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$50 USD / hour
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$50 USD / hour
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Joined August 22, 2018
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Dorottya B.


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$50 USD / hour
Flag of NORWAY
$50 USD / hour
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Business Professional & Strategist

Born in Hungary, and moved to the United States at three years of age. I am currently based in Norway, but travel internationally almost every two weeks within Europe and North America, which means I bounce between a few time zones. Humbly entrepreneurial at heart. I have worked as Editor-in-Chief within a small boutique firm in Miami from 2010-2012, then as a Real Estate Broker selling millions of dollars worth of high end homes in Miami from 2012-2018. I'm currently enrolled in the Harvard Extension School with a focus on writing and international business relations. Earlier this year, I received a certification in Harvard's Entrepreneurship Essentials program. In 2017, I moved to Bergen, Norway, and am in the process of launching an online venture aimed at helping entrepreneurial women from around the world. I'm looking to use my skills to help other individuals and businesses reach their goals.

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International Business Development Manager

Saunders Architecture
Jan 2018 - Apr 2018 (3 months, 1 day)
• Multitasked and met tight deadlines in a fast paced, high-energy environment. • Planned international business development itineraries with potential clients. • Organizing speaking events for CEO and interviews with local publications. • Traveled internationally every 2-3 weeks. • Orchestrated international travel itineraries. • Provided business growth strategies and consultation to make operations more efficient. • Worked within a small team of executives to ensure business organization.

Real Estate Broker

Compass & Metro 1 Properties
Jul 2012 - Dec 2017 (5 years, 5 months)
• Expert market researcher and analyzer of data. • Skilled lead and business generator. • Client and guest experience guru. • Managed a team of attorneys, vendors, interns and other associate brokers. • Negotiated in high-stress situations. • Experienced in pitching presentations to a vast spectrum of clientele. • Created e-newsletters to engage and educate network. • Used social media platforms to position myself as one of the top Realtors in Miami.


Hemisphere Destinations
Aug 2011 - Jun 2012 (10 months, 1 day)
• Spearheaded online platform creation, design and editorial initiative. • Head of digital presence, working in conjunction with Marketing Director. • Copywriter for website and marketing collateral. • Managed event production, set up/break down for events and direct liaison for vendors. • Conducted market analyses and studied the trends to help plan proper marketing strategies. • Worked with CEO to devise creative events for corporate clientele based on their missions.


Bachelor's (Currently Attending)

Harvard University, United States 2017 - 2018
(1 year)


University of South Florida, United States 2006 - 2008
(2 years)


Licensed Real Estate Broker

Miami Association of Realtors
Was a Real Estate Broker for six years.

Entrepreneurship Essentials

Harvard University
HBX Entrepreneurship Essentials is a 4-week, 20-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Entrepreneurship Essentials introduces participants to the entrepreneurial journey from finding an idea to gaining traction in the marketplace to raising capital for a venture. Participants learn an overarching framework—People, Opportunity, Context, Deal—to evaluate opportunities, mange start-ups, and finance ventures.

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