policy analysis - Drafting a manual for future operations Skills & Experience Required: - Expertise in property and casualty insurance underwriting - Proven experience in risk assessment and policy analysis - Experience in manual development for insurance underwriting - Ability to manage large portfolios efficiently Interested candidates, please state your relevant experiences and successful projects during your application.

    $33 / hr (Avg Bid)
    Featured Urgent
    $33 / hr Avg Bid
    10 bids

    A website for a web design agency is to be completed as a project. It is a coffin page that consists exclusively of a mega section, a multi-page form with multiple choice etc., a contact page, a portfolio page. Homepage Contact page portfolio Multi-page inquiry form for potential customers. Under no circumstances may a ready-made website template be used. It is an advantage if you can start work as soon as possible and your previous customers were satisfied with you.

    $33 - $271
    $33 - $271
    88 bids

    UK Civil Law Essay on Marriage

    $297 (Avg Bid)
    $297 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...set up a Smartsheet for my team. Our primary aim is to leverage real-time collaboration features to enhance our workflow. Key Requirements: - Incorporate task management: Ensure the sheet is structured for managing tasks, deadlines, and priorities effectively. - Enable collaboration and sharing: Set up the sheet to allow seamless sharing and collaboration among less than 10 users. Prioritize privacy and permission settings. - Reporting and analytics: Integrate necessary reporting and analytics tools to help us track progress, performance, and efficiency. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Smartsheet: Should have prior experience in setting up Smartsheets for teams and projects. - Real-time Collaboration: Understands how to leverage Smartsheet's real-time collaboration ...

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    Hello, I need a quick fix for my DNS server running on a 2012 R2 system. The major problem encountered is that I'm unable to access my shared files. However, I can ping the IP addresses of the devices hosting these shared files. An RPC Error is shown and some Group Policy issues occur when trying to access these files. • I need someone who understands DNS thoroughly. • Experience with Server 2012 R2 is necessary. • Knowledge of RPC errors and Group Policy is required. Would appreciate quick and effective troubleshooting. Thank you!

    $166 (Avg Bid)
    $166 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    ...will have experience in speech processing, real-time communication systems, and cloud services. Responsibilities: - Design and develop a high-performance backend system for real-time audio processing and translation. - Integrate speech recognition and translation APIs from leading providers. - Implement a scalable real-time communication architecture to support voice calls. - Ensure data privacy and security compliance in voice transmission and storage. - Work closely with UX/UI designers to create a seamless and intuitive user interface. - Test and optimize the system for various devices and network conditions. Requirements: - Proven experience in real-time communication software development. - Strong background in audio processing, preferably with experience in sp...

    $34 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $34 / hr Avg Bid
    61 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled developer experienced in creating apps for both iOS and Android platforms. The primary function of the app will be community building, with the key feature needed being a robust messaging system. - **Expertise Required**: - Proficiency in Cross-Platform App Development - Proven experience in Building Messaging Systems - Understanding of Privacy and Security concerns Ideal candidates will have a portfolio of similar platforms they've developed and a keen understanding of what makes a community platform appealing and user-friendly.

    $105 (Avg Bid)
    $105 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    Your research paper topic is of your choice. The only requirement is it should reflect "reputation." The research paper is to be at least four pages in length with in-text documentation and a Works Cited page. The format is to be MLA and the MLA TEMPLATE

    $98 (Avg Bid)
    $98 Avg Bid
    32 bids

    UK law: I need assistance from a knowledgeable legal professional to appeal an unfavourable employment judgement, errors in law, misinterpret events, fabricated evidence from the respondents. It appears that there was an incorrect interpretation of the law by the judge. Unfortunately, I don't have any new evidence or arguments that were absent in the original judgement. But, I believe a reassessment of the existing evidence is essential. As the time limit run out for employment tribunal, I’m looking to appeal to the High Court. Skills & Experience: - Expertise in Employment Law - Experience in appealing employment judgements - Excellent analytical and interpretive skill Notes: While I am unsure if I've consulted with a legal profess...

