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South African Voiceover for Short Animation

$30-250 USD

Posted 25 days ago

$30-250 USD

Paid on delivery
I'm seeking a talented voiceover artist who can bring a professional tone to three animated videos of less than one minute each. Key Requisites: - Accent and language: Predominant South African accent in English. - Tone: The voiceover needs to be delivered in a professional tone. - Experience: Prior experience with animated video will be a huge plus. Please share samples of previous work which closely resembles the mentioned requirements. Thank you!
Project ID: 38022908

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14 proposals
Remote project
Active 22 days ago

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14 freelancers are bidding on average $75 USD for this job
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I lived and worked in SA for many years . Can easily offer the accent - corporate or neutral accent or if required obvious accent
$200 USD in 2 days
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Hi..!! Hope you are doing very well. I will be veryy much honoured if i got this project. I will give my very best in doing my work affectionately. I can give you the guarantee of doing this work very perfectly. I can be your supporter and yeahhh a very good worker too. A passionate and ambitious women whos indulged in working affectionately. Fully blessed if i would get this chance . My work will definitely make you happy. Lets together do it and make it. This opportunity will give me a chance for a better achievements. Thank you hope for a better response
$140 USD in 7 days
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Thank you for considering me for the voiceover role. I have a South African accent (South African Male) and extensive experience delivering professional tones for animated videos. I understand the importance of maintaining a polished delivery. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to your project. I'll share samples of my previous work that align closely with your requirements. My prior experience with animated videos is indeed a valuable asset. It allows for a smoother understanding of pacing, timing, and synchronization with the visuals, enhancing the overall quality of the final product. Looking forward to your response! Regards Ian. Please let me know and ill send you some previous work.
$70 USD in 2 days
0.0 (0 reviews)

About the client

Pretoria, South Africa
Member since Apr 22, 2024

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