Vba outlook automatic email send address book jobs


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    2,000 vba outlook automatic email send address book jobs found, pricing in USD

    I'm searching for an expert who can create a script for me that can add or import lists of senders to my safe senders list in all of my emails. Key parts of the project: - Develop a script tailored to Outlook email client. - This script needs to manually add or import lists of senders to my safe senders list. - Note that there's no need for the script to include an option to remove senders from the safe list. Ideal Skills: - Proven expertise in script writing. - Deep understanding of Microsoft Outlook. - Great attention to detail.

    $161 (Avg Bid)
    $161 Avg Bid
    32 bids

    I am in need of an experienced and competent accountant or book-keeper who can help me reconcile my business Xero for the last 12 months (june 2022 - june 2023). There are three main tasks that I need assistance with. I have started using Xero so I will need help: 1. Categorising Transactions: You will be required to create custom categories for the transactions to enhance the organisation and understanding of my business financial flow, I have made some categories but may need more 2. Bank Reconciliation: I need you to balance my bank transactions with my Xero accounts to ensure their correspondence. 3. Updating Financial Statements: With the reconciliation and categorisation of transactions, I expect an accurate update of my financial statements. I will need and expense and ear...

    $282 (Avg Bid)
    $282 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    ...coding requirement for the user for both the input and output. Will be used specifically for memecoins on Solana. I can tell you where I manually check these items in need if you prefer to use the same sources. The input will be manually copy pasted but the page should not lock up permanently or be flagged permanently with frequent use or fast refreshing of the page. INPUT: Solana contract address OUTPUT: (These may change in time. We are looking for only the snapshot at the time of the inquiry). 1. List of wallet addresses that have a non-zero balance of the input contract token AND no buy transaction for that token, at the time of the query. (This check intends to find out wallets with pre-mined tokens). Please have this list collapsed to item 2 below when the page fir...

    $512 (Avg Bid)
    $512 Avg Bid
    28 bids

    I'm in the process of writing a book aimed at children to young teens, and I'm seeking an illustrator to bring my story to life. This project involves creating over 10 to 20 realistic and captivating illustrations that will resonate with a teenage audience. Ideal skills and qualifications for this job include: - Prior experience creating engaging and age-appropriate illustrations for teens. - Proficiency in realistic illustration styles. (characters are already developed to use as a base) - Understanding of composition and storytelling through imagery. - Ability to deliver a consistent and cohesive visual narrative. Please provide examples of your previous work, mainly if they include illustrations for teen audiences. Feel free to include any other relevant experience o...

    $972 (Avg Bid)
    $972 Avg Bid
    98 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled professional with expertise in Office 365 to help me integrate my desktop files with Exchange ActiveSync. Key Requirements: - Experience with Office 365 and Outlook 2019 - Proficient in Exchange ActiveSync - Able to ensure synchronization of emails and calendar between my desktop and Office 365 I've been facing issues with syncing my emails and calendar between Office 365 and my desktop. The problem seems to be related to the integration of my desktop files with Exchange ActiveSync. Your role would be to: - Diagnose the issue - Recommend a solution - Implement the necessary changes and configuration - Ensure smooth and reliable synchronization of my emails and the calendar Your prior experience with similar tasks and a good understanding of ...

    $34 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $34 / hr Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm in urgent need of a SINGLE monochrome line art illustration. The illustration will be used alongside specific content in a book of remembrance. Key Details: - You'll be working on pages 28-32 of the book, which cover Psalms 23, a poem titled "HOLINESS IN OUR LIVES", and the mourner's kaddish. - In terms of style, I would like you to see the other illustrations in the book and use your best and creative judgement to create a suitable monochrome line art style. - Specific elements or themes to be represented in the illustration were not specified, so you have some creative freedom in this aspect. - Time is of the essence, so I need this project completed as soon as possible. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in creating monoc...

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    Featured Urgent Guaranteed Sealed
    246 entries

    ...store it in a database. Given the nature of the project, the bot will be developed for the web platform. Key features needed: - **Automatic Replies**: The bot should be able to send automated responses to incoming messages. This is a crucial aspect of the project to ensure timely engagement with users. - **Data Analysis and Reporting**: In addition to responding to messages, the bot should be capable of analyzing the incoming data. This could take the form of tracking trends, monitoring user behavior, or providing insights based on the information it has processed. - **Scheduled Message Broadcasting**: There's a need for the bot to be able to schedule and send out messages at specific times. This could be for reminders, announcements, or any other purpose. Id...

