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I need help to edit my ebook cover designs for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

$30-5000 USD

Posted about 12 years ago

$30-5000 USD

Paid on delivery
I have 6 ebook covers that I have made for my ebooks that are going on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, using GIMP software. They all have similar layout - just different images/text. But when I upload them the image and text looks scrunched up and unattractive. I need it so that they look neat and professional in line with Amazon guidance <[login to view URL]> I have all the original images used, and the designs in JPEG and PSD. This should be a straightforward job for an experienced designer to edit all 6 ebook covers to make them look professional for Amazon Kindle Direct publishing. ## Deliverables See screenshot of current problem attached...
Project ID: 2719601

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Remote project
Active 12 yrs ago

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About the client

Portsmouth, United Kingdom
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Member since May 14, 2006

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