Template slicen html css jobs


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    2,000 template slicen html css jobs found, pricing in USD

    I need a developer skilled in HTML/CSS to edit my existing webpage. The main task will involve: - Blocking certain pop-ups from appearing on my page Thus, ideal candidates should have experience with popup management and troubleshooting within a HTML/CSS environment. Mastery in HTML/CSS editing will be crucial to carry out this task effectively. I look forward to working with a competent web developer who can efficiently execute these changes without disrupting the site's overall functionality.

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Avg Bid
    39 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled web designer to help me enhance the mobile responsiveness of my website. Key Requirements: - See attachments for mobile formatting instructions (mobile only, desktop view should not be modified) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in designing and optimizing websites for mobile devices is a must. - Proficiency with HTML, CSS, and website design principles is essential. Please pay careful attention to the details provided in the attached markup and follow the instructions closely. It's important that you follow the direction given to maintain the overall aesthetic and functionality of the site. I look forward to seeing your proposals.

    $143 (Avg Bid)
    $143 Avg Bid
    224 bids

    I need an experienced freelancer to create a professional and corporate confirmation email template using PHP and HTML. The template should include: - Order details - Customer information - Delivery timeline - Login and registration link - Cashback amount This project is urgent and I need it completed ASAP. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PHP and HTML - Previous experience in creating email templates - Understanding of design principles for corporate communication - Ability to work quickly and efficiently.

    $38 (Avg Bid)
    $38 Avg Bid
    51 bids

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a comprehensive, user-friendly Google Form and Excel template system. This system will be geared towards the hotel management sector and will be used for recording bookings, sales, expenses, and other business-related data. Key Requirements: - Design and Implementation of Google Form: The form should be intuitive and easy to use. It should have fields for recording bookings, sales, expenses, and other relevant business information. - Excel Templates: The gathered data from the form should be integrated into a set of Excel templates. These templates should be professionally designed and easy for hotel management to use. Your Role: - Your role will be to create a system that can manage multiple businesses. The system should serve as a...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Avg Bid
    48 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled designer who can create a custom email template for Outlook, aligning with our existing branding. Key Requirements: - Develop a professional, easy-to-use email template that reflects our brand identity. - Ensure the template is compatible with Outlook and maintains consistency across various devices. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in designing functional and visually appealing email templates for Outlook. - Strong understanding of branding and the ability to seamlessly incorporate it into the design. If you have a creative eye and a good grasp of email template design, I'd like to hear from you.

    $72 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $72 / hr Avg Bid
    21 bids

    ...can create 4-6 custom HTML templates for my promotional campaigns. Key Elements: - **Promotion Oriented:** The primary objective of these templates is to effectively promote our products and services. Previous experience in designing templates with a strong focus on sales and conversions would be highly beneficial. - **Branding Integration:** It's essential that the selected freelancer can seamlessly integrate our company's logo and brand color scheme into the design. - **Aesthetic Appeal:** The aesthetic appearance of the templates is crucial. We want them to not only effectively communicate our offerings but also be visually engaging. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in designing email marketing templates with a focus on sales and conversions. - Skilled in HTM...

    $167 (Avg Bid)
    $167 Avg Bid
    86 bids

    The project involves designing two specific pages for a website - the Home page and Voucher Redeem page. - Pages to be Designed: - Home Page...and Voucher Redeem page. - Pages to be Designed: - Home Page - Voucher Redeem Page For the Home Page specifically, I need an expert who can: - Create a grid layout to display all co-company logo images. - Incorporate the displayed logo images with their respective information. - Ensure the design is visually appealing and user-friendly. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in HTML, UI/UX design, and a strong understanding of layout design in a web environment. Please note that the Voucher Redeem page will be discussed in further detail once the Home page design is finalized. sample homepage design:

    $36 (Avg Bid)
    $36 Avg Bid
    75 bids

    I'm looking for a CSS expert who can help me identify why CSS is failing to load on all pages within a particular section of my website. - The issue: The CSS of this particular section of the website is not loading at all, affecting the overall appearance and functionality. If I put any characters before the HTML, the CSS is loading. - Website status: Other sections are not impacted, and the pages in this section are loading, but without proper CSS. - Validation: Please, start your answer with "Validation Stable MARK" to prove you read the description. Quotes without validation won't be accepted. - Recent changes: I haven't made any recent changes to the CSS or the website code. The hosting was changed. On the local...