    $218 (Avg Bid)
    $218 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    ...photo editor with a good understanding of AI-generated images. I will provide a book cover image and an AI-generated photo featuring books, a tablet, and a cellphone on green grass. Your task will be to integrate the book cover onto the tablet or cellphone in a seamless, realistic manner. The final output should look like the book cover and the AI-generated photo were always one cohesive image. Key Requirements: - Inserting the book cover onto the tablet or cellphone portion of the AI-generated image. - Ensuring the final image is of medium size. - Turning the open book into a title page within the AI image. Additional Information: - No additional text or effects are required on the image besides the requested book cover integration. - The p...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Avg Bid
    45 bids

    ...CREATING: create invoice in pdf form; save on admin and user pages. - REPORT GENERATION: generate report in pdf; show users who didn't pay previous month - E-MAIL SENDING: fix code for sending invoice emails; send email once per day -NEWSLETTER: improve plugin to send email on register/deregister; create daily newsletter of last 10 ads; enable/disable newsletter from admin - ADMIN INVOICE CONTROL: enable/disable automatic invoice sending - ERROR MESSAGE: change error text for incorrect login - SITE ACCESS EMAIL: send email to user after granting access - AD PUBLICATION: automatic ad publication; check for contact info in ad; enable/disable finction in admin -PASSWORD PROTECTION: set password on invoices pages in...

    $95 (Avg Bid)
    $95 Avg Bid
    62 bids

    Hi, we have an large Excel file with all of our customers contact details. We group them with tags in several different types - like pharmacy client, personal friends, partners and such kind th...each one with an own excel file. What i want now is that when someone from our company is writing to an defined mail account wich is an gmail account an message like. Hey Bot, give me please the excel list with friends, the py script should catch the keywords friends and should send the sender back an mail with the excel file wich contains just the friends back to him. last year i already wrote similar thing for an different purpose, this can be adapter i think. In attachment you can see the script for sending back email. Please check that. So in main we just need adapt the sending ...

    $33 (Avg Bid)
    $33 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    I have a chapter in a self-help book that needs a quick but comprehensive edit. Key tasks include: - Ensuring the content is clear and flows well - Fixing any grammatical or spelling errors - Possibly restructuring sentences for better readability It's crucial that the editor understands and respects the self-help genre and can help to make this chapter engaging and impactful for readers. Ideal candidates will have: - Previous experience editing self-help or similar genres - A strong command of the English language - The ability to work quickly and meet a tight deadline Please provide a brief overview of your experience and approach to editing in your proposal.

    $328 (Avg Bid)
    $328 Avg Bid
    89 bids

    This is a Yii2 that has 90,000 screens as each page is 3 screens. We need a stable platform to use the processes coded in Html and java to update the databases. We need to keep the PHP version current. We need the new database documented page by page and process by process. There are 2 sites An individuals site. It has these services Member Services Act as an Agent for WebPicID Family-Protection-Service Identity theft fraud loss reduction Membership Merchant Membership Notification Payment Options Refer an organisation to sign up with WebPicID Safe Purchase Secure Message Merchant Services Identity Theft Fraud Loss Reduction WebPicID can Reduce ID Theft Fraud Losses and associated operating costs by at least 50%. WebPicID detects the ID Theft after the sale is paid for; before shipp...

    $398 (Avg Bid)
    $398 Avg Bid
    76 bids

    I will be needing both a Cover & Interior for the book. This book is going to be uploaded on Amazon KDP so the files to be delivered for both the cover and interior are PDF files. I am looking for someone with experience in designing and creating both book covers and interiors for low/medium content books on Amazon KDP. i am particularly searching for someone who has previous experience in creating handwriting workbooks for kids and has an open and creative mind. I will be providing everything you will need to for the book interior ; page count, page content, images, sentences and words..etc. I will need someone who understands the vision and helps me to deliver a perfect interior layout. As for the cover, i will be sharing ideas for the cover design, how...

