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    2,000 udemy jobs found, pricing in USD

    Hi, I'm a Udemy instructor, you can see my profile here: I'm looking for a freelancer to answer my student questions in the Udemy website. This is a long-term commitment. We get new questions every day that needs to be answered. I have courses on Facebook marketing, Instagram, YouTube. If you think you can answer basic marketing questions about those platforms, this job is for you! I also have courses about basic Wordpress (website creation) and basic Amazon FBA, if you can also answer basic questions about that, let me know because that's a plus! This project is mainly for my courses in English, but I also have courses in Portuguese and Spanish. If you can also answer basic questions in Spanish or Portuguese, let me know because that's

    $7 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    11 bids

    I currently have a course on udemy which is not ranking well. I'm looking for an experienced freelancer that has specifically done SEO for udemy courses.

    $65 (Avg Bid)
    $65 Avg Bid
    50 bids

    a website that displays tutorials such as lynda and udemy

    $2388 (Avg Bid)
    $2388 Avg Bid
    153 bids

    a website that has the same concept of udemy or shows educational videos

    $404 (Avg Bid)
    $404 Avg Bid
    38 bids

    We are looking for a responsible developer to build a website similar to Udemy with a little tweak. Brief requirement involving implementing API from JWPlayer and our local payment gateway, and the system has to have frontend, instructor dashboard, admin dashboard, push notification, statistic report generation, etc. Developer who has experience in building this type of website before will be more favorable. Details will be discussed through chat, please give your best quote. Thanks

    $4225 (Avg Bid)
    $4225 Avg Bid
    106 bids

    I have just designed a goal setting course for udemy and needed a promotional video done. I have already recorded the audio (my own voice over) and need a promotional video done that is in line with my voice over. I would like to add some text in the explainer video and the background images/videos should be related with personal development. Video is approximately 3 mins long. I need reasonable quotes

    $140 (Avg Bid)
    $140 Avg Bid
    65 bids

    Hello, I want to make a website and an app similar to in Arabic language !

    $1639 (Avg Bid)
    $1639 Avg Bid
    45 bids Course 3 : REIKI 3 - Certification Level 3 Our business is to create Udemy courses from scratch. The way we proceed is that we research everything that needs to be known on a specific subject and we then build a course around it. As you know a Udemy course is made of screencast videos (screen recording), Power Point animations (recorded on screen with Voice Over), PDF and other videos. We need a talented VA to perform the following tasks : 1) Study the theme/subject of the course by reading all the documentation we will provide + watching any specific

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    15 bids

    Looking for a full stack developer to build a complete Learning Management System similar to , Udemy, Coursera, Udacity and etc

    $556 (Avg Bid)
    $556 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I am taking a course in Udemy that I want to creat PowerPoint slides based on. The course is Video and I want someone to help me creat slides based on that course.

    $114 (Avg Bid)
    $114 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    I need help in editing my videos which is recorded to Udemy courses.

    $7 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    9 bids

    I'm going to publish an online course in Udemy, and I need and image for the course, with aspect ratio of 2048 x 1152 pixels (although it must be in vectorial format so I can export in different sizes). The online course will be addressed to web developers. It is called "Angular Components like a PRO", and through the course students will learn how to create efficient web components using Angular framework. I'm open to creative designs. Always trying to stick to the concept (components are like modular pieces web is built with) and giving relevance to the logo of the Angular framework. You can find the current logo here: You can find a summary of the course here (it's in

    $84 (Avg Bid)
    $84 Avg Bid
    45 bids

    I need a new website. I need you to design and build it. Online courses website, udemy like. A website in which people have to be à membre in order to Buy and have accessoires to the information on the site. Members can add courses and Buy from eachother. My website Will be in french, and must have about 20 pages in total. I provide the txt and the pages contenance. Contact me only if you ever done such website. I also would to see your previous work, Specially a udemy website. Im open to increase the price if necessary . Thank you.

    $367 (Avg Bid)
    $367 Avg Bid
    34 bids

    - NO INDIA / NO PAKISTAN / NO BANGLADESH === === Full time VA needed for course creation - $200/month This is a FULL TIME POSITION - $200/month - Our business is to create Udemy courses from scratch. The way we proceed is that we research everything that needs to be known on a specific subject and we then build a course around it. As you know a Udemy course is made of screencast videos (screen recording), Power Point animations (recorded on screen with Voice Over), PDF and other videos. We need a talented VA to perform the following tasks : 1) Study the theme / subject of the course by reading all the documentation we will provide + watching any specific course on the subject we may share with you. 2) Summarize the information you learn from the diffe...

