Postfix smtp setup jobs


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    2,000 postfix smtp setup jobs found, pricing in USD

    We have a form on our website that is supposed to automatically generate a link to a specific section within the same page. This setup was working as intended but has suddenly stopped working without any apparent reason. We need a developer who can troubleshoot this issue and fix it promptly. Key Responsibilities: - Investigate why the form is no longer generating the intended link - Resolve the issue to ensure the form functions properly Requirements: - Proven experience with web development, particularly form troubleshooting - Proficient in working with link generation within web forms - Ability to resolve technical issues promptly and efficiently

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Avg Bid
    28 bids

    ...covering system architecture, setup instructions, and usage guidelines. **Requirements:** - Proven experience in Flutter development, with a focus on implementing phone authentication systems. - Familiarity with OTP-based verification processes and SMS gateway integration. - Strong UI/UX design skills to create visually appealing and intuitive authentication screens. - Deep understanding of security principles and best practices in mobile app development. - Excellent communication skills and a collaborative approach to project management. - Availability for regular updates and communication throughout the project duration. **Deliverables:** - Fully functional Flutter phone authentication system with source code. - Comprehensive documentation covering setup instructions...

    $91 (Avg Bid)
    $91 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    ...through the following aspects of crypto mining: • Mining hardware selection: I need assistance with understanding what kind of hardware is necessary for efficient mining. • Mining software setup and configuration: I require help setting up and configuring the mining software on my hardware. • Mining profitability analysis: I would like a detailed breakdown of the potential profitability of my mining operation, including the costs and potential returns. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: • In-depth experience with crypto mining, particularly in terms of hardware selection and software setup. • Proficiency in conducting profitability analysis for crypto mining operations. • Strong communication skills to explain complex c...

    $2452 (Avg Bid)
    $2452 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    ...a combination of microcontrollers and computer vision technology, specifically using Arduino boards and Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - Real-time Movement Tracking: The primary functionality of the system is to track human movement accurately and in real-time. This involves capturing and processing data on various physical activities. - Minimalistic and Functional Design: I envision a setup that is small, lightweight and unobtrusive. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proficiency with Arduino boards and Raspberry Pi is a must. - Experience with computer vision, machine learning and human movement tracking is highly desirable. - Understanding of fitness or sports technology would be a definite plus. If you have experience with similar projects, and the skills to br...

    $24 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $24 / hr Avg Bid
    19 bids

    Looking for some Mega Menu Assistance with Minimog Shopify theme. Need help setting it up.

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    Primary tasks: Initially this is all to be done on a new Linux STAGING ONLY server. 1) Linux staging server setup -> deploy our existing project to a new VPS using gitlab 2) Woocommerce -> continue long term development work on our existing custom plugin. Transfer the existing production woocommerce to this staging server. 3) ongoing long term development of our CRM app Other components of our stack which are a HUGE ADDED BENEFIT if you can work on them -> .NET ASP, WEB API + MS SQL DETAILS HERE -> PRIORITY IS TO HAVE A DEVELOPER ON OUR TEAM (LONG TERM) THAT CAN FOR NOW ALSO WORK WEEKENDS AS WE HAVE SEVERAL EMERGENCIES TO FINISH URGENTLY. Someone who can efficiently manage Linux VPS and efficiently use GITLAB is critical. Initially we need part

    $8 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $8 / hr Avg Bid
    15 bids

    Hi, we need help to convert this figma design into Wix Studio. Needs to be responsive. No SEO needed. Needs to be well structure that won't break when making edits of text & image. Needs to setup site theme and stick all elements using site theme's text style & color. No real functionality needed. Just convert the design into Wix Studio. Please provide links to your previous Wix Studio sites. No suggestions on 'use wordpress' nor 'use classic editor' is needed.

    $157 (Avg Bid)
    $157 Avg Bid
    65 bids

    I need a Laravel expert to set up a Twilio account and integrate it with my Laravel customer support portal. - Twilio Account: - Sign up for a Twilio account to enable both sending and receiving SMS messages. The purpose of this is to enhance customer experience by allowing them to receive notifications or updates via SMS. - Laravel Installation: - Ensure you have a Laravel project set up. The project is primarily a customer support portal and will require the Twilio integration. - Twilio SDK: - Install the Twilio SDK for PHP for seamless communication and interaction between the Laravel project and Twilio. The project is intended to provide a reliable and efficient customer support platform, which is why the SMS integration is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project...