    $108 (Avg Bid)
    $108 Avg Bid
    72 bids

    ...- - - -- -- I'm looking for a talented comic book artist who can create a modern superhero comic that appeals to children. The project involves creating a series of superhero comic books that will be both in print and digital format. A successful candidate for this project should have: - Strong artistic skills and a keen understanding of modern comic design - Experience in creating content for children's audience - Ability to create content suitable for both print and digital formats - An interest in and understanding of the superhero genre I'm open to discussing the specific superhero concept and storylines with the right candidate. Please ask me if you have any questions . Hope you will design this colourful comic nicely. You can send first 2 to 3 ...

    $5 (Avg Bid)
    5 entries

    ...symptom tracking website, Epicrize, specifically with the dynamic generation and management of interactive symptom elements on the website. The site uses JavaScript to dynamically generate a hierarchical list of symptoms and their sub-categories, allowing users to interactively navigate through them. However, there are issues especially when displaying deeper levels of nested symptoms. Issues to Address: Nested Symptoms Visibility: The main issue is that symptoms nested at deeper levels (beyond the third level) are not displaying consistently. While the top levels display as expected, deeper nested symptoms sometimes do not appear, even though they are supposed to be dynamically generated and made visible upon user interaction. Parent Element Selection Errors: Error messages su...

    $40 (Avg Bid)
    $40 Avg Bid
    26 bids

    As the owner of a WordPress and WooCommerce website using Divi :-( , I am in need of a dedicated professional to assist in optimizing the speed and performance of the site. Here are the specifics: - Core Web Vitals: My primary concern is the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) aspect of Core Web ...in optimizing WordPress and WooCommerce websites for speed and performance. - Expertise in improving Core Web Vitals, particularly LCP. - Knowledge of various hosting environments and server optimization practices. - Experience in working with cache plugins and CDNs. - Excellent communication skills and the ability to explain technical concepts clearly. If you're confident in your ability to address these specific needs and enhance the overall performance of my website, I would love to...

    $404 (Avg Bid)
    $404 Avg Bid
    140 bids

    I'm in need of a bash script to automate data parsing from a CSV file. Please see (attached) for actual source data. The data is separated with a semi-colon (;). Headers (10 columns) as follows: Server ID;Sponsor;Server Name;Timestamp;Distance;Ping;Download;Upload;Share;IP Address My end goal is shown in (attached). The data is separated with a comma (,). Headers (5 columns) as follows: Date,Time,Download,Upload,Ping Where: * Date is formatted in YYYY-MM-DD * Time is HH:MM * Download, Upload, and Ping are rounded to the nearest integer. Now for the technical challenge... The Timestamp data is presented in UTC format to great precision: 2024-04-18T00:05:02.401204Z Somewhere in the script, I'd like a variable representing the offset from UTC time

    $136 (Avg Bid)
    $136 Avg Bid
    18 bids

    Some of our emails appear to not be sending. The email services I am utilizing consist of O365 for our regular domain emails. A few months ago we upgraded to O365 from our own inhouse hosted Exchange server. We are also using ElasticEmail for our email marketing emails. We use Gandi for our domain records hosting and have access to GlockApps, although I'm not sure how to use GlockApps. We want to know that everything is set up properly at Gandi and not causing problems. Also, to be clear: we are troubleshooting emails from our regular domain email AND from ElasticEmail, the email marketing software I will begin creating screenshots

    $227 (Avg Bid)
    $227 Avg Bid
    9 bids

    As we discussed: Book # 01 Reluctant angel I am proposing $2200 Book # 02. Reluctant Queens, I am proposing, $1850.

    $4050 (Avg Bid)
    $4050 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create an Odoo travel system with a focus on online booking of package tours for families. Key Features: - Online Booking: The primary feature of the system should be online booking, specifically for package tours. - Package Tours: We'll be offering pre-curated package tours that cater to families. The system should allow users to browse and book these tours. Audience: - The primary target audience for the package tours will be families. The system should be designed with this demographic in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Odoo development - Experience in developing online booking systems - Prior work in the travel industry and/or with family-oriented products would be an advantage.

