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E-Commerce Account Manager for Fashion Startup in MUMBAI

₹25000-30000 INR

Posted 3 months ago

₹25000-30000 INR

Paid on delivery
I'm seeking an accountant with intermediate website handling skills and inventory management experience. This job is only for a mumbai-based person. Key areas of responsibility include: - Stock and finished goods management - Coordinating orders and dispatch online via the website - Liaising with courier agencies - Creating invoices and assisting in payments - Coordinating with website maintenance personnel - Handling taxation and accounting related activities with our accounting agency Essential skills: intermediate website handling, inventory management. Knowledge of excel, word, PowerPoint is a must. Past experience in a similar e-commerce role will greatly boost your chances.
Project ID: 37807251

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5 proposals
Active 1 mo ago
Location: Mumbai, India

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5 freelancers are bidding on average ₹28,000 INR for this job
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Hi, I'm from Dharavi, Mumbai. I make & handle websites. Especially apparels, backpacks, etc. - I can handle inventory from both backend in website &/or your excel sheets. I can create a new one if you don't have one. - Sending couriers to different partners whether DTDC, DHL, e-com express, etc. -Website is my expertise so no worry over there. - Important: I can generate with the CA for GST filing whether monthly, quarterly or annually. Making sure the Bill no. are correct. The Purchase & Sales bill are well documented, etc. I can visit your office for further discussion, if you're situated in Mumbai, Thanks & Regards, Manauar Shaikh
₹27,500 INR in 7 days
5.0 (1 review)
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Having spent years specializing in ecommerce, I'm your ideal choice for the E-Commerce Account Manager role at your fashion startup in Mumbai. My skills and experience aren't limited to website handling and inventory management alone; they're accompanied by a persistent passion for delivering top-quality service to clients like you. I am adept with the essential tools such as excel, word, PowerPoint and can manage and handle website maintenance personnel coordinating effortlessly with them. My proficiency extends beyond ordinary stock management to ensuring timely order coordination and dispatch, handling payments, and coordinating with courier agencies. Plus, my expertise in taxation and accounting will empower me to handle all your financial-related activities efficiently, working closely with your accounting agency. What sets me apart? It’s my proactive attitude and unwavering commitment to exploring new solutions and frontiers that align perfectly with the challenges of the e-commerce world. I guarantee comprehensive solutions, delivered on time and within budget. Let's work together to revolutionize your ecommerce processes! Contact me today to discuss how we can give your business the competitive edge it deserves.
₹27,500 INR in 14 days
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As a Mumbai-based firm with over 10 years in the IT industry, we have developed an extensive range of skills that make us uniquely equipped to handle your e-commerce needs. With our deep understanding of website management and inventory control systems, we guarantee smooth coordination of orders and stress-free dispatch via your online platform. By ensuring effective liaison with courier agencies, we'll always keep you - and your customers - updated regarding the fulfilment of orders. Our extended team standing strong at 50+ employees further enhances the accessibility to skilled professionals who would be available at your service thoroughly throughout the course. Our dedication lanes clear-cut for long-term commitment fostering fruitful working relationships. Choose RAM TECH for 100% productivity combined with reliable moxy, timely delivery and continual free quality assurance services along the way. We look forward to discussing how we can enable your business flourish through efficient eCommerce management!
₹27,500 INR in 30 days
0.0 (1 review)
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Hello, I have experience of over 6+ years of inventory management. I can share my resume and LinkedIn profile as well if required. I can handle inventory management for your firm. I can create templates which will showcase and forecast demand for future basis past sales. Do let me know if we can connect to discuss further. Regards, Chintan Shah
₹27,500 INR in 30 days
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Mumbai, India
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Member since Feb 25, 2024

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