    $291 (Avg Bid)
    $291 Avg Bid
    46 bids

    I'm looking to enhance two key ar...need your expertise. - Supplier Product Upload and Search Functionality: Firstly, I would like to improve the way how suppliers can upload products (one product with different supplier prices by different suppliers), and how it is displayed to customers. - MLS Feed Integration: Secondly, I'm looking to connect my website to receive an MLS feed from another website. This would require you to setup the connection and ensure the data is accurately synced. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development with a focus on ecommerce features - Experience with implementing search functionality improvements - Knowledge of MLS feed integration would be a bonus. - Laravel If you're confident in your ability to deliver on these two areas, I...

    $202 (Avg Bid)
    $202 Avg Bid
    82 bids

    ...access to a whole set of functionalities, including: - A schedule and booking management system that can keep everyone updated regarding various events, classes, and resources available. - Seamless membership management to manage subscriptions, renewals, and other member-related details. - An effective team communication mechanism to streamline discussions binding our community. - An e-commerce setup for selling relevant commodities. Ideal candidates should have proven experience in developing interactive and efficient apps, ideally in the sports domain, with expertise in integrating a variety of features. Knowledge of e-commerce related integrations would be an added plus. The key goal here is to digitalise our sports club and bring everything, right from scheduling to communi...

    $814 (Avg Bid)
    $814 Avg Bid
    71 bids

    I'm in search of a highly skilled AutoCAD drafter with specialization in commercial kitchen design. Key responsibilities will include: * Creating a efficient layout plan for an open kitchen setup * Assisting in the selection of suitable kitchen equipment * Drafting accurate plumbing and electrical plans pertinent to commercial kitchens Ideal candidates must have a deep understanding of commercial kitchen requirements and functionality, previous work experience with similar drafting tasks will be highly favored. Familiarity with mechanical and electrical plans is crucial. I look forward to working with a visionary who understands the essence of a well-designed commercial kitchen.

    $7 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    28 bids

    I need a web developer to implement a fundraising tool into my Shopify site that will track product sales of multiple teams. This tool should conveniently reside on the same platform as my Shopify site and include a user-friendly dashboard with comprehensive sales data. Key Features: - Monitor sales from multiple teams at the same time, similar to the setup on - User dashboard should display various metrics: * Total sales per team * Highest selling products per team * Breakdown of individual contributions per team and top three highest sellers * Top selling products for each team member * Ability for the individual team member to share their link via email and social media Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Shopify development - Experience with ...

    $476 (Avg Bid)
    $476 Avg Bid
    33 bids

    I'm seeking a male voiceover artist to record a friendly and welcoming voicemail message in English for my business. The ideal candidate will have...professional tone. Key Requirements: - Male voice: It's important that the voiceover is delivered by a male artist. - Language: The voicemail should be in English. - Style: I'm looking for a voiceover that is friendly and welcoming. Ideal Skills: - Experience in voicemail voiceovers, or similar work. - Ability to deliver a warm, inviting and professional tone. - A high-quality microphone and recording setup. Text: Thank you for contacting Kinder Builders DIY Kits! For assistance, please text this number or leave a voicemail. You can also send an email to Schools and Camps Ask us about our b...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    9 entries

    ...must provide an initial timeline, which will be adjusted weekly All code created will be the exclusive property of Next. Next project: 1. Create a timeline. 2. Create a wireframe of the project 3. Create the UX of the project while the rest of the project progresses. 4. Create the AWS site, create/set-up the servers and databases while the rest of the project progresses. 5. Create the Affiliates Setup and Control site 6. Create the Affiliate site - xx days 7. Create the Training site – xx days 8. Create the End User site – xx days 9. Create the Customer Management site – xx days 10. Create the Service Ticket site – xx days 11. Create the Routing and Scheduling site – xx days 12. Create the Billing Center site – xx day 13. Create the CPNet...