    $36 (Avg Bid)
    $36 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    I'm in need of a WordPress developer who can help me with regular bug fixes on our websites. These fixes may include addressing issues like website loading speed, broken links, pages or error messages, theme fixes, wp bakery fixes, customization, elementor i...efficiently navigate the platform to identify and resolve bugs. - Experience in Bug Fixing: I'm looking for someone who has a proven track record with resolving similar issues on WordPress sites. - Reliable and Responsive: The fixes may be needed sporadically, so I need someone who can promptly address the issues as they arise. When applying, please include examples of past work that demonstrate your experience in WordPress bug fixing. Your application should showcase your ability to efficiently address these...

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Avg Bid
    46 bids

    I'm seeking a skilled full stack PHP developer for my e-commerce proj...site that facilitates an efficient shopping process. Key features include: -Added Vietnamese and Japanese languages - Website Duplication & Contract: Replicate a specified website's structure and signing a contract for the same. -Recharge need two interfaces a jump contact customer service recharge an online USDT recharge channel USDT recharge hang QR code and address -The first time to withdraw cash need to bind the wallet address Binding if you want to change must contact customer service to modify the Please note, we need a PHP full-stack developer, as this is a standalone system that requires proficiency in both TP and Laravel 5. Currently, the project is 40% complete, encompassing fro...

    $50504 (Avg Bid)
    $50504 Avg Bid
    120 bids

    I'm in need of a talented designer who can create minimalist book covers specifically for planners. The ideal candidate will have experience in book cover design and a strong portfolio of minimalist designs. Key Requirements: - Design a series of A5 planner covers - Create the designs in a minimalist style - A proven track record in book cover design or similar Skills required: - Graphic Design - Book Cover Design - Minimalist Design - Illustrations

    $54 (Avg Bid)
    $54 Avg Bid
    23 bids

    I'm looking for a creative illustrator to bring to life a children's book I am working on. This project calls for 32 pages of unique, vibrant, and engaging cartoon-style illustrations. Key requirements: - The book follows a fantasy theme, thus the illustrations need to encapsulate this. - A distinctive fedora that holds focus, must look lifelike and will be an ongoing character as this will be a series. - There will also be 7 characters that will set foot on this journey. - Illustrations to be done in bright and colorful tones to capture children's attention. - Desired level of background scene detail is moderate, to maintain a balanced focus on the characters and the plot. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in illustrating children's bo...

    $363 (Avg Bid)
    $363 Avg Bid
    68 bids

    ...and utilize Kajabi effectively. The functionalities I'm interested in achieving through this integration include: - Setting up online courses - for an engaging and interactive learning experience for my users. - Building a membership site - to provide a secure and exclusive space for my members. - Implementing an email marketing system - to effectively reach out to my audience. - Incorporating a booking appointment system - to streamline scheduling processes. - Adding an e-book feature - for easy access to digital content. Moreover, I'm looking for an upgrade in the aesthetics of my website. The design should be modern and minimalist, enhancing the overall user experience and aligning with my brand image. It's worth mentioning that fluency in French wou...

    $128 (Avg Bid)
    $128 Avg Bid
    42 bids

    ...CREATING: create invoice in pdf form; save on admin and user pages. - REPORT GENERATION: generate report in pdf; show users who didn't pay previous month - E-MAIL SENDING: fix code for sending invoice emails; send email once per day -NEWSLETTER: improve plugin to send email on register/deregister; create daily newsletter of last 10 ads; enable/disable newsletter from admin - ADMIN INVOICE CONTROL: enable/disable automatic invoice sending - ERROR MESSAGE: change error text for incorrect login - SITE ACCESS EMAIL: send email to user after granting access - AD PUBLICATION: automatic ad publication; check for contact info in ad; enable/disable finction in admin -PASSWORD PROTECTION: set password on invoices...

    $106 (Avg Bid)
    $106 Avg Bid
    70 bids

    ...their expertise. Slide 3: The Problem Highlight the pain points or problems in the software development industry. Statistics or anecdotes supporting the need for innovative solutions. Slide 4: Our Solution Describe the software solutions your company provides. Showcase the uniqueness and effectiveness of your products/services. Highlight key features and benefits. Slide 5: Market Opportunity Address the market size and potential. Discuss the target market segments and their growth trends. Include any relevant data or projections. Slide 6: Competitive Landscape Analyze competitors in the software development space. Highlight what sets your company apart. Include a comparison chart if appropriate. Slide 7: Business Model Explain how your company generates revenue. Subscription...

