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$50 USD / hour
zagreb, croatia
$50 USD / hour
It's currently 12:48 PM here
Joined January 8, 2013
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Andrej S.


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$50 USD / hour
zagreb, croatia
$50 USD / hour
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Build your business in the digital world

We are a young and dynamic company with several IT specialists in various areas and years of experiencie in web application development as well as industrial sofware solutions. We have developed challenging projects for our clients where we have maintained high standards and that is the reason we do not take up jobs where we feel we have to compromise on the quality aspect.

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Chief Executibe Officer (CEO)

Jun 2011 - Present
- German-Croatian company with focus on new, advanced green technologies and industrial software development - Development of SCADA & PLC systems § Marketinng and Sales of the ACTA Technology - Web design, OnlineShops, Internet Marketing

Sales manager

MARUS-ATM d.o.o.
Nov 2007 - Jun 2011 (3 years, 7 months)
- Planing, Consulting, sales of equipment and Customer Support in the area of Industrial measurement of gases and fluids (temperature, preassure, flow, viscosity, humidity, density and level) - Project management of industrial plants - Developing and leading of internet marketing strategies and web design - Development of SCADA & PLC systems

Software developer

DaimlerChrysler AG
Oct 2006 - Nov 2007 (1 year, 1 month)
Development of a multi-language - PHP-generator for automated generation of HTML and XML pages for the Eclipse-based online help module. The pages will be automatically created in German, English and Japanese language in an Excel-file by use of a specification scheme.


Certificate as graduate in mechanical engineering

Universität Stuttgart, Germany 1991 - 1998
(7 years)

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us_eng_1.png US English 1 88%
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