    $208 (Avg Bid)
    $208 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I need you to create a complete 1-hour long Udemy course about the programming language Rust

    $558 (Avg Bid)
    $558 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I need a new website. I need you to design and build my online store. Hello, I want to start my online Financial education website. Somewhat similar to . With a combination of udemy etc.

    $351 (Avg Bid)
    $351 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    Hi subhasishdash89, recently I hired you to make a program that automatically enrolled in udemy courses. I would like to hire you again, to make the program better, and to fix some issues. Here is the google doc with the requirements: please tell me if your interested, and how long, in estimation, it would take you to complete everything

    $8 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $8 / hr Avg Bid
    1 bids

    looking for wordpress base website/mobile app for my institution which is similar to Udemy.

    $400 (Avg Bid)
    $400 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    Help me plan and execute a series of internet marketing 'mini-projects'... I intend to assign you 2-3 virtual assistants as your very own project team. The core project deliverables will be a set of systems, schedules and tools. We will work on 1 to 3 projects at a time which will include: Product and publish eBooks on Amazon (per month) Produce and publish Udemy courses (per month) Produce and publish Torrents (per month) Setup FB fanpages (per month) Curate and launch 'mini' Information products (product per month) Produce and publish YouTube videos (per month). + more.

    $13 (Avg Bid)
    $13 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    Help me plan and execute a series of internet marketing 'mini-projects'... I intend to assign you 2-3 virtual assistants as your very own project team. The core project deliverables will be a set of systems, schedules and tools. We will work on 1 to 3 projects at a time which will include: Product and publish eBooks on Amazon (per month) Produce and publish Udemy courses (per month) Produce and publish Torrents (per month) Setup FB fanpages (per month) Curate and launch 'mini' Information products (product per month) Produce and publish YouTube videos (per month). + more.

    $298 (Avg Bid)
    $298 Avg Bid
    27 bids

    I need some udemy need more and more.

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    5 bids

    ...written about Education or EdTech, containing at least one mention and web link to my EdTech startup Exam () to be published on top news websites. It would be great if you could link from the Exam logo, but that may not always be possible. The articles do not need to be about Exam, but could be about industry trends, or multiple companies in the EdTech industry (Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, Udacity etc) with just a mention of Exam. The articles should NOT be plagiarised, but you can certainly get ideas from existing articles and rewrite. You will be responsible for writing the article AND getting it published, and you will only be paid after you provide the URL of the published article containing a link to Your bid should include the subject you want to write abo...

    $123 (Avg Bid)
    $123 Avg Bid
    23 bids

    Build a Website like fiverr, udemy, craigslist, jvzoo, and integrated w/ telegram messenger The website will allow users to log in via mobile number and telegram. They must verify their number. After verification they will be asked what they are joining the website for. I am here to. . . a. find a job - our website will have features and functionality like craigslist b. post a job c. buy stuff - we will have services and funcionality like d. sell stuff e. find an influencer - we will connect businesses and influencers like f. become an influencer g. learn my profession - we will allow buying and selling of courses just like h. become an instructor i. find an affiliate program - we will mirror JVZoo and allow

    $1481 (Avg Bid)
    $1481 Avg Bid
    52 bids

    Hi there , I am going to build my own wordpress website and for this i need to udemy course to learn the basic setup. Please mention udemy in your proposal to start with.

    $40 (Avg Bid)
    $40 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I need a website that houses training for Engineers, we have the content already - but the ideal website would allow us to simply build the content into it. Imagine a Udemy, KhanAcademy or a MyIGetIt. I need a website just like this, with the built in function to create "Courses" for different skills. I also need the ability to allow people to log in using their Gmail or Facebook. They should be able to process payments for courses. Ready to pay! Thank you!

    $2301 (Avg Bid)
    $2301 Avg Bid
    154 bids

    E LEARNING. . We need 21st Century ELearning / TRAINING SITE focussed mainly on Technology. . Need 1 : Web Development and Designing ================================== 1) Please check (similar are Lynda, Udemy, etc etc) 2) We need similar training site to be developed over next 28 months in Phases 3) We are looking for the site in LEMP or MEAN Stack 4) Use of Live Webcam for Training 5) Payment gateway integration, with ability to release payment monthly, weekly, daily or in some cases even hourly 6) Online Chat Features 7) Ability to give Demo and Training via REMOTE DESKTOP like Teamviewer or Google Remote Desktop 8) Trainer Calendar and ability to Open and Close Slots 9) Basic Profile of Trainer Vs Student 10) Ability to earn Credits 11) Mailing Ability

    $20 - $2000
    $20 - $2000
    52 bids

    I need some help with selling something. need to seel my course through Udemy.