    $51 (Avg Bid)
    $51 Avg Bid
    33 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled Mautic email marketer to help me set up my new email campaign. - The primary goal of this email campaign is to Increase brand awareness. Therefore, the freelancer should be able to strategize and implement campaigns that are not only persuasive but also serve to improve the overall visibility of my brand. I'm looking for an individual with a strong background in email marketing, particularly with Mautic. Excellent communication skills and a keen eye for detail are also essential. The successful freelancer should be able to demonstrate their experience and accomplishments in the field. Please provide examples of past work or case studies that display your proficiency in email marketing, particularly as it pertains to...

    $38 (Avg Bid)
    $38 Avg Bid
    9 bids

    The freelancer needs to visit the location and get the form filled, stamped and signed from the HR department. The following requirements are mandatory: 1- Task is to visit the address physically and Take 5 to 6 geotagged photos of name board captured and from outside the building. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR. 3- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp or sign as a proof. Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact.

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Avg Bid
    9 bids

    I'm on the hunt for a unique and exceptional...appeal to both genders, meaning they should strike a balance in terms of style and approach. - Design Elements: I'd love for my designs to be a fusion of different elements: abstract shapes, text, and realistic images are very welcomed. If you can incorporate animated designs as well, that would be an incredible plus. In conclusion, I'm looking for a versatile graphic designer with a modern outlook and an appreciation for streetwear culture. Proven experience in designing for both genders is a must, as is the ability to harmoniously merge disparate design elements into a cohesive whole. Your portfolio will speak volumes of your ability to breathe life into my brand. If you think this is something you could handle, I wou...

    $15 (Avg Bid)
    $15 Avg Bid
    24 bids

    I'm looking to develop a real-time anti-rug trading bot for new Solana MEME coins. The bot must have specific features and criteria to ensure that it only selects coins with potential and low risk of rug-pulling. Key Features: - Price Monitoring: The bot should constantly monitor the price movements of newly minted Solana MEME coins. - Automatic Buy and Sell Orders: It should be capable of executing buy and sell orders based on preset conditions and criteria. The bot will Trailing Take Profit as the price increases. - Risk Analysis: The bot must be able to analyze the risk of newly minted coins based on specific criteria. Ideal Risk Criteria: - Token Age: Coins should be freshly minted. - Revoke Freeze Enabled on Token: To prevent rug-pulling. - Single Holder Perce...

    $33 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $33 / hr Avg Bid
    25 bids

    ...efficient application that provides automatic spam message blocking and word filtering. Briefly, the working logic of the application is as follows: only the words that are wanted to be blocked will be written. If these words are included in the incoming SMS, it will be blocked as spam. Key Features: - The app should work on both Android and iOS devices. - The main purpose of the application is to block spam messages and filter out unwanted words. - The blocking process needs to be automated; a user should not need to manually block each spam message or unwanted word. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android and iOS app development. - Experience in creating privacy-focused applications. - Familiar with techniques for efficient spam detection and automatic fi...

    $85 (Avg Bid)
    $85 Avg Bid
    6 bids

    I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can compile an email list of both affluent people and travelers. The goal is to market my beachfront condos in Aruba to this audience and increase bookings. Key Responsibilities: - Compile an email list of affluent people, with a minimum of 300K fresh new leads a month. - Ensure the list includes a good number of travelers - Verify the authenticity and relevance of the emails Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in email list curation - Understanding of the affluent and travel demographics - Familiarity with the real estate or rental sector would be a plus - Ability to deliver high-quality, relevant leads - Good communication and reporting skills