    $17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $17 / hr Avg Bid
    17 bids

    Note: Integration with Stripe and Swish payment is a must have. The current wordpress website is with Divi. I'm looking to create an online appointment booking system for an eye clinic. I need this system to have a range of features that will make it more convenient for our patients and staff. Key Features: - Online Payment...choose a convenient date and time for their appointment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in integrating payment gateways such as Stripe and Swish. - Experience in developing booking systems, especially for medical or healthcare facilities. - Knowledge in setting up video conferencing functionalities within an online system, preferably using a well-known API. - Understanding of data privacy and security, especially when handling sensitive patie...

    $693 (Avg Bid)
    $693 Avg Bid
    190 bids

    I am needing a printable marketing flyer created with the following specifications: 8.5"x5.5" @ 300PPI CMYK Front and Back PSD Photoshop editable format Attached is my logo. Also is the template for the front page that we need redesigned. For the front page we just want it to look very much like the attached template. For the back page, we want it to cover it with statistics in a sort of blurb fashion that looks like the attachment. This is just a sample/suggestion and the designer should use their own ideas. The back page needs to have many statistics in short readable fashion related to cyber security. Use referenced from this website: Leave filler text for all parts if you prefer. The logo should be present on both

    $150 (Avg Bid)
    Featured Guaranteed
    32 entries

    Hi, I have a new project described in Google doc named 'Ascend 2024 Presentation Information'. The document and template are located here: Please let me know if you're interested and you can complete before end of day on Tuesday. Gary

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    $100 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced individual to help me set up a VPN server on my TP Link Omega E707, running Windows OS. The primary goal of this is to allow secure remote access to my home network. Key Requirements: - Set up a VPN server on a TP Link Omega E707 running Windows - VPN server must be accessible outside my network - Ensure security and privacy in the VPN configuration - Establish a reliable connection method for remote access The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in setting up VPN servers on TP Link routers - Extensive knowledge of Windows OS - Understanding of network security and remote access protocols. Please note that my TP Link Omega E707 has a dynamic IP address.

    $33 (Avg Bid)
    $33 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    I am currently in need of a Laravel expert to extend my project's pages. The specific pages I require are the Home page, About page, and Contact page. I also need links for Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and FAQ included in the footer. all the pages have been designed just to upload and link it properly also login, signup, reset password and email verify pages too. Key requirements: - Extending existing Laravel project with Home, About, Contact pages - Implementing footer links for Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and FAQ The project is on a tight timescale, and I need it completed ASAP. If you are experienced in Laravel and have an eye for detail, I'd love to hear from you.

    $27 (Avg Bid)
    $27 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I'm looking for someone with experience (process of permanently closing Facebook account). so the main requirement is to ensure that the account is fully and permanently closed. As this account abusing my business reputation badly. Given the sensitive nat... so the main requirement is to ensure that the account is fully and permanently closed. As this account abusing my business reputation badly. Given the sensitive nature of this task, I'm looking for a freelancer who is experienced and trustworthy with a good track record in account management and data deletion. Skills and experience in: - Facebook account management - Data protection and privacy - Professionalism and trustworthiness. Please get in touch if you think you can help with this process. Price is fi...

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 Avg Bid
    25 bids

    I am prese...and Instagram. - Selection of the profiles for scraping should be primarily based on the following criteria: levels of user engagement and followers count. - Along with the email addresses, extract additional user information namely: the account name and its location. Ideal Candidate Profile: - Must have experience in deducing complex social media algorithms. - Understanding of digital privacy laws to ensure compliance during the extraction process. - Fluency in software that can automate this extraction process would be advantageous. My ultimate goal is to utilize this function to better target digital marketing campaigns, increasing its reach and effectiveness. I look forward to discussing the project details with those who find this task suitable for their...