    $35950 (Avg Bid)
    $35950 Avg Bid
    63 bids

    I am looking for a skilled individual to set up ClickUp for my small team. We are less than 10 members and primarily need it for task management and team collaboration. Key Requirements: - Configuration of ClickUp for task management - Set up of collaboration tools to enhance team communication and efficiency - Integration with Email and Calendar for seamless workflow -...Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in setting up ClickUp for small teams - Strong understanding of task management and team collaboration tools - Familiarity with Email and Calendar integration - Previous experience with CRM software integration - Knowledge of linking file storage services This is a crucial project for us, and we are looking for a freelancer who can deliver a well-rounded ClickUp setup that meets ...

    $167 (Avg Bid)
    $167 Avg Bid
    42 bids

    ...servos linked with each other and have to move relative to one another. We have a 3d model of the assembly and should be simulated before delploying Key Requirements: - Expertise in Siemens PLC programming, specifically with the S7-1500 model. - Proficiency in programming servo tasks such as motion control, positioning, and synchronization. - Ability to work with existing hardware and servo motors setup. You should be able to understand and execute tasks related to motion control, positioning, and synchronization. Your experience with servo programming will be important, as the project is very much about working with these systems. It's also essential that you're comfortable working with the S7-1500 model. Please bear in mind that the hardware and servo motors are a...

    $627 (Avg Bid)
    $627 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    I've recently set up a Twitter Developer Account but facing challenges when it comes to implementing the Twitter API into my project. I a...issue lies in the actual implementation of the API into my project I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me navigate through the Twitter Developer Account process. This includes: - Detailed guidance on the process of setting up the Twitter Developer Account - Step-by-step instructions on implementing the Twitter API into a project You should have: - Proficiency in Twitter Developer Account setup - Strong understanding of Twitter API best practices - Excellent communication skills to walk me through the process step-by-step Please note, the ideal candidate should have experience in setting up Twitter Developer Accounts and workin...

    $430 (Avg Bid)
    $430 Avg Bid
    3 bids

    I'm requiring a skilled developer proficient in Facebook Pixel for installation, setup, and custom event tracking on my WordPress site. The project will include: - Installing and setting up Facebook Pixel on my WordPress platform for effective monitoring. - Drawn focus on custom event tracking, specifically 'purchase completions' to optimize future marketing strategies. The ideal candidate has solid experience with Facebook Pixel, understands WordPress, and can utilize tools for advanced custom event tracking. Knowledge of eCommerce and digital marketing is a huge plus. Familiarity with Facebook ads and a portfolio showing similar projects done is desired.

    $29 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $29 / hr Avg Bid
    66 bids

    I'm seeking a female voice artist to provide Tamil voiceover services for an audiobook catered to adults. Requirements: - Have a native, or near-native, Tamil accent. - Have experience in voice acting...project requires a versatile voiceover artist who is able to evoke the various moods present in the text, creating an immersive auditory experience for the listener. Currently, I have a one-hour story which needs to be made into an audiobook. If it works, I have many other books to be made into audiobook. You need to work from your own place and so it is important that you have your mic and other setup to deliver me a quality audio output. I have attached here a sample page. Please send me recorded sample of it. I need it urgently and I want you to complete the story as so...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I'm in need of a ...individual who can help me set up my NAS System running openSUSE, including the configuration of a Docker system. I already have the hardware for the NAS system, so the primary focus would be on the software setup. Key Requirements: - Installation and configuration of a NAS System on openSUSE - Setting up a Docker system on the NAS - Configuring the NAS to run Web applications, Database services and a Media server - Ensuring the system is capable of supporting connectivity for less than 10 devices Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in setting up NAS Systems on openSUSE - Experienced in Docker system setup and configuration - Knowledgeable in configuring NAS Systems to support various applications - Skilled in ensuring connectivity and user access for a s...

    $143 (Avg Bid)
    $143 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I'm seeking an experienced professional to set up a karaoke system with a main focus on installing a professional-grade audio mixer. An existing venue has been arranged for the setup. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of professional audio equipment and bring expertise in acoustic setup to ensure optimal sound quality in the space. Familiarity with karaoke systems and proven ability to work effectively within the constraints of the venue is required. A site visit to see the available equipments is preferred before the installation day.