    $750 - $1500
    $750 - $1500
    20 bids

    Romantic comedy, 97400 words. The text is translated from Polish into English

    $475 (Avg Bid)
    $475 Avg Bid
    89 bids

    *Project Reminder: 1. The “colorful cloud” heart is the ONLY image for this project You will NOT be working on any other image and/or project. 2. If you have any questions please contact *Compensation: same as we discussed on freelancer.com chat and/or video call. Once you accept project, will write it in our chat. *Test Approval Phase: due to your questions, we want to ensure you understand this project, we are providing you with a Test Phase. To continue after you approve… This phase includes: -you providing us with a draft of the project for us to confirm we are on the same page and you create what we need with full understanding -a deposit to be paid to you -if we approve the test phase deposit, we will pay the difference between the deposit and the total...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    1. The “colorful cloud” heart is the ONLY image for this project You will NOT be working on any other image and/or project. 2. If you have any questions please contact *Compensation: same as we discussed on freelancer.com chat and/or video call. Once you accept project, will write it in our chat. *Test Approval Phase: due to your questions, we want to ensure you understand this project, we are providing you with a Test Phase.

    $3015 (Avg Bid)
    $3015 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    1. The “colorful cloud” heart is the ONLY image for this project You will NOT be working on any other image and/or project. 2. If you have any questions please contact *Compensation: same as we discussed on freelancer.com chat and/or video call. Once you accept project, will write it in our chat. *Test Approval Phase: due to your questions, we want to ensure you understand this project, we are providing you with a Test Phase.

    $15 (Avg Bid)
    $15 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    *Project Reminder: 1. The “colorful cloud” heart is the ONLY image for this project You will NOT be working on any other image and/or project. 2. If you have any questions please contact *Compensation: same as we discussed on freelancer.com chat and/or video call. Once you accept project, will write it in our chat. *Test Approval Phase: due to your questions, we want to ensure you understand this project, we are providing you with a Test Phase. To continue after you approve… This phase includes: -you providing us with a draft of the project for us to confirm we are on the same page and you create what we need with full understanding -a deposit to be paid to you -if we approve the test phase deposit, we will pay the difference between the deposit and the total...

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Talented Illustrator Needed for Realistic Post-Apocalyptic Cityscape for Our Book We are seeking skilled illustrators to help create compelling and realistic illustrations for our latest book, "Conjunction". We need someone who can depict locations ravaged by an apocalypse, such as a petrol station, a shopping mall, and a city, while capturing the dark atmosphere and tension of our narrative. Key Requirements: Realistic Style: The illustrations should be detailed and lifelike, immersing readers in a convincingly devastated world. Post-Apocalyptic Theme: Your task will be to create a bleak vision of urban decay, focusing on key locations like an abandoned petrol station and a ruined shopping mall. Dark and Moody Color Palette: Use dark and somber colors to set the...

    $379 (Avg Bid)
    $379 Avg Bid
    62 bids

    ...100 pieces, it will become 5 USD. The third structure of the site will be for gift prints. A structure similar to 2 structures. On a single page, the customer will be able to choose the Cup type. For each product, there will be a structure in which the price will decrease as the quantity increases, that is, the price will decrease in automatic quantity purchases. The site is generally like this, other than that, I want to follow the directions of the old site and move forward in a way that we do not lose any ranks. Also, old product reviews need to be moved to the new site along with their dates. We will retrieve every post that contains content on the old site. For some products, I would like to add a 10-15 second video showing

    $2091 (Avg Bid)
    $2091 Avg Bid
    172 bids

    I am in search of a talented illustrator who can breathe life into my children's book with their knack for creating engaging, vibrant, and endearing cartoon-style illustrations. To be more specific: - You should be able to create between 10 and 20 illustrations. - These should be in color, capturing the essence of the story with appropriate depth and detail. - Prior experience in children's book illustration or similar cartoon style is highly preferred. Including a relevant portfolio in your bid will be a great advantage. Excited to collaborate and bring our characters to life!

    $142 (Avg Bid)
    $142 Avg Bid
    95 bids

    I'm seeking a seasoned editor to polish my poetry book. - The book is over 100 pages, hence, a thorough, detailed approach is required. - I need a line-by-line check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. - Your expertise in enhancing the book's structure will be crucial. This includes ensuring the flow and coherence of the poems. - Experience in poetry editing is a big plus. - The ideal applicant should be able to maintain the book's tone while enhancing the structure. I'm looking for someone who can bring professional polish and structural improvements to my work. Please share your experience and rates.