    $340 (Avg Bid)
    $340 Avg Bid
    36 bids

    As I'm developing a new website that collects a modest amount of medical information from users, I need a professional to ensure that th...sensitive data. Key Requirements: - Implement the necessary mechanisms to obtain explicit consent from the users before any medical data is collected. - Set up robust privacy protection measures to keep the data secure. - You should have prior experience in website privacy, especially concerning sensitive information like medical records. - Familiarity with legal requirements for the collection and storage of medical data is a big plus. The website is , and it is the information collected about the people who want to help that needs robust protection. I think we need to do what is necessary to get TRUSTe “privacy ...

    $282 (Avg Bid)
    $282 Avg Bid
    25 bids

    I'm looking for a professional who can manually inspect the editability of specific elements within a PDF template and subsequently generate two PDFs with my provided artwork. Key Requirements: - Manually check the editability of text fields and icons within the PDF template. - If the elements are editable, produce two new PDF files incorporating my provided artwork. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience with PDF editing. - Attention to detail and a keen eye for identifying editable elements. - Ability to work with provided artwork and integrate it seamlessly into the PDF. Please let me know your approach and methodology for this task in your bid.

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 Avg Bid
    26 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled marketer who can help me create a comprehensive campaign strategy for my law firm. This project includes: - Aligning the campaign with our core values: Professionalism, Integrity, and Expertise. - Establishing clear, measurable objectives: Increasing brand awareness and improving customer engagement. The main focus of the campaign will be to communicate the message 'Stay Informed with Legal Updates' to a target audience of Lawyers & Law Firms. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of both AI and traditional marketing methods. Experience in the legal sector would be a major plus, as well as the ability to develop campaigns that resonate with professionals in this field.

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Looking to create a professional and corporate style template for employee profiles. The requirement is non-batched and the number of profile creation is flexible. The template will need to include: - Name and Contact Details - Job Title and Department - Employee Photo and Bio - EPF and ESIC Details - Bank Account details ..etc Ideal freelancer would have experience in Human Resources, as well as graphic design, particularly with designing professional, corporate style templates. Strong understanding of what EPF and ESIC details entail will be a plus.

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    19 bids
    LegalSearch 6 days left

    LegalSearch aims to be an artificial intelligence-based application that enables effective search and analysis of legal decisions. This application aims to provide users with fast and accurate access to information in legal documents by using OpenAI's GPT integrated search engine....updated databases. Technology and Infrastructure: Artificial Intelligence: Develops an AI-powered search engine using OpenAI's GPT model. Cloud Infrastructure: Runs on cloud-based services for fast and reliable access. Web-based Application: Provides access through a user-friendly interface via web browsers. Security: Utilizes strong encryption methods for user data privacy and security. Target Audience: Law firms and lawyers. Law school students and academics. Anyone involved i...

    $1302 (Avg Bid)
    $1302 Avg Bid
    44 bids

    Whitehouse Communications is an independent issues-led political communications agency based in London, specialising in public affairs, policy analysis, media relations, and crises communications. We also organise events on behalf of European trade bodies including an annual awards ceremony for a leading sports nutrient association which takes place in London. We are looking for an experienced Event Organiser to provide essential administrative and logistical support for the team in the UK and EU either on a freelance or fixed term contract to deliver an awards ceremony in London in December 2024. You will need a positive, can-do attitude, and be able to flex your approach and make decisions at speed when required. You will perform well under pressure and possess great atten...

    $34598 (Avg Bid)
    $34598 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    NO AUTO BIDS - ONLY ZENDESK PRO! 'm in search of an experienced developer skilled in Zendesk API integration for a project related to airline claim forms. I will provide you parts of the template and you will add the form, calculations, API integration and ticket creations. The website should be built in Laravel or secure platform. If you know about EC261 claims it makes it way easier to choose you. You will do the following: - Create a form which is predefined through parameters and questions. - Add airline and airport database and organize the data with live search preview. - Calculations based on airport distance and claim form. - Zendesk ticket creation along with correct ticket numer and relevant information. - Multilingual form and site (Swedish and English). Need som...

    $185 (Avg Bid)
    $185 Avg Bid
    31 bids