    $52 (Avg Bid)
    $52 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    ...create a sleek and modern online presence for my company. The primary tasks include: - Designing a professional and appealing logo that embodies the essence of our company - Crafting a modern, minimalist website that is easy to navigate and visually pleasing Key requirements for the website: - An online booking system that allows customers to easily book their rides - Domain registration and setup of up to 10 professional email addresses I'm open to suggestions on how to manage the website's content post-launch, so feel free to recommend the best approach based on your experience. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Website Design - Logo Design - User Experience (UX) Design - Web Development (for website functionalities) - Content Management...

    $231 (Avg Bid)
    $231 Avg Bid
    132 bids

    Looking for an expert to set up my business on both Facebook and Instagram. The main purpose of the Instagram account is to sell products. Luckily, all product photos and descriptions are ready to go. I need someone who can effectively: - Build up professional looking profiles for both platforms - Organize and display product photos and descriptions in an engaging manner The ideal candidate will have: - Experience in generating ecommerce sale through social media platforms - Excellent knowledge of Facebook & Instagram features and algorithms - Ability to drive traffic and engage customers for sales conversion - Adequate understanding on how to set up a business account on these platforms Looking forward to your bids.

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Avg Bid
    28 bids

    I'm looking to build a business account on Facebook and link to Instagram to create an instagram shop for my business on both Facebook and Instagram. The central aim is to drive conversions and sales via these platforms. • Expertise Required: - Social Media Management - Facebook and Instagram Ads Management - Digital Marketing Strategy • Work Description: - Setup business profiles on both platforms. - Develop and integrate a catalog of my physical products. - Link the catalog to the respective platforms for direct sales. Ideally, the freelancer should have a strong background in sales conversion strategies using social media platforms, and experience with product catalog creation and integration. This project requires precise, effective work to ens...

    $136 (Avg Bid)
    $136 Avg Bid
    24 bids
    Comprehensive RTweet Guide in R 12 hours left

    I'm looking for a detailed guide on how to get tweets using the RTweet library in R. Key points include: - Explaining the setup process of the Twitter Developer Account since I'm facing issues with access - A detailed, step-by-step guide on how to leverage the RTweet library for tweet lookup and analysis - Troubleshooting guidance for known issues Ideal skills: - Proficient in R programming language - Strong understanding of the RTweet library - Experience with Twitter Developer account setup - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner - Troubleshooting experience with the Twitter API

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bids

    ...Design**: The website should be designed with a minimalist approach, emphasizing: - **Lots of White Space**: To give the site a clean, uncluttered feel. - **Limited Color Palette**: To maintain a coherent, visually pleasing look. - **Simplified Navigation**: For an intuitive user experience. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in web development, e-commerce integration, blog setup, SEO, and an eye for minimalist design. Your ability to understand and implement a seamless user experience will be crucial to the success of this project. I need to see examples of the style of website you have done before. There should be spaces for ad placement on the website. There will be no upfront payment, so please don't ask. I will not entertain doing this projec...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    113 bids
    AWS DevOps Engineer Needed 6 days left

    ...deployments, and setting up a Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Key Project Requirements: - Infrastructure provisioning: You should have the ability to set up and manage cloud resources efficiently. - Automated deployments: Experience with automating deployment processes is crucial for the success of this project. - Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) setup: The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of CI/CD principles and be able to implement them effectively. Security Requirements: In addition to the technical requirements, you should be familiar with compliance standards such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001. A strong understanding of security measures and the ability to implement them within the AWS environment ...

    $8 - $15 / hr
    $8 - $15 / hr
    51 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled professional who's proficient in working with the Turvo TMS Rest API for a project that involves its integration. The main goal of this project is to leverage the capabilities of the Turvo TMS Rest API to streamline and enhance our shipping processes. Key responsibilities of this role will include: - Working on the setup and authentication of the API - Handling data retrieval and manipulation - Implementing effective error handling and debugging mechanisms If you've got proven experience with the Turvo TMS Rest API and are confident in your ability to help us automate our shipping processes effectively, I'd love to hear from you.