    $407 (Avg Bid)
    $407 Avg Bid
    122 bids

    ...can create AI-generated educational content specifically tailored to adult learners. Key tasks include: - Understanding the unique learning needs and styles of adult learners - Skillfully designing and generating content that interests, engages, and educates this particular demographic The outcome I desire is a sophisticated AI program that can automatically generate compelling content to address a wide array of educational topics relevant for adults. Ideal candidates should possess: - Excellent understanding and mastery of generative AI technology - Proven experience in creating educational content, preferable directed at adult learners - Strong sense of content design, and user experience - Bilingual in Spanish and English, as the project demands content in Spanish This...

    $66 (Avg Bid)
    $66 Avg Bid
    28 bids

    I'm seeking a freelancer who can help me co-write and create a fiction ebook (based on true events). It will be a romance novel about a long on-off relationship with a boy across the road who moved out of town to college to pursue a professional sporting career. For a title I was thinking Streets of Serenade or Parallel Hearts. As the events in the book are private I would have to publish under an alias. Approximately 10000-15000 words Looking forward to your applications!

    $392 (Avg Bid)
    $392 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    ...left and key legal agreements along the top with the answers for each contract populated inside the table. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Extensive experience with Natural Language Processing - Familiarity with text summarization techniques - Prior experience with Open AI's GPT chat models would be a bonus Project Requirements: - Build a Python application implementing ChatGPT for automatic summarization of Master Services Agreements and SOWs - Ensure the application provides high-level summaries. - Application should be flexible enough to summarize different legal contracts - Successful candidates should demonstrate a clear understanding and approach toward implementing automated contract summarization. I'm open to suggestions on the best approach and any r...

    $1214 (Avg Bid)
    $1214 Avg Bid
    56 bids

    ...readability of the football website. - The primary goal of the football website is to drive sales. Your evaluation should be focused on whether the current design is effectively contributing to that goal. - The benchmarking task involves comparing the website with three others. Key aspects of the comparison should include design for usability, conversion-centered design, and how the websites address the 'Three Questions' principle (what you're offering, why should I pick you, what to do next). - Mobile-first design is highly valued in this task, as well as segmenting the users for improved personalization. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in: - Web design and user experience - Digital marketing and sales conversion - Benchmarking and competitiv...

    $94 (Avg Bid)
    $94 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I am in need of an expert researcher to build an email list composed exclusively of Tax Advisers, Tax Advisors and Tax and Audit Firms operating within Germany. The primary purpose of this email list is for implementing a marketing campaign centred around our SEO service offerings. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in online research - Proven experience in data collection and management - Background in marketing or business development preferable - Excellent proficiency in English and some understanding of German language would be beneficial. Outcome: - An accurate email list with verifiable contacts - Must be formatted in a clear, organized manner (Excel CSV preferred) This is a venture that requires a good understanding of the targeted industry. With your experti...

    $31 (Avg Bid)
    $31 Avg Bid
    35 bids

    I'm in need of a professional who could install the latest version of "Bustabit" from its Github repository onto a Google Cloud Compute Engine instance, specifically on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Key Responsibilities: - Sharing your public SSH key - Connecting to an instance using the IP address that I will provide - Installing and configuring "Bustabit" with a focus on functional settings The job will also include setting up "Bustabit" to use "Bitcoin Testnet". Ideal Skills: - Competency in Ubuntu OS - Familiarity with Google Cloud Compute Engine - Advanced understanding of Bitcoin and Bustabit - Experience in SSH protocols - Capacity to make functional configurations to the default "Bustabit" setup. Communication will be key throu...

    $46 (Avg Bid)
    $46 Avg Bid
    6 bids

    Payment is 100 USD and will only be rewarded if you successfully fix the bug! You're not writing any code, so this should take less than 1 hour! This is contract that rewards success, not an hour...Kickstarter's backend. pixel was previously working perfectly fine but has now stopped loading an audience. 2. Whenever I create an audience using the pixel, it will remain pending. Even after 4-5 days it is still stuck on pending. However when I created a new pixel to test, the new pixel finished loading within less than 1 day. 3. I believe the issue may have occurred after I turned on automatic advanced matching, or after I integrated a conversions api. I'm not sure! It could be something entirely different! (I have since removed the second integration but it still ...

    $82 (Avg Bid)
    $82 Avg Bid
    6 bids