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Hired freelancer is unable to start work on the project

If your freelancer is unable to proceed with your project, it is best to communicate with them first. Discuss their reasons for being unable to continue, especially if changes were made to the project scope after they accepted the award.


Here are your options if the project cannot be started by your chosen freelancer:


    ● Award another freelancer from your list of existing bidders.


    ● Repost the project to receive a new set of bidders you can choose from. You can take advantage of our Recruiter Service if you need help in selecting the right freelancer. Our Project Recruiters can help connect you to the best freelancer who may also be one of our Preferred Freelancers.


    ● Mark the project as Incomplete to end the project. Incomplete projects affect a freelancer’s Completion Rate, so this is only recommended if both parties already tried resolving issues regarding the project.


    ● Cancel the project if you no longer wish/need to have it completed. Doing this will also affect your freelancer's Completion Rate.



Freelancers agreeing to work on a project they lack the level of expertise for violate our Code of Conduct. You may report freelancers who commit this infraction for investigation and corrective action.


You may read here for some tips in choosing the best freelancer for your project.

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