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RTMP Servers Setup and HLS setting for Livestreaming on Digital Ocean Server

₹1250-2500 INR / hour

Posted over 1 year ago

₹1250-2500 INR / hour

Required RTMP Servers setup person having prior experience in setting life streaming server for multiple real time live streaming. anyone with some additional software for management using api can also quote the additional prices. the server will be default installation on digital ocean VPS owith 32GB ram and 1TB storage
Project ID: 35540648

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8 proposals
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Active 1 yr ago

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8 freelancers are bidding on average ₹1,953 INR/hour for this job
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Hello I can help with the RTMP setup and configuration Please message me for further discussion hoping to hear from you thanks
₹1,875 INR in 40 days
4.9 (66 reviews)
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Hello there. I can set this up for you using nginx rtmp. Kindly contact me and we can discuss more about the project.
₹2,000 INR in 40 days
5.0 (11 reviews)
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Hi I am expert developing stream server, nginx, hls/rtmp, wowza...., already have several platform and apps related. Lets to discuss details about Regard
₹1,875 INR in 40 days
4.7 (3 reviews)
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I have worked with RTMP server setup at azure from RPi zero live stream and access stream on the android as well. Lets connect to discuss more about the project scope and requirement to build a solid solution for it in the chat.
₹1,875 INR in 40 days
0.0 (0 reviews)
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Hello. you're looking for an expert is me!!!
₹3,000 INR in 40 days
0.0 (0 reviews)

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New Delhi, India
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Member since Jan 30, 2022

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