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Training for Odoo -- 2

$115-200 HKD / hour

Posted almost 8 years ago

$115-200 HKD / hour

************************************************ ONSITE ONLY JOB BASED IN HONG KONG DO NOT APPLY IF NOT BASED IN HONG KONG this will save everyone's time ************************************************ Hello, Our company is going to change its ERP system to Odoo and we need an expert in Odoo to train our staff in Hong Kong and China (and assess the need for customisation) We are in the business of manufacturing and trading goods from China to Europe and US. We need to handle multiple currencies. I think 2-3 days of training are necessary for our staff to understand how Odoo works and find their way trough it. Travel to China (Zhongshan) is necessary for our China based staff. Chinese speaking is a plus. Training MUST BE ONSITE Thanks
Project ID: 10643372

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Active 8 yrs ago

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1 freelancer is bidding on average $116 HKD/hour for this job
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I am here to dedicate my time and energy to meet your needs - you will find me as the most flexible professional!
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Hong Kong
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Member since Dec 9, 2015

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