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$8 USD / hour
Flag of BRAZIL
porto alegre, brazil
$8 USD / hour
It's currently 7:45 AM here
Joined October 4, 2016
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$8 USD / hour
Flag of BRAZIL
porto alegre, brazil
$8 USD / hour
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Jornalista / Journalist

Meu nome é Isabele Sonda. Sou formada em Comunicação Social e estou apta para trabalhar como jornalista de conteúdo multimídia. Eu também fico muito entusiasmada com os debates sobre ciência, medicina, engenharia e tecnologia. Vamos juntos aprimorar nossos conhecimentos! O que te surpreende no mundo? :) • Consultoria de Marca; • Planejamento de Comunicação; • Cronograma de Ações de Marketing; • Redação (Newsletters, Artigos, Boletins, Notícias, Releases, Reportagens); • Gravação de Áudios e de Vídeos (Vinhetas, Spots, Podcasts, Vídeos); • Gestão de Conteúdos Multimídia (Texto, Imagem, Áudio e Vídeo); • Gerenciamento de Redes Sociais; • Logística de Transmissão de Eventos; • Cobertura Fotográfica de Eventos; • Comunicação com Público-Alvo; • Análise de Resultados; • Gestão de Crise Midiática My name is Isabele Sonda. I have an academic degree in Social Communication and can work as a journalist for multimedia content. I also get enthusiastic about science, medicine, engineering, and technological debates. Let's improve our knowledge together! What surprises you in the world? :) • Brand Consulting; • Communication Planning; • Schedule of Marketing Actions; • Writing (Newsletters, Articles, Bulletins, News, Releases, Reports); • Audio and Video Recording (Vignettes, Spots, Podcasts, Videos); • Multimedia Content Management (Text, Image, Audio, and Video); • Social Media Management; • Events Transmission Logistics; • Photographic Coverage of Events; • Communication with the Target Audience; • Results analysis; • Media Crisis Management

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Journalistic Producer

Estação Ipanema FM 94.9 MHz of Grupo Band
Mar 2013 - Aug 2013 (5 months, 1 day)
• Responsible for the complete logistics of the radio station. • Responsible for assistance to radio presenters. • Responsible for the structuring of interviews. • Responsible for external events. • Responsible for sweepstakes. • Responsible for newsletters (once time for a month). • Responsible for articles. • Responsible for listener service.

Press Office / Public Relations Press Office / Public Relations

Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul
Nov 2012 - Feb 2013 (3 months, 1 day)
• Press officer for justice professionals at the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul. • Responsible for assisting in planning public speeches, interviews, and press conferences. • Responsible for news updates on the official website. • Responsible for maintaining the results.

Multimedia Journalist

Rádio Triunfo Concepa of Triunfo Concepa
Aug 2011 - Nov 2012 (1 year, 3 months)
• Journalist presenter for the radio program "Fim de Tarde". • Journalist presenter for the radio program "Sintonia Free Way". • Responsible for reporting the context of road traffic in the Rio Grande do Sul. • Responsible for newsletters, articles, and bulletins. • Responsible for vignettes and spots.


Academic Degree in Social Communication / Graduação em Comunicação Social

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2009 - 2013
(4 years)


Digital Marketing

Alfamidia Educação Profissional
Digital Marketing.

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