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    looking for a moodle expertise who can build a complete online e-classroom. point wise requirements are given below. Only expertise freelancer is eligible to quote. companies not preferred due to budget and commitment constraints. 1) need to project the courses just like udemy 2) track attendance of logged in time of student 3) assignment or document upload options 4) examination after course hours completion 5) direct print of result slip and course certificate 6) payment gateway integration Note: please send us your demo project link in pm

    $158 (Avg Bid)
    $158 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I am creating a LMS (Coursera/udemy/simplilearn) using Wordpress. Have bought a plugin called WPLMS.I need some one to help me set up the functionalities in WPLMS . Like Instructors, Students, Courses, Woo commerce plug in etc

    $87 (Avg Bid)
    $87 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    In this project, you are going to work for me as a Udemy team member.

    $28 (Avg Bid)
    $28 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    Optimize & Turn my fully functioning LMS to something like Udemy or Lynda

    $190 (Avg Bid)
    $190 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    hey, I’m planning to make a website similar to an online courses selling website. the most important things that need to be consider are the function like Udemy where a user can upload a course by himself and anyone can purchase them, leave reviews etc. And to Take a percentage of any course that will be sold. Also you need to consider that the website will be all in Hebrew with an Israeli address (). Im not so well known with web development but if you think it is possible thing to make please let me know and I will send you a very detailed Site Characterization in Hebrew and English, so you can copy paste all the info in hebrew correctly. Thank you, have a nice day

    $797 (Avg Bid)
    $797 Avg Bid
    31 bids

    1 hr and a bit -mts approx 35 cuts and 25-30 slides inserted. Need to have experienced with Audacity as some background noise in parts NEED TO BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WELL IN ENGLISH. Rush job. READY TO START SENDING THRU INFO IN 36 HRS. QUALITY MUST BE AT A LEVEL THAT CAN BE UPLOADED ON2 UDEMY fIXED pRICE $150

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    $100 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    hey, I’m planning to make a website similar to an online courses selling website. the most important things that need to be consider are the function like Udemy where a user can upload a course by himself and anyone can purchase them, leave reviews etc. And to Take a percentage of any course that will be sold. Also you need to consider that the website will be all in Hebrew with an Israeli address (). Im not so well known with web development but if you think it is possible thing to make please let me know and I will send you a very detailed Site Characterization in Hebrew and English, so you can copy paste all the info in hebrew correctly. Thank you, have a nice day

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    hey, I’m planning to make a website similar to an online courses selling website. the most important things that need to be consider are the function like Udemy where a user can upload a course by himself and anyone can purchase them, leave reviews etc. And to Take a percentage of any course that will be sold. Also you need to consider that the website will be all in Hebrew with an Israeli address (). Im not so well known with web development but if you think it is possible thing to make please let me know and I will send you a very detailed Site Characterization in Hebrew and English, so you can copy paste all the info in hebrew correctly. Thank you, have a nice day

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    hey, I’m planning to make a website similar to an online courses selling website. the most important things that need to be consider are the function like Udemy where a user can upload a course by himself and anyone can purchase them, leave reviews etc. And to Take a percentage of any course that will be sold. Also you need to consider that the website will be all in Hebrew with an Israeli address (). Im not so well known with web development but if you think it is possible thing to make please let me know and I will send you a very detailed Site Characterization in Hebrew and English, so you can copy paste all the info in hebrew correctly. Thank you, have a nice day

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    hey, I’m planning to make a website similar to an online courses selling website. the most important things that need to be consider are the function like Udemy where a user can upload a course by himself and anyone can purchase them, leave reviews etc. And to Take a percentage of any course that will be sold. Also you need to consider that the website will be all in Hebrew with an Israeli address (). Im not so well known with web development but if you think it is possible thing to make please let me know and I will send you a very detailed Site Characterization in Hebrew and English, so you can copy paste all the info in hebrew correctly. Thank you, have a nice day

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Hi, I'm interested in the Udemy data project you did. Would purchase that data and code at the right price. Please get in touch and let's discuss.

