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$5 USD / hour
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bhopal, india
$5 USD / hour
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Joined July 23, 2017
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Ashi V.


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$5 USD / hour
Flag of INDIA
bhopal, india
$5 USD / hour
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Content Writer

Passionate about writing, expert in digital marketing and content writing. Always ready to learn new things and accept challenges

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Sr. Content Writer

Magnet Brains
Oct 2015 - Present
Digital Marketing Manager | Content Creator for YouTube Channel & Multiple Websites | Video Editor | On + Off Page SEO | Trainer | Reviewer | SMM | Product Manager | Promotional Email Handle | Affiliate Manager | Revenue & Sales Tracking |Email Marketer (8.6 Yrs Exp)


Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, India 2011 - 2015
(4 years)

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