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MATLAB numerical method project (Approximation of Fucntion)

$30-250 USD

In Progress
Posted almost 6 years ago

$30-250 USD

Paid on delivery
My project is uploaded please check and tell me if you can finish this project in 12hours
Project ID: 17011130

About the project

7 proposals
Remote project
Active 6 yrs ago

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7 freelancers are bidding on average $101 USD for this job
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Dear sir. Nice to meet you. I am very interested in your project. I am mathmatics, matlab expert. Plz see my profile. I can do it in 12 hours and deliver it to you. I am waiting for your reply. Thanks.
$155 USD in 0 day
4.8 (99 reviews)
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A proposal has not yet been provided
$250 USD in 3 days
4.9 (115 reviews)
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hi i am engineer and can do your project in required time
$30 USD in 1 day
3.7 (12 reviews)
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Hi I am electric electronic engineer. I use MATLAB a lot in my works. I use MATLAB 2017b. I have knowledge about Least Square Estimation and approximation. Regards, Gokhan
$35 USD in 1 day
0.0 (0 reviews)

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Flag of POLAND
Warszawa, Poland
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Member since May 16, 2018

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