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$40 USD / hour
radvois, macedonia
$40 USD / hour
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Joined March 28, 2022
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Stefan A.


5.0 (1 review)
$40 USD / hour
radvois, macedonia
$40 USD / hour
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Full Stack Development || Shopify Expert

About Stefan "Stefan is a professional developer who specializes in Full Stack Development" Over the last 6 years, I have been involved in the development of a wide range of Web, Web App, App, Software development. I also have working experience on Zoho, WHMCS, Salesforce, Vtiger, Sugar, Infusionsoft, Dynamics 365 CRM development. Just an FYI, I had worked for 2 years with US partner Blue Stout, which is a great E-commerce dev company. I can build your shopify with the requirements asap and perfectly. My focus is always on providing a meaningful and practical solution that works towards a goal for the client. I feel proud to tell you that I have created a lot of sites for the top brands around the world. My development skills include: > E-commerce: WordPress,Bigcommerce, Bigcommerce theme, WooCommerce website development, WordPress theme & plugin development, Shopify, Magento, Squarespace, Shopify theme & plugin customization, Shopify custom theme development,SEO optimization, etc. > Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery/jQueryUI, Vue|Vuex, SASS, SCSS LESS, React|Redux, PSD to code with 100% pixel perfection and mobile-friendliness > Back-End: PHP(Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony2, Yii & Yii2), Javascript( Node.js, Express.js), Python(Django) > Database: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL > Auxiliary: Github, ActiveCollab, Asana, Jira, Trello > APIs(OAuth, social APIs, various third-party APIs): Testing(Mocha, Chai, PHPUnit), DevOps(Docker,AWS, Azure), Code Style(Airbnb, PSR-2) > Mobile App development:- Android( Java, Kotlin), iOS( Swift, Objective C), React Native, Flutter, etc > SEO( Keyword research, website Audit, On-Page SEO, SMM) Overall I will provide you with the solution that you needed, so let's get started with the work, I will deliver you the results. I look forward to having a great, successful, and rewarding relationship with you. If you are looking to work with someone who is professional, resourceful, reliable, responsive, flexible, and does not compromise on quality - then let's contact to me immediately Thanks.

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$75.00 AUD
Stefan was very helpful and I would not hesitate to work with him again.
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Google Apps Scripts
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Flag of Kurt J.
2 years ago


Ecommerce Consultant

Oct 2019 - Apr 2021 (1 year, 6 months)
BlueStout is an excellent Ecommerce Dev Company. I had worked for about 2 years at this company. I have completed lots of Ecommerce projects there so I have rich experiences with Ecommerce platform. These are some stores which I had completed at Bluestout.


Bachelor of Computer science

University American College Skopje, Macedonia 2015 - 2019
(4 years)

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