    $34 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $34 / hr Avg Bid
    15 bids

    ...This includes streamlining the control and monitoring of processing machines and ensuring the efficient control of machinery. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the PLC control system in alignment with our assembly line automation needs. - Program the system for optimal performance, ensuring reliability and efficiency. - Integrate the PLC system with the rest of our industrial automation setup, to create a seamless, cohesive system. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in programming Siemens PLC systems. - Previous experience in automation projects is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of industrial automation in a manufacturing environment. - Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to optimize processes. - Good communication skills to work effectively with our eng...

    $38 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $38 / hr Avg Bid
    30 bids
    Full Stack Developer (MERN) 6 days left

    Looking for a Full Stack Developer >6 years of experience in agile d...passive attack surfave enumeration Create an app for detecting spoofed social media profiles Create an app to scrape ransomware threat actor website and maitain stats about those sites Improve an existing app to monitor paste sites Mininmal Tech Experience: MERN, REST API (JWT), Django, Python, Github, CI/CD, Celery, Redis, Linux, Postgress, Kubernetes, Docker, Nginx, JS, HTML5, Protocols (DNS, SMTP, SSL, HTTP..).Detailed app specifications will be shared at a later stage. |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --> No agencies. AI generated answers will be ignored <---| |--------------------------------------------------------------------------...

    $53 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $53 / hr Avg Bid
    66 bids

    I am planning to set up a new application on AWS ECS using Docker and I am looking for a skilled expert to assist with the initial setup. Key Project Requirements: - Proficiency setting up and configuring AWS services, particularly ECS and EC2. - Strong understanding and practical experience with Docker. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with AWS ECS and Docker. - Good understanding of best practices for AWS service configuration. - Ability to troubleshoot and provide solutions for potential issues. - Strong communication skills to explain the setup process to me in a clear and understandable way. Please get in touch if you have the skills and experience to support this project.

    $49 (Avg Bid)
    $49 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced Laravel expert to help me with an existing project. The primary focus is to enhance the current setup and to develop custom modules as required. Key Responsibilities: - Enhancing the front-end of the existing Laravel project - Improving the back-end functionality and making necessary adjustments - Developing custom modules to advance the project's capabilities Ideal Candidate Skills: - Extensive experience in Laravel development - Proficiency in front-end development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Strong understanding of back-end development principles - Prior experience in developing custom modules in Laravel Please note that while the focus is currently on enhancements and modules, there might be additional tasks related to the pr...

    $34 (Avg Bid)
    $34 Avg Bid
    28 bids

    We're in need of an experienced professional who can complete my WooCommerce and WordPress sites with a focus on design customization, product page setup, and payment gateway integration. We have a specific set of tactics that I need implemented on both sites, all of which have been pre-defined. The ideal candidate should have: - A strong background in customizing WooCommerce and WordPress development - Experience with design customization - Proven expertise in API for manufacturer - Able to meet for daily sprints during United States business hours, Central Standard Time zone. Please only apply if you have a portfolio demonstrating your successful completion of similar projects. PROJECT - $500 We will not respond to offers higher than the project price. VIDEO - we w...

    $470 (Avg Bid)
    $470 Avg Bid
    169 bids

    I know what an Affiliate program is I have never developed one before. I am sure there are some things missing here but feel free to add your input. I do think this should give you a somewhat decent idea. Affiliates can sign up from CF Website or by invitation. (email) Affiliates have portal they can see activity ï‚· Post Training Materials ï‚· Marketing Materials ï‚· Post messages to “group.” CF has ability to send group emails to all affiliates CF has ability to Block/Remove Affiliates Links they use for sales generation tracks which Plan Package their client signed up for. Affiliate receives a commish based on: ï‚· Sale with Demo but no Training provided by Affiliate ï‚· Sale with Demo and no Training ï‚· No Demo, No Training Lead only Ability to create Sales reports for each Affiliate...

