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$15 USD / hour
narayanganj, bangladesh
$15 USD / hour
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Joined July 1, 2023
1 Recommendation

Humaun K.


5.0 (10 reviews)
$15 USD / hour
narayanganj, bangladesh
$15 USD / hour
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Web Analyst| GTM| FB CAPI| Gads| GA4| SEO| Report

Hi there! I'm a skilled professional with expertise in various analytics and conversion tracking tools. With a deep understanding of Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Conversion API, and conversion tracking for platforms like Google, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn, I can help you make the most out of your website's data. Let's start with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As the latest version of Google Analytics, GA4 provides powerful insights into user behavior, website performance, and marketing campaigns. By implementing GA4, you'll have access to advanced features like cross-device tracking, enhanced reporting capabilities, and more accurate data analysis. I can assist you in setting up GA4 on your WordPress, Shopify, or custom-made website to unlock valuable insights and optimize your online presence. Additionally, I specialize in configuring Google Tag Manager (GTM) for efficient tag management and data tracking. GTM simplifies the process of adding and managing various tracking codes, allowing you to deploy tags, pixels, and scripts across your website without the need for manual coding. With GTM, you'll have greater control over your marketing tags, ensuring accurate data collection for conversion tracking purposes. Furthermore, I can integrate Facebook Conversion API into your website. This powerful tool allows you to send customer events directly to Facebook's server, enhancing the accuracy of your conversion tracking. By leveraging the Conversion API, you can optimize your Facebook campaigns and measure the true impact of your marketing efforts. To enable comprehensive conversion tracking, I can help you implement a robust data layer across your WordPress, Shopify, or custom-made website. A data layer acts as a bridge between your website and various tracking platforms, enabling seamless data transfer and accurate event tracking. By integrating the data layer effectively, you can track conversions across multiple platforms such as Google, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn, gaining valuable insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns. Whether you need assistance with Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Conversion API, or conversion tracking across different platforms, I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your website's data. With my expertise, you can make data-driven decisions, optimize your marketing strategies, and achieve your business goals.

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Showing 1 - 5 out of 10 reviews
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$20.00 CAD
Great job thanks for the help.
Google Adwords
Google Tag Management
Bing Ads
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Flag of Phillip W.
13 days ago
₹5,000.00 INR
very professional to work with. handled all the reqauirements smmothly and effeciently. pleasure to work with. will definitely be re-hiring him shortly on another project. very knowledgable
Google Analytics
Conversion Rate Optimization
Bing Ads
+1 more
Flag of Rajesh M.
25 days ago
$10.00 USD
perfect freelancer i will hire again
Google Analytics
Closed User
4 months ago
£25.00 GBP
He was very helpful, solved my google ads tracking problems, also was very patient with me. Thank you for all your help and I will recommend you to others
Google Analytics
Conversion Rate Optimization
Bing Ads
+1 more
Flag of Farida Z.
5 months ago
€60.00 EUR
Persona responsable y amable, abierta a cambios o modificaciones. Es profesional y sin duda, trabajaría con él de nuevo para algún proyecto a futuro.
Google Analytics
Google Tag Management
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Flag of Eugenio R.
6 months ago


Web analyst

Ad Venture company
Sep 2021 - Present
My current job is google analytics 4, google tag manager, google ads, facebook ads implementetion with website and setup full e-commerce tracking and server-side tracking with dynamic value.


Bachelor in arts

Bangladesh 2011 - 2015
(4 years)


Web analytics expert
I have completed Facebook ads mastery course, Facebook conversion API, Google ads Mastery course, Google analytics 4 Mastery on tracking and reporting, and conversion tracking on any kind of platforms.

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