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    40 bids
    Modern CSS Overhaul for Blog 5 days left

    I'm in need of a CSS expert who can help revamp my website blog's look. Our aim is to create a modern and sleek style that aligns with current design trends. The changes required are as follows: - Changing font styles: You'll be responsible for selecting new fonts that elevate the readability and overall aesthetic of the blog. - Adjusting color scheme: Our current color palette needs a refresh. You should propose and execute a new, modern, and cohesive color scheme. - Modifying layout: I'm looking for someone with a keen eye for design to restructure the layout of the blog in a modern and engaging way. Key requirements for the successful freelancer: - Demonstrated experience in CSS, particularly in the context of website blog design. - A strong ...

    $169 (Avg Bid)
    $169 Avg Bid
    43 bids

    ...Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent certifications and work experience. Experience Includes: - Building scalable websites and applications from scratch, leveraging Python and associated technologies. - Optimizing existing systems, maintaining backend health, and implementing security updates. - Developing, maintaining, and optimizing modern user interfaces for SaaS products using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Architectural work involving performance optimization and SEO. - Handling multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines and maintaining attention to detail. - Participating in and managing technical interviews. Nice to Have: - Familiarity with DevOps and CI/CD pipelines. - Experience with containerization tools like Docker and Kubernet...

    $17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $17 / hr Avg Bid
    73 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled developer who can integrate MTN Momo & Vodafone Cash into my custom HTML/CSS website. The integration should mimic the seamless payment and withdrawal systems commonly seen in betting platforms. Key requirements and responsibilities: - Integration with MTN Momo & Vodafone Cash: The developer should be well-versed with the APIs and processes involved in integrating these mobile money services. - Automated Deposits & Withdrawals: The main goal of this integration is to ensure that users can deposit and withdraw their funds swiftly and seamlessly. - User-friendly Interface: The integration should be done in a way that is user-friendly and intuitive, encouraging users to engage with the payment system. Ideal skills and experience: - Pr...

    $438 (Avg Bid)
    $438 Avg Bid
    46 bids

    I...profile functionality and a unique feature which is the map using Google API. The website is about exploring castles in Edinburgh, England with the core feature being an interactive map, where users can click on castle names/icon and a pop up of a castle image will show up on the map. They can also save castles to favourites. Key Expectations: - Create a modern, interactive website - Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with any UI framework or JS library of your choice - Implement a simple login/sign-up, and user profile page -Implement a map using google API maps I have attached an example map from a website and my wireframes of how the website could look like. I am looking for a developer who can deliver this project as quickly as possible. Please let me know if you&...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 Avg Bid
    55 bids
    svelte designing 8 days left

    simple toggle buttons implemented using tailwind css

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...produce a one-off piece for a special anniversary gift. The concept is centered around a unique personalized message. You will be tasked to bring it to life using striking and vivid 3D animation techniques. Specifications: - The animation should be in 4K resolution. - Capture the sentiment of a personal message, hence the requirement for custom, bespoke animation. - We do not need a ready-made template or off-the-shelf solution. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in creating high-quality 3D animation. - Portfolio of previous work, particularly projects with an emotional, personal touch. - Strong attention to detail. - Open to feedback and willing to make edits when required. - Able to work within a timeframe to deliver the final animation on time. This is a unique projec...

    $376 (Avg Bid)
    $376 Avg Bid
    44 bids

    Project Title: Content Integration, Arabic Site Activation, and SEO Configuration for WordPress Website I am seeking a skilled and experienced WordPress professional to help me with the following tasks for my website, which is an SEO Agency: Content Integration: I have a WordPress template already designed and the content in English is ready. Your task will be to integrate this content into the website in a visually appealing and organized manner. The website consists of approximately 20-30 pages. Arabic Site Activation: I am currently working on translating the content into Arabic. I need you to activate the Arabic version of the site and ensure that the Arabic content is integrated seamlessly, maintaining the same level of visual appeal and organization as the English site. SE...

    $166 (Avg Bid)
    $166 Avg Bid
    67 bids

    ...improved and corrected according to the design with elementor global colors and font from site settings. - The short listed candidate must have extensive experience in Elementor page and template design that are highly responsive for any devices. - You must have an eye to the details without needing any assistance. - You may need to setup global site settings for from Elementor Pro based on fonts and colors from the reference design template. - You will get a temporary elementor page and a development URL where you will need to work directly. If you can fix the already created elementor home page template based on the design in next 2-4 hours would be ideal to be awarded with the task. Ideal candidate: - Proficient in Elementor Pro and WordPress. - Experienced i...