    $800 (Avg Bid)
    $800 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...operations, I'm seeking a seasoned freelancer with strong expertise in Odoo setup, specifically for CRM, Sales and Email Marketing modules. If you are adept at setting up these Odoo modules, I invite you to bid on this project. Key Responsibilities: - Configuring CRM, Sales, and Email Marketing modules in Odoo - Providing guidance on whether any specific customizations or configurations are needed Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Odoo setup - Strong understanding of CRM, Sales, and Email Marketing modules - Able to provide clear and concise guidance Our primary users will be our Sales and Marketing teams, so experience in setting up Odoo for these specific teams is desirable. Your job will be to ensure the setup aligns with their workflow, potent...

    $23 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $23 / hr Avg Bid
    32 bids

    I'm urgently seeking an experienced freelancer to help me update my Joomla template and modules. Your responsibilities will include: 1. *...user-experience need to be introduced. Having prior experience delivering such features will be advantageous. 3. **Styling Update:** I also require modifications and tweaks to the existing Joomla components and modules. Your skills should include Joomla templating and module modifications. The timely completion of this project is essential as I'm looking to implement these changes urgently. We have a test setup and Gitlab project, we have some new styling that we would like to have implemented on Joomsocial component and plugins and some other. We need you to be a selfstarter and you will have to have a good eye for styling elemen...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    59 bids

    Hello potential collabora...lack prior experience in running machine learning projects, I am in need of someone well-versed in this area. Your tasks will include, but are not restricted to: * Assisting me in setting up the project on my local machine effectively * Guidance in running the project smoothly, addressing any potential issues on its way Optimal Skills and Experience: * Proficient in machine learning project setup on a Windows OS * A broad understanding of different databases suitable for a machine learning project * Patience and willingness to explain complex concepts to a beginner If you're a tech-savvy individual with an expertise in initiating local machine learning projects, then you are the perfect fit for this job. Let's team up and start this thrilli...

    $58 (Avg Bid)
    $58 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled freelancer to set up a Smartsheet for my team. Our primary aim is to leverage real-time collaboration features to enhance our workflow. Key Requirements: - Incorporate task management: Ensure the sheet is structured for managing tasks, deadlines, and priorities effectively. - Enable collaboration and sharing: Set up the sheet to allow seamless sharing and collaboration among less than 10 users. Prioritize privacy and permission settings. - Reporting and analytics: Integrate necessary reporting and analytics tools to help us track progress, performance, and efficiency. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Smartsheet: Should have prior experience in setting up Smartsheets for teams and projects. - Real-time Collaboration: Understands how to leverage Smartshe...

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I'm looking for a networking professional to assist me in setting up a Local Area Network (LAN) with the ...accessible to the authorized devices. - Minimal Device Connectivity: As the network is intended for a small group of less than 10 devices, the setup should be simple and efficient without compromising security. Ideal Skills: - Networking Expertise: A deep understanding of LAN setups and configurations is crucial. - File Sharing Knowledge: Experience in setting up networks for efficient and secure file sharing. - Security Awareness: The ability to ensure the network is set up securely and in a way that minimizes the risk of unauthorized access. - Efficiency in Small Scale Setup: Experience in setting up networks for small groups of devices while keeping the setu...

    $13 (Avg Bid)
    $13 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I am seeking a skilled professional to set up a WordPress eCommerce site for my business. This site will carry well over a 100 different products. Key Requirements: - Implement and manage eCommerce features specifically, a functional shopping cart and a product review plat...will carry well over a 100 different products. Key Requirements: - Implement and manage eCommerce features specifically, a functional shopping cart and a product review platform. - Experience with WordPress eCommerce platforms is a must. - Ability to organize a large number of products into a smooth and navigable interface. - Should provide basic training so I'm capable of maintaining site after setup. Your demonstrated work history in setting up successful eCommerce sites on WordPress would strengthen...

    $133 (Avg Bid)
    $133 Avg Bid
    164 bids

    I'm looking for an expert to assist me in configuring email services for domains within my Cpanel. Requirements: - Configure email forwarding for each domain. - Setup SPF and DKIM records for enhanced email deliverability. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in Cpanel email setup for multiple domains. - Proficiency in configuring email forwarding. - Proven expertise in configuring SPF and DKIM records. Your successful completion of this project will ensure that all my domains have a reliable email service setup.