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...YOUR APPLICATION: - Background and experience in analytics (marketing analytics, Google E-Commerce Analytics). - Top Sales Achievements / Business Development Manager experience. Phone and email follow-ups will be required and all technology needed will be provided our company. All leads must be tracked through our CRM and follow-ups must be structured. Professional sales training via Coursera / Udemy will be provided to any candidate that is selected for the position. Hours are flexible and work must be performed between the hours of 9am and 7pm Melbourne time. More specific job requirements can be discussed via phone or *Removed by Admin*. Pay will be monthly with generous performance bonuses as leads turn into clients. Payment for part-time role will be pro-rated. In your bi...

    $705 (Avg Bid)
    $705 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    web to sell educational services like udemy

    $2593 (Avg Bid)
    $2593 Avg Bid
    56 bids

    ...APPLICATION: - Background and experience in analytics (marketing analytics, Google E-Commerce Analytics). - Top Sales Achievements / Business Development Manager experience. Phone and email follow-ups will be required and all technology needed will be provided our company. All leads must be tracked through our CRM and follow-ups must be structured. Professional sales training via Coursera / Udemy will be provided to any candidate that is selected for the position. Hours are flexible and work must be performed between the hours of 9am and 7pm Melbourne time. More specific job requirements can be discussed via phone or Skype. Pay will be monthly with generous performance bonuses as leads turn into clients. Payment for part-time role will be pro-rated. In your bid please speci...

    $473 (Avg Bid)
    $473 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    Hello need a site like udemy or lynda. We should start ASAP. It will also have a directory of services. Database with 2 languages. We can start a MVP with some script and later do it from scratch, what you think it will work better. Budget not more than $1,000.

    $1309 (Avg Bid)
    $1309 Avg Bid
    87 bids

    I want to have menu bar like udemy where there's course category, search bar, and user menu (inherit from current theme from WPLMS)

    $34 (Avg Bid)
    $34 Avg Bid
    36 bids

    I would like a script (html file) for Selenium IDE to add questions to a Udemy course. The Udemy form uses Redactor text boxes. The script must be capable of creating and populating a question with at least four answers and explanations.

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Avg Bid
    5 bids

    ...Course - 17.5 video hours, 170+ lectures, 32 strengths coaches video interviews covering each of the 34 strengths. Currently on Udemy $US200 (40%commission for affiliates) eBooks - 34 mini companion guides relating to the video course including content, written interviews with 32 strengths coaches. Currently on iTunes $0.99 (iTunes commissions apply) Complete companion guide with compilation of all 34 mini guides. To be published on iTunes $TBA, pre-order currently $US9.99 (iTunes commissions apply). The objective is to set the RRP to $US25-35. There is also the option to combine the companion guides with the video course and sell at a discounted rate to compete with Udemy prices and iTunes. Again open t negotiations. Prices and commissions are open to negotiation depend...

    $110 (Avg Bid)
    $110 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    I want a website like udemy ... Build with the latest technology is the priority. Happy bidding ... Good luck.

    $1674 (Avg Bid)
    $1674 Avg Bid
    65 bids

    I need a website design which will be a combination of and The two websites will be connected through a "Skills" page. "Skills" page will have online tests. Tests can be posted by users and the web-administrator. Users of udemy-like website can take online tests and post their test scores on their profile. The profile will be visible on freelancer-like website if the user chooses to do so. Android and Apple mobile application design will also be needed.

    $617 (Avg Bid)
    $617 Avg Bid
    64 bids

    Online course/Online tutorials Like udemy, unlearn or lynda I need those who have already developed the same project

    $147 (Avg Bid)
    $147 Avg Bid
    20 bids

    creating a standalone and udemy friendly course about "making money" or any popular subject.

    $192 (Avg Bid)
    $192 Avg Bid
    3 bids

    Hey, My company is looking to create a website like coursera, udemy or udacity. We will upload our video lectures there for students. We are looking for someone with long-term partnership. When we will launch the product, we will have more work and share in annual revenue will be given too. Please have a look at presentation slides file in attachments. I will explain details to select candidates. Keep in mind that you should begin your proposal with word: LEARNER and also note that maximum budget is $400 (because I believe it is a MVP for now.)

    $623 (Avg Bid)
    $623 Avg Bid
    36 bids

    Top udemy Community Articles