    $34 (Avg Bid)
    $34 Avg Bid
    79 bids

    ...looking for a talented designer to create a visually appealing Google Slide for a conference presentation. The slide will feature logos of 63 companies. Here are the key details: - Logos Arrangement: I need the logos arranged in a random format on the slide. This should be done in an aesthetically pleasing manner that captures the viewer's attention. - Color Scheme: The slide should have a blank template as my conference theme doesn't require a specific color scheme. - Additional Elements: There is no need for additional elements on the slide. Ideal Candidates would have: - Proficiency in Google Slides and graphic design - Experience in creating visually attractive presentations - Attention to detail in logo placement and overall layout - Updated knowledge of design ...

    $13 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $13 / hr Avg Bid
    31 bids

    ...for a skilled HTML developer to create a single page that replicates the look and feel of the provided reference site. The main challenge is to include a dynamic menu bar similar to the mobile view of the reference site. Key Elements: - The page should include a profile picture and information, skills and specialties, work experience and education sections. - Mimic the mobile view menu bar of the reference site which includes options such as Call, WhatsApp, QR Code, SaveAs Contact, and Share. Additional Elements: - Implement a functional Call button that initiates an actual phone call. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Experience in creating responsive design. The final deliverable should be a clean and well-structured HTML file w...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    60 entries

    ...should work on Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari of windows desktop, iPhone and android. Milestones will be created. Results card layout improvements: a) Currently, for layout with multiple laptops per row, it shows specs only on mouse-over, lets remove that and show that in the card itself, between the laptop image and the hyperlink of the laptop title. Lower the font a little bit and add a special css class to control the style of the specs. b) The cards need a bit more padding/margin so they dont look too crowded with information. Show Details popup: c) Show details popup needs to occupy 90% of the screen width showing the specs in two columns and have a nice border and a thin scrollbar if the content does not all show in one screen. Description/Name should only show first 25...

    $174 (Avg Bid)
    $174 Avg Bid
    138 bids

    I'm seeking a Junior Frontend Developer, US based developer is preferred. Looking to hire someone: - has good communication skill - must be active on Slack - must be available on US working times Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript - 1-2 years of experience in Frontend Development - Experience working with React and TypeScript - Familiarity with React Native and Angular, Vue, Node, Express, Database - Agile Methodologies like Scrum and Kanban... - Cloud experiences like AWS, GCP, and Azure. Thanks.

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    160 bids

    I need to create a small HTML file to print offers and discounts, just like the attached one. Title, Price, Product name and logo below. It is to print on a horizontal A4 sheet. I need this in html format.

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Avg Bid
    110 bids

    I have two or three designs for a landing page. I am in need of a skilled web developer to convert these designs into responsive HTML/CSS. Are you able to deliver fast, work accurately, and a nice girl or guy :) ? Then show your interest and let me know your quote and delivery time. Thanks!

    $455 (Avg Bid)
    $455 Avg Bid
    307 bids

    ...customize the information presented to each user. - **Technology:** The website will be built using React and Redux. Experience with these technologies is a must. - **Responsive Design:** The website should be fully responsive across all devices and resolutions. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in React and Redux - Strong understanding of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience in designing and developing responsive websites - Understanding of user experience fundamentals - Ability to work with design preferences and deliver an attractive, bright and colorful website that meets the project requirements. If you are a skilled web developer with experience in React and Redux, and you have a keen eye for design, I would lo...

    $274 (Avg Bid)
    $274 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    ...experience and promotes engagement. Key requirements of the project include: - Experience with ASP.NET: Proven track record of developing complex and secure ASP.NET applications. - E-commerce Development: Previous experience in building e-commerce websites, including shopping carts, payment gateways, and product management. - Front-end Design Skills: Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and responsive interfaces. - Database Management: Strong understanding of database management to ensure data integrity and support scalable growth. The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio demonstrating their expertise in ASP.NET development, with a focus on e-commerce websites. They should be able to work independent...

    $47 (Avg Bid)
    $47 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a responsive website design using Tailwind and HTML. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in HTML and Tailwind CSS. - Experience in creating responsive web design. - Strong eye for design that can enhance user experience and visual appeal. Your task will be to take the provided content and turn it into a website that is easy to navigate and visually engaging. Experience with similar projects and a strong portfolio will be highly valued.

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    46 bids

    I'm looking to build a website to showcase my portfolio. The site should consist of a few key components: Homepage: Primarily serving as an i...project pages, each dedicated to a specific project of mine. These pages should be detailed, showcasing the project's details, challenges, and outcomes. Contact Page: Finally, the site should have a dedicated contact page to make it easy for visitors to get in touch with me. I am seeking a skilled web developer with experience in portfolio sites. The ideal candidate should be proficient in: - HTML, CSS, and Javascript - Responsive Web Design - CMS (Content Management System) - SEO optimization Better option is in Wordpress because i want to upload new content in the future Please provide examples of previous portfolio...

    $211 (Avg Bid)
    $211 Avg Bid
    228 bids

    As a consulting firm, we're in need of a professional and clean corporate presentation template. We're looking for a minimalist style template with a blue color scheme. Key Requirements: - The presentation template should follow a minimalist design approach that aligns with our corporate image. - The color scheme should be primarily blue, with additional subtle colors, if necessary. - The template should be easily editable and adaptable for various presentation needs. - The output file format must be in PowerPoint (.pptx) format. - The pages must have professional photos and nothing else. - it must look good also after conversion to PDF format Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in creating professional and modern presentation templates. - Proficiency...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    100 bids

    I need a Wordpress expert to set up a blog section on my website. This is a daily updated, product/service promotion blog, which is the primary goal of the site. Key tasks include: - Implementing a suitable blog template to maximize promotion effectiveness - Ensuring ease of use for daily posting - Making sure the layout and design align with the overall website Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in Wordpress and blog setup - A good understanding of e-commerce or marketing to ensure effective promotion - Strong design skills to harmonize the blog with the website's existing style If you have experience in this area, I'd love to hear from you.

    $86 (Avg Bid)
    $86 Avg Bid
    50 bids
    Latex Template Creation 4 days left

    ...a freelancer with LaTeX expertise to transform a two-page Word document into a LaTeX template. This template should be flexible and able to accommodate the following requirements: - Intermediate level of customization: I expect the final template to have customized headers/footers, specific font choices, and a coherent, professional structure. - Combination of text, figures, and tables: The original document merges text, figures, and tables. The template should maintain this mix while ensuring a consistent, clean layout. The ideal candidate should have a strong proficiency in LaTeX, with prior experience in creating similarly styled templates. Excellent attention to detail is crucial, as the final template should mirror the original document's l...

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    We are looking for someone to create a brand kit to include: - A brand logo with at least 4 variations, all provided as high resolution files - Brand guidelines to include colour palette, fonts and font sizing - Website banners/content - Powerpoint template with a minimum of 6 slide variations - Word template - Email signature - Anything else you think might be useful! About the Company: We are a new online brand providing HR Templates to small and medium sized businesses. We want to be seen as fun, innovative and modern. Our ideal customers are foward thinking business owners who genuinely care and value the contribution of their employees. Current thinking: We're looking for something very simple, text without icon is our current preference although we are open to i...

    $219 (Avg Bid)
    $219 Avg Bid
    110 bids

    I'm seeking a highly skilled website developer to build an e-commerce website. The main goal of the website is to sell products and services. Key Project Requirements: • Integrat...products and services. Key Project Requirements: • Integrate features that support customer account creation and management. • Implement mobile-responsive e-commerce templates. Ideal Skills and Experience: • Proven track record of creating e-commerce websites. • Strong knowledge of user interface design and user experience. • Expertise in major web technologies, including JavaScript, CSS and HTML. • Experience in creating secure customer accounts and handling sensitive customer data. Your proposal should showcase your past work involving similar e...

    $1435 (Avg Bid)
    $1435 Avg Bid
    132 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced Odoo...templates are not relevant to our business; those need to be removed. Additional Fields: - **Product Details:** Include details about the products in the reports. - **Tax Information:** Ensure tax details are clearly visible on the reports. - **Payment Terms:** Add the payment terms that are agreed upon. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Odoo development and customizations. - Experience in report template customization. - Strong understanding of accounting and business reporting needs. - Excellent communication skills to understand and translate my requirements accurately. If you've worked on similar Odoo projects and can provide samples or references, that would be a plus. I'm looking for someone who can deliver promptly without...