    $120 (Avg Bid)
    $120 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    As a client using a Linux-based WHM/CPanel setup, I am in need of a skilled freelancer to help me upload and configure the DNS records and SSL certificates for my domains. Key Responsibilities: - Uploading DNS records: The successful candidate should be able to efficiently upload and configure DNS records for the domains in my WHM/CPanel system. This is crucial for the proper functioning and accessibility of the websites associated with the domains. - Configuring SSL certificates: SSL certificates are integral for ensuring the security of my websites. The freelancer should be able to proficiently install and configure SSL certificates for the domains in my WHM/CPanel setup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WHM/CPanel: The ideal candidate should have a strong ba...

    $125 (Avg Bid)
    $125 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I am in need of an expert who can assist me with the customization and setup of Microsoft Office applications. Key responsibilities: - Assessing my requirements and suggesting the best ways to customize the Microsoft Office software. - Configuring the settings and options of the software to meet my specific needs. - Providing step-by-step guidance to help me understand and use the customized features efficiently. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook). - Experience in customizing and setting up Microsoft Office applications for various purposes. - Excellent communication skills to explain technical information in a clear and understandable manner. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    $21 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $21 / hr Avg Bid
    26 bids

    I'm looking for a professional to set up conversion tracking on my Squarespace website. The focus will primarily be on tracking appointment bookings made directly on the website (through Acuity Scheduling). What experience is needed: - Google Tag and Google Ads - Conversion tracking setup on Squarespace Acuity Scheduling What I want to have: 1. When my customer books a specific appointment on the website, I want to see this action as a successful conversion on my Google Ads 2. This action needs to be set as a goal conversion in my Google Ads If you've had previous experience with such setups, especially on Squarespace, I would be glad to hear from you.

    $20 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $20 / hr Avg Bid
    30 bids

    hello Currently, AWS-related consultation is needed. Also, we are looking for someone who can connect to AWS (build a server). We are looking for someone who can perform AWS-related tasks such as SSL, server management, backup settings, cost optimization, etc. My current budget is around $10-$20. Please write "awsp" in chat or in the proposal to help determine whether bots are verified.

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    33 bids

    Villa Silvana Building IFC Model with BlenderBIm Export Ifc and FBX. Ifc File import in UNREAL Engine and setup location map with Cesium plagin.

    $358 (Avg Bid)
    $358 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...convenient for our patients and staff. Key Features: - Online Payment: The system should support online payment through Stripe. This will allow patients to pay for their appointments in advance. - Swedish Payment Provider: Integration with the Swedish payment provider Swish is important, as many of our customers prefer to pay using this method. - Video Conferencing: The system should enable the setup of online meetings. These meetings should be conducted via video conferencing. This feature will be useful for remote consultations and follow-ups. - Calendar Booking: The system should have a calendar booking feature, which allows patients to select their preferred date and time for an appointment. Information Collection: - Patient Information: The booking process should collect t...

    $693 (Avg Bid)
    $693 Avg Bid
    190 bids

    Riabilia Building IFC Model with BlenderBIm Export Ifc and FBX. Ifc File import in UNREAL Engine and setup location map with Cesium plagin.

    $358 (Avg Bid)
    $358 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for a highly skilled WordPress and IT professional to execute various tasks on my website. The scope of work includes: - Setting up user registration and login functionality. This feature should be available to any user wh...register. - Making specific edits on the website – this could involve changing the theme, customizing the layout, or adding new content. - Assisting with IT tasks such as connecting my Namecheap URL to my cyber panel. Your job will be to establish the initial setup, ensuring a seamless connection between both platforms. Ideal candidates should have substantial WordPress experience, specifically with user registration and website modification. Familiarity with Namecheap and cyber panel is a plus, as is a solid understanding of initial I...

    $10 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $10 / hr Avg Bid
    57 bids

    Hi Muhammad W., thanks for helping out on the previous Shopify project. Now I need your help to setup the Facebook ads campaign setup. Thanks.

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Avg Bid
    1 bids