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Need native English

$10-50 AUD

Posted over 6 years ago

$10-50 AUD

Paid on delivery
Native english person want to do 6 min video for my book advertisement
Project ID: 15283833

About the project

7 proposals
Remote project
Active 7 yrs ago

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7 freelancers are bidding on average $40 AUD for this job
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. Relevant Skills and Experience . Proposed Milestones $30 AUD - .
$30 AUD in 2 days
5.0 (1 review)
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Give me one chance.I won't let you down..
$20 AUD in 2 days
0.0 (0 reviews)
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Hi there! Please let me advise the reason for my "15 days" for delivery. I am currently on holiday, away from my recording equipment. Therefore, I cannot work on this for you until 17th Oct if awarded the project. But I CAN do it within ONE DAY once I'm home again. Thanks for your consideration. :) Nicole
$100 AUD in 15 days
0.0 (0 reviews)
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I speak clear and concise British English and have very eloquent speech Relevant Skills and Experience Public speaking and radio experience in Asia Proposed Milestones $45 AUD - complete within 10 days
$45 AUD in 10 days
0.0 (0 reviews)
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I assure to treat your work respectfully and securely. I believe in quality and timely delivery. I keep clients well informed of the progress by emails.
$15 AUD in 2 days
0.0 (0 reviews)

About the client

Flag of INDIA
Gurdaspur, India
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Member since Sep 10, 2016

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