    $49 (Avg Bid)
    $49 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    Bought a react eCommerce template (front-end & back-end) from theme-forest. Provided documentation is not enough for server side installation. I need professional assist to install the project on server side and install the theme on server side.

    $31 (Avg Bid)
    $31 Avg Bid
    8 bids

    I will create a website design template.

    $350 (Avg Bid)
    $350 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to create a professional and versatile letterhead for my company. The ideal freelancer should be able to deliver both an editable template and a print-only version. Key Requirements: - Create a comprehensive letterhead design that incorporates my company's logo. - Develop an editable template in Word document format. - Provide a print-only version in PDF format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design and branding. - Experience in creating professional, versatile, and editable templates. - Ability to work with existing branding elements like logos. If you have a good eye for design, a keen understanding of branding, and can turn this around quickly, I'd like to hear from you. Please include a sa...

    $39 (Avg Bid)
    $39 Avg Bid
    64 bids

    I am looking for an experienced professional to increase the loading speed of my WordPress website. The current loading time is more than 5 sec...speed of my WordPress website. The current loading time is more than 5 seconds, which I would like to dramatically improve. Key areas: - Optimize Homepage Loading Speed: The focus should be on reducing the loading time of the home page. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in WordPress optimization techniques - Proven record of optimizing website speeds - Deep understanding of CSS, JS & HTML - Strong knowledge of best SEO practices Please start your proposal with "speed" to ensure you've read the whole project brief. Your proposal should detail your approach to this task, along with examples of p...

    $431 (Avg Bid)
    $431 Avg Bid
    329 bids

    ??? ?????: ????? ?????? ????????? (????-????, ??????) Salary: up to 4000$ USD/month The ideal candidate wil...Tradingview (NinjaTrader experience is a must) Familiarity with the full development life cycle (preferably using the agile process), including automated testing and building • Experience with version control and continuous integration tools such as GitHub/GitLab • Knowledge of third-party libraries and APIs • Proficiency in building enterprise web solutions using the MERN stack • Strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JavaScript frameworks like Dart, React, and Node • Experience with server-side languages such as Python, PHP, and C# • Knowledge of databases such as MySQL, NoSQL, and GraphQL Ability to accurately forecast and co...

    $23 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $23 / hr Avg Bid
    32 bids

    ...branding images of this product. Brand name:Hap Melon Flavor: watermelon __________________________ •Design Requirements: - The design should give a sense of 'deliciousness'. Make it neat, clean, fresh, while playful keep it elegant, reflect a reliable Pharmaceutical grade. •you agree to 100% original, customized design, (revisions until complete satisfaction) > No clipart, no readymade template > client will own the copyright of the final Design •Desired graphic elements: Splash of juice or water , some luxury graphics, the logo and big “B12” so customers can identify what the content is. You may include sunrays behind the main logo (a happy watermelon character ). Avoid use of black, dark colors, or dark green. Prefer p...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    38 entries

    I am looking for an expert React developer to help me with front-end development and state management. I am new in react. i am using adminity html template for react. after converting to jsx. when i am login then dashboard sidebar design scrumble due to some js but component navigation working fine but if i reload the dashboard page then scrumbled design is ok as per template but if i click on navigation then it reloaded complete page. Anydesk work only..

    $14 (Avg Bid)
    $14 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    I'm seeking a proficient Full Stack Web Developer with fluency in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Go Lang, and Node.js. The ideal candidate would be well-versed with these languages and have a keen understanding of integrating various applications, managing Webhooks, and maintaining RESTful APIs. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Go Lang, and Node.js. - Extensive experience with Webhooks and RESTful APIs. - Understanding of application integration. Your primary role will be to develop a web platform that enables smooth application integration, and effortlessly manages Webhooks and RESTful APIs. This project involves working on existing hardware devices running Linux (Ubuntu) with limited scope for adding additional dependencies, etc. Ac...

    $17 - $33 / hr
    Sealed NDA
    $17 - $33 / hr
    103 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer who can provide HTML for our in-house web development and create a fresh, clean design for about six pages. The purpose of this project is to enhance our website's appearance and functionality. For more detailed information on the content and functionality that we're looking for, please refer to www.sendaparcel.co.nz. Key responsibilities include: - Providing HTML for our in-house web development - Developing a clean and fresh design for six pages This project requires expertise in: - Web design - HTML development - Strong attention to detail and creativity we have built a freight portal but the current design is slow to load, we need this tweaked and subpages made.

    $292 (Avg Bid)
    $292 Avg Bid
    208 bids
    Google Sheets Budget Template 4 days left

    I need a Google Sheets budget template for my personal finance. The template should have - Monthly dashboard with Income and Expense tracking - Category breakdown, charts/graphs - Tracker - Visually appealing I'm looking for a solution that will automatically provide a monthly overview/charts/summary based on the income and expenses. I need this done ASAP. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and financial tracking - Experience in creating user-friendly templates

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 Avg Bid
    47 bids

    ...to maintain access to the free database. 3. User Interface and Login - Create a user interface and login system on the webpage for users to access and contribute to the database. - Implement email verification and annual update requirements for users. Requirements: - Strong experience with database design and management. - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Experience with server-side programming languages such as Python, PHP, or Node.js. - Knowledge of data security best practices and user authentication methods. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces and intuitive user experiences. - Strong problem-solving and debugging skills. - Excellent communication and collaboration abilities. Deliverables: - A ful...

    $1101 (Avg Bid)
    $1101 Avg Bid
    32 bids

    I require a skilled legal professional to update an existing loan agreement for me. The current arrangement involves increasing payments annually but I need to switch this to a fixed weekly payment. A rat...loan agreement should impose an interest rate of 6.5%. Here's what you'll do: - Adjust the current payment structure in the agreement from annually increasing payments to fixed weekly payments. - Integrate the specified new rate of $1000 weekly payments for the remainder of the loan tenure. - Factor in an interest rate of 6.5% for the accruing loan. - Use my company's existing loan agreement template in amending the document. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Legal writing expertise - Familiarity with loan agreements - Attention to detail - Financial understanding f...

    $232 (Avg Bid)
    $232 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm in urgent need of a professional developer to quickly put together a 4-page website for my local business. The main purpose of this website is to provide information about my company. Key requ...need of a professional developer to quickly put together a 4-page website for my local business. The main purpose of this website is to provide information about my company. Key requirements: - Development of 4 pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us - Content integration for these pages The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in website development - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Ability to complete the project quickly and efficiently I need this project completed as soon as possible, so please only apply if you can commit to a fast ...

    $177 (Avg Bid)
    $177 Avg Bid
    285 bids

    ...extract emissions factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) emissions factors database (). - Integrate the scraping mechanism with the IPCC's lookup section to ensure the database is dynamically updated. Requirements: - Strong experience with the programming language used in the existing codebase (python, html, css, php, javascript). - Familiarity with the GHG protocol and its scope 3 categories. - Experience with web scraping and database integration. - Excellent problem-solving and debugging skills. - Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality code within the specified timeline. Deliverables: - A comprehensive report detailing the findings of the code review, including any identified

    $996 (Avg Bid)
    $996 Avg Bid
    18 bids

    I have a real estate development company, and I'm looking for a dedicated Excel expert to help me streamline my expense tracking process. Key Requirements: - I already have a template set up and in one of the tabs I have a CSV statement import. Your primary task will be to create a formula that can automatically pull data from a statement import into the relevant property tab. - The data should be ordered by date to ensure clarity and easy reference. - I have created a macro to change the debit figures to negative amounts in the spreadsheet. - I am open to changes/ideas on if it requires a different setup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Advanced Excel skills are a must. You need to be comfortable working with complex formulas to manipulate data. - Experience with real est...

    $14 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $14 / hr Avg Bid
    40 bids

    Hi Shane S. I hope this message finds you well. As discussed, I am pleased to inform you that I have completed the creation of the rewind bag template variations for the following six additional products. All files, including the PDF ready for print, AI. and 3D rendered images, are now prepared for submission to you. I look forward to your approval and am enthusiastic about the potential of these designs to contribute to your project's success. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further adjustments. Best regards, ISHAQ AMIN

    $317 (Avg Bid)
    $317 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I need a stationery template for my business that can be edited in Word. I need it to incorporate the logo and have a professional aesthetic, the color scheme should match the logo. The primary forms of stationery I will need is for a letter and an invoice. The logo will be included in the attached file. USE THE ATTACHED LOGO!

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    39 entries
    Trophy icon Design a Word stationery template 4 days left

    I need a stationery template for my business that can be edited in Word. I need it to incorporate the logo and have a professional aesthetic, the color scheme should match the logo. The primary forms of stationery I will need is for a letter and an invoice. The logo will be included in the attached file. USE THE ATTACHED LOGO